AIDA | |
antilightions | |
BoundingBox | |
CexmcPrivate | |
CexmcBasePhysicsInstance | |
CexmcBasePhysicsInstance< FTFP_BERT > | |
cheprep | |
AbstractXMLWriter | |
BHepRepWriter | |
DefaultHepRep | |
DefaultHepRepAction | |
DefaultHepRepAttDef | |
DefaultHepRepAttribute | |
DefaultHepRepAttValue | |
DefaultHepRepDefinition | |
DefaultHepRepFactory | |
DefaultHepRepInstance | |
DefaultHepRepInstanceTree | |
DefaultHepRepPoint | |
DefaultHepRepTreeID | |
DefaultHepRepType | |
DefaultHepRepTypeTree | |
DeflateOutputStreamBuffer | |
GZIPOutputStream | |
GZIPOutputStreamBuffer | |
IndentPrintWriter | |
XMLHepRepFactory | |
XMLHepRepWriter | |
XMLWriter | |
ZipEntry | |
ZipOutputStream | |
ZipOutputStreamBuffer | |
detail | |
do_right_shift< n, false > | |
DoubConvException | |
DoubConv | |
DB8 | |
DualRand | |
IntegerCong | |
Tausworthe | |
EngineFactory | |
HepJamesRandom | |
MixMaxRng | |
rng_state_st | |
MTwistEngine | |
NonRandomEngine | |
RandBinomial | |
RandBit | |
RandBreitWigner | |
RandChiSquare | |
RandExponential | |
RandExpZiggurat | |
RandFlat | |
RandGamma | |
RandGauss | |
RandGaussQ | |
RandGaussZiggurat | |
RandGeneral | |
RandLandau | |
HepRandom | |
HepRandomEngine | |
RandPoisson | |
RandPoissonQ | |
RandStudentT | |
RanecuEngine | |
Ranlux64Engine | |
RanluxEngine | |
RanshiEngine | |
HepStat | |
StaticRandomStates | |
do_nothing_deleter | |
noncopyable | |
HepAxisAngle | |
HepBoost | |
HepBoostX | |
HepBoostY | |
HepBoostZ | |
HepEulerAngles | |
HepLorentzRotation | |
HepLorentzRotation_row | |
HepLorentzVector | |
Tcomponent | |
HepRotation | |
HepRotation_row | |
Hep4RotationInterface | |
Hep3RotationInterface | |
HepRep3x3 | |
HepRep4x4 | |
HepRep4x4Symmetric | |
HepRotationX | |
HepRotationY | |
HepRotationZ | |
Hep3Vector | |
Hep2Vector | |
CompileTimeConstraints | |
IsA | |
DNA | |
Penetration | |
Meesungnoen2002 | |
Terrisol1990 | |
Ritchie1994 | |
field_utils | |
FilterMode | |
G4AblaRandom | |
G4Accumulables | |
g4alt | |
G4PhysListFactory | |
G4Analysis | |
G4ArrayOps | |
G4AttDefStore | |
G4AttFilterUtils | |
G4AttUtils | |
G4AutoDelete | |
G4ConversionUtils | |
G4coutFormatters | |
ID | |
G4Csv | |
G4DimensionedTypeUtils | |
HasName | |
G4DNA | |
Command | |
CommandWithOption | |
CommandLineParser | |
G4ExpConsts | |
ieee754 | |
G4FastPathHadronicCrossSection | |
fastPathEntry | |
cycleCountEntry | |
timing | |
getCrossSectionCount | |
G4CrossSectionDataStore_Key_Hash | |
G4CrossSectionDataStore_Key_EqualTo | |
fastPathRequestConfig_t | |
fastPathRequestConfig_Less | |
controlFlag | |
fastPathParameters | |
G4FFGDefaultValues | |
G4FFGEnumerations | |
G4HadSignalHandler_local | |
G4Hdf5 | |
G4INCL | |
ClusterDecay | Namespace for functions that handle decay of unstable clusters |
Clustering | Cluster formation |
CoulombDistortion | |
CrossSections | |
DeJongSpin | |
DeuteronDensity | Static class for the deuteron density |
HFB | |
IntersectionFactory | |
KinematicsUtils | |
Logger | |
Math | |
NuclearDensityFactory | |
NuclearDensityFunctions | |
GaussianRP | |
Gaussian | |
HardSphere | |
ModifiedHarmonicOscillatorRP | |
ModifiedHarmonicOscillator | |
ParisR | |
ParisP | |
WoodsSaxonRP | |
WoodsSaxon | |
NuclearPotential | |
INuclearPotential | |
NuclearPotentialConstant | |
NuclearPotentialEnergyIsospin | |
NuclearPotentialEnergyIsospinSmooth | |
NuclearPotentialIsospin | |
ParticleConfig | |
ParticleTable | |
Pauli | Pauli blocking |
PhaseSpaceGenerator | |
PhysicalConstants | |
Random | |
Adapter | |
SeedVector | |
RootFinder | |
Solution | |
AvatarDumpAction | |
BinaryCollisionAvatar | |
INCL | |
RecoilCMFunctor | Class to adjust remnant recoil in the reaction CM system |
RecoilFunctor | Class to adjust remnant recoil |
CascadeAction | |
CDPP | |
Cluster | |
ConsideredPartner | Container for the relevant information |
ClusteringModelIntercomparison | Cluster coalescence algorithm used in the IAEA intercomparison |
SortedNucleonConfiguration | Class for storing and comparing sorted nucleon configurations |
ClusteringModelNone | |
ConstantRandom | |
CoulombNone | |
CoulombNonRelativistic | |
CrossSectionsINCL46 | Cross sections used in INCL4.6 |
CrossSectionsMultiPions | Cross sections used in INCL Multipions |
CrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances | Multipion and mesonic Resonances cross sections |
CrossSectionsStrangeness | Multipion, mesonic Resonances and strange cross sections |
CrossSectionsTruncatedMultiPions | Truncated multipion cross sections |
DecayAvatar | |
DeltaDecayChannel | |
DeltaProductionChannel | |
ElasticChannel | |
EtaNElasticChannel | |
EtaNToPiNChannel | |
EtaNToPiPiNChannel | |
IClusteringModel | |
ICoulomb | |
ICrossSections | Abstract interface for the cross-section classes |
InteractionAvatar | |
ViolationEEnergyFunctor | RootFunctor-derived object for enforcing energy conservation in delta production |
ViolationEMomentumFunctor | RootFunctor-derived object for enforcing energy conservation in N-N |
IPauli | |
IPhaseSpaceGenerator | Abstract interface for the phase-space generators |
IPropagationModel | |
NDeltaEtaProductionChannel | |
NDeltaOmegaProductionChannel | |
NDeltaToDeltaLKChannel | |
NDeltaToDeltaSKChannel | |
NDeltaToNLKChannel | |
NDeltaToNNKKbChannel | |
NDeltaToNSKChannel | |
NeutralKaonDecayChannel | |
NKbElasticChannel | |
NKbToL2piChannel | |
NKbToLpiChannel | |
NKbToNKb2piChannel | |
NKbToNKbChannel | |
NKbToNKbpiChannel | |
NKbToS2piChannel | |
NKbToSpiChannel | |
NKElasticChannel | |
NKToNK2piChannel | |
NKToNKChannel | |
NKToNKpiChannel | |
NLToNSChannel | |
NNEtaToMultiPionsChannel | |
NNOmegaToMultiPionsChannel | |
NNToMissingStrangenessChannel | |
NNToMultiPionsChannel | |
NNToNLK2piChannel | |
NNToNLKChannel | |
NNToNLKpiChannel | |
NNToNNEtaChannel | |
NNToNNKKbChannel | |
NNToNNOmegaChannel | |
NNToNSK2piChannel | |
NNToNSKChannel | |
NNToNSKpiChannel | |
NpiToLK2piChannel | |
NpiToLKChannel | |
NpiToLKpiChannel | |
NpiToMissingStrangenessChannel | |
NpiToNKKbChannel | |
NpiToSK2piChannel | |
NpiToSKChannel | |
NpiToSKpiChannel | |
NSToNLChannel | |
NSToNSChannel | |
NuclearDensity | |
Nucleus | |
ConservationBalance | Struct for conservation laws |
NYElasticChannel | |
OmegaNElasticChannel | |
OmegaNToPiNChannel | |
OmegaNToPiPiNChannel | |
ParticleEntryAvatar | |
ParticleEntryChannel | |
ParticleSampler | |
PauliGlobal | |
PauliStandard | |
PauliStrict | |
PauliStrictStandard | |
PhaseSpaceKopylov | Generate momenta using the Kopylov method |
PhaseSpaceRauboldLynch | Generate momenta using the RauboldLynch method |
PiNElasticChannel | |
PiNToDeltaChannel | |
PiNToEtaChannel | |
PiNToMultiPionsChannel | |
PiNToOmegaChannel | |
PionResonanceDecayChannel | |
ProjectileRemnant | |
RecombinationChannel | |
ReflectionChannel | |
SigmaZeroDecayChannel | |
StandardPropagationModel | |
Store | |
StrangeAbsorbtionChannel | |
SurfaceAvatar | |
TransmissionChannel | |
BystrickyEvaluator | |
AllocationPool | |
Book | |
Config | |
EventInfo | |
FinalState | |
Geant4RandomGenerator | |
GlobalInfo | |
HornerCoefficients | |
HornerC1 | |
HornerC2 | |
HornerC3 | |
HornerC4 | |
HornerC5 | |
HornerC6 | |
HornerC7 | |
HornerC8 | |
HornerEvaluator | |
HornerEvaluator< 1 > | |
IAvatar | |
IChannel | |
IFunction1D | |
InterpolationNode | Interpolation node |
InterpolationTable | Class for interpolating the of a 1-dimensional function |
Intersection | Intersection-point structure |
InvFInterpolationTable | Class for interpolating the inverse of a 1-dimensional function |
IRandomGenerator | |
Isotope | Holds an isotope and an abundance |
IsotopicDistribution | Class that stores isotopic abundances for a given element |
NaturalIsotopicDistributions | Class that stores isotopic abundances for a given element |
ParticleList | |
Particle | |
ParticleSpecies | |
Ranecu | |
Ranecu3 | Extended Ranecu-type RNG class |
RootFunctor | |
ThreeVector | |
UnorderedVector | |
G4InuclParticleNames | |
G4InuclSpecialFunctions | |
paraMaker | |
G4ITMN | { Class description: |
G4LogConsts | |
ieee754 | |
G4MemStat | |
MemStat | |
G4ModelCommandUtils | |
G4mpi | |
G4NavigationLogger_Namespace | |
G4PhononPolarization | |
G4PhysChemIO | |
FormattedText | |
G4Analysis | |
G4Root | |
G4ThisThread | |
G4Threading | |
G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils | |
G4Xml | |
HepGeom | |
BasicVector3D | |
Normal3D | |
Normal3D< float > | |
Normal3D< double > | |
Plane3D | |
Point3D | |
Point3D< float > | |
Point3D< double > | |
Vector3D | |
Transform3D | |
Transform3D_row | |
Rotate3D | |
RotateX3D | |
RotateY3D | |
RotateZ3D | |
Translate3D | |
TranslateX3D | |
TranslateY3D | |
TranslateZ3D | |
Reflect3D | |
ReflectX3D | |
ReflectY3D | |
ReflectZ3D | |
Scale3D | |
ScaleX3D | |
ScaleY3D | |
ScaleZ3D | |
Vector3D< float > | |
Vector3D< double > | |
HasHepRep | |
HepRep | |
HepRepAction | |
HepRepAttDef | |
HepRepAttribute | |
HepRepAttributeListener | |
HepRepAttValue | |
HepRepConstants | |
HepRepDefinition | |
HepRepFactory | |
HepRepFrameListener | |
HepRepInstance | |
HepRepInstanceTree | |
HepRepIterator | |
HepRepPoint | |
HepRepReader | |
HepRepSelectFilter | |
HepRepTreeID | |
HepRepType | |
HepRepTypeTree | |
HepRepViewer | |
HepRepWriter | |
HepTool | |
Evaluator | |
JA | |
Node | |
lightions | |
pyEMSTDpl | |
pyExN01pl | |
pyExN03geom | |
pyEZgeom | |
pyG4Box | |
pyG4ChordFinder | |
pyG4Cons | |
pyG4Element | |
pyG4Ellipsoid | |
pyG4EllipticalCone | |
pyG4EllipticalTube | |
pyG4EmCalculator | |
pyG4Event | |
pyG4Exception | |
pyG4FieldManager | |
pyG4GeometryManager | |
pyG4Hype | |
pyG4Isotope | |
pyG4LogicalVolume | |
pyG4MagneticField | |
CB_PyG4MagneticField | |
pyG4Material | |
pyG4Orb | |
pyG4Para | |
pyG4ParticleGun | |
pyG4ParticleTable | |
pyG4Polycone | |
pyG4Polyhedra | |
pyG4PrimaryVertex | |
pyG4ProcessManager | |
pyG4ProcessTable | |
pyG4ProcVector | |
pyG4PVPlacement | |
pyG4RandomDirection | |
pyG4RotationMatrix | |
pyG4RunManager | |
pyG4RunManagerKernel | |
pyG4Sphere | |
pyG4StackManager | |
pyG4Tet | |
pyG4ThreeVector | |
pyG4Torus | |
pyG4Trap | |
pyG4Trd | |
pyG4Tubs | |
pyG4TwistedBox | |
pyG4TwistedTrap | |
pyG4TwistedTrd | |
pyG4TwistedTubs | |
pyG4TwoVector | |
pyG4UIcommand | |
pyG4UIcommandTree | |
pyG4UImanager | |
pyG4UIterminal | |
pyG4UserStackingAction | |
CB_G4UserStackingAction | |
pyG4VCrossSectionHandler | |
pyG4VisAttributes | |
pyG4VisManager | |
pyG4VModularPhysicsList | |
CB_G4VModularPhysicsList | |
pyG4VPhysicalVolume | |
pyG4VPhysicsConstructor | |
CB_G4VPhysicsConstructor | |
pyG4VProcess | |
pyG4VSensitiveDetector | |
CB_G4VSensitiveDetector | |
pyG4VTouchable | |
pyG4VUserDetectorConstruction | |
CB_G4VUserDetectorConstruction | |
pyG4VUserPhysicsList | |
CB_G4VUserPhysicsList | |
pyG4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
CB_G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
pyglobals | |
pyMedicalBeam | |
pyParticleGun | |
pyPhysicsLists | |
pyQgeom | |
pyRandomize | |
tools | |
aida | |
histo | |
rroot | |
wroot | |
UIhelpers | |
windef | |
Wt | |
__1DSortOut | |
sortOutNDim | |
_ListRef | |
_MPI_Status | To pass h2mpi, hs2mpi ///////////////////////////////////// |
accumulated_histogram | An interpolating_function_p which is the cumulative integral of a histogram.Note than binedges should be one element longer than binheights, since the lower & upper edges are specified. Note that this is a malformed spline, since the second derivatives are all zero, so it has less continuity. Also, note that the bin edges can be given in backwards order to generate the reversed accumulation (starting at the high end) |
AClass | |
ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
Analysis | |
AnalysisManager | |
arrhenius_interpolating_function_p | A spline with X in reciprocal space and Y transformed in log space.Most useful for thermodynamic types of data where Y is roughly A*exp(-B/x). Typical examples are reaction rate data, and thermistor calibration data |
Atom | Atom Class |
attribute_id | |
B01ActionInitialization | |
B01DetectorConstruction | |
B01PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
B01Run | |
B01RunAction | |
B02ActionInitialization | |
B02DetectorConstruction | |
B02ImportanceDetectorConstruction | |
B02PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
B02PVolumeStore | |
B02Run | |
B02RunAction | |
B03ActionInitialization | |
B03DetectorConstruction | |
B03ImportanceDetectorConstruction | |
B03PhysicsList | |
B03PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
B03PVolumeStore | |
B03Run | |
B03RunAction | |
B1ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
B1ConActionInitialization | |
B1ConRun | |
B1ConRunAction | |
B1DetectorConstruction | Detector construction class to define materials and geometry |
B1EventAction | |
B1PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
B1Run | |
B1RunAction | |
B1SteppingAction | |
B2ActionInitialization | |
B2aDetectorConstruction | |
B2aDetectorMessenger | |
B2bChamberParameterisation | |
B2bDetectorConstruction | |
B2bDetectorMessenger | |
B2EventAction | Event action class |
B2PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
B2RunAction | Run action class |
B2TrackerHit | |
B2TrackerSD | |
B3aActionInitialization | |
B3aEventAction | |
B3aRunAction | Run action class |
B3bActionInitialization | |
B3bRun | |
B3bRunAction | Run action class |
B3DetectorConstruction | |
B3PhysicsList | |
B3PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
B3StackingAction | |
B4aActionInitialization | |
B4aEventAction | |
B4aSteppingAction | |
B4bActionInitialization | |
B4bEventAction | |
B4bRunAction | |
B4bRunData | |
B4bSteppingAction | |
B4cActionInitialization | |
B4cCalorHit | |
B4cCalorimeterSD | |
B4cDetectorConstruction | |
B4cEventAction | |
B4dActionInitialization | |
B4dDetectorConstruction | |
B4DetectorConstruction | |
B4dEventAction | |
B4PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
B4RunAction | |
B5ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
B5CellParameterisation | EM Calorimeter cell parameterisation |
B5DetectorConstruction | Detector construction |
B5DriftChamberHit | |
B5DriftChamberSD | Drift chamber sensitive detector |
B5EmCalorimeterHit | |
B5EmCalorimeterSD | EM calorimeter sensitive detector |
B5EventAction | Event action |
B5HadCalorimeterHit | |
B5HadCalorimeterSD | Hadron calorimeter sensitive detector |
B5HodoscopeHit | |
B5HodoscopeSD | Hodoscope sensitive detector |
B5MagneticField | Magnetic field |
B5PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
B5RunAction | Run action class |
Barycenter | Molecule Class |
BClass | |
binding | |
block | |
BrachyActionInitialization | |
BrachyAnalysisManager | |
BrachyDetectorConstruction | |
BrachyDetectorConstructionFlexi | |
BrachyDetectorConstructionI | |
BrachyDetectorConstructionLeipzig | |
BrachyDetectorConstructionTG186 | |
BrachyDetectorMessenger | |
BrachyFactory | |
BrachyFactoryFlexi | |
BrachyFactoryI | |
BrachyFactoryLeipzig | |
BrachyFactoryTG186 | |
BrachyMaterial | |
BrachyPhysicsList | |
BrachyPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
BrachyRunAction | |
BrachySteppingAction | |
BrachyUserScoreWriter | |
c2_arrhenius_function_transformation | Transformation of a function in and out of Arrhenius (1/x vs. log(y)) space |
c2_binary_function | |
c2_cached_function_p | A container into which any other c2_function can be dropped.It allows a function to be pre-evaluated at a point, and used at multiple places in an expression efficiently. If it is re-evaluated at the previous point, it returns the remembered values; otherwise, it re-evauates the function at the new point |
c2_classic_function_p | Container into which any conventional c-style function can be dropped, to create a degenerate c2_function without derivatives. Mostly useful for sampling into interpolating functions. construct a reference to this with c2_classic_function() |
c2_composed_function_p | |
c2_connector_function_p | Create a c2_function which smoothly connects two other c2_functions.This takes two points and generates a polynomial which matches two c2_function arguments at those two points, with two derivatives at each point, and an arbitrary value at the center of the region. It is useful for splicing together functions over rough spots (0/0, for example) |
c2_const_plugin_function_p | |
c2_const_ptr | Create a container for a c2_function which handles the reference counting. It is useful as a smart container to hold a c2_function and keep the reference count correct. The recommended way for a class to store a c2_function which is handed in from the outside is for it to have a c2_ptr member into which the passed-in function is stored. This way, when the class instance is deleted, it will automatically dereference any function which it was handed |
c2_constant_p | C2_function which is constantThe factory function c2_factory::constant() creates *new c2_constant_p() |
c2_cos_p | Compute cos(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::cos() creates *new c2_cos_p |
c2_diff_p | |
c2_exception | Exception class for c2_function operations |
c2_exp_p | Compute exp(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::exp() creates *new c2_exp_p |
c2_factory | Factory of pre-templated c2_function generators |
c2_fblock | Structure used to hold evaluated function data at a point |
c2_function | Parent class for all c2_functions.c2_functions know their value, first, and second derivative at almost every point. They can be efficiently combined with binary operators, via c2_binary_function, composed via c2_composed_function_, have their roots found via find_root(), and be adaptively integrated via partial_integrals() or integral(). They also can carry information with them about how to find 'interesting' points on the function. This information is set with set_sampling_grid() and extracted with get_sampling_grid() |
c2_integrate_recur | Structure used to pass information recursively in integrator |
c2_root_info | Structure used to hold root bracketing information |
c2_sample_recur | Structure used to pass information recursively in sampler |
recur_item | Data element for the internal recursion stack for the sampler and integrator |
c2_function_transformation | Transformation of a function in and out of a coordinate space, using 2 c2_transformations |
c2_identity_p | Compute x with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::identity() creates *new c2_identity_p |
c2_inverse_function_p | Create the formal inverse function of another functionfor example, given a c2_function f |
c2_lin_lin_function_transformation | Transformation of a function in and out of lin-lin space |
c2_lin_log_function_transformation | Transformation of a function in and out of lin-log space |
c2_linear_p | Create a linear mapping of another functionfor example, given a c2_function f |
c2_log_lin_function_transformation | Transformation of a function in and out of log-lin space |
c2_log_log_function_transformation | Transformation of a function in and out of log-log space |
c2_log_p | Compute log(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::log() creates *new c2_log_p |
c2_piecewise_function_p | Create a c2_function which is a piecewise assembly of other c2_functions.The functions must have increasing, non-overlapping domains. Any empty space between functions will be filled with a linear interpolation |
c2_plugin_function_p | |
c2_power_law_p | Create a power law mapping of another functionfor example, given a c2_function f |
c2_product_p | Create a c2_function which is the product of two other c2_functions.This should always be constructed using c2_function::operator*() |
c2_ptr | |
c2_quadratic_p | Create a quadratic mapping of another functionfor example, given a c2_function f |
c2_ratio_p | Create a c2_function which is the ratio of two other c2_functions.This should always be constructed using c2_function::operator/() |
c2_recip_p | Compute scale/x with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::recip() creates *new c2_recip_p |
c2_scaled_function_p | |
c2_sin_p | Compute sin(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::sin() creates *new c2_sin_p |
c2_sqrt_p | Compute sqrt(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::sqrt() creates *new c2_sqrt_p() |
c2_sum_p | |
c2_tan_p | Compute tan(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::tan() creates *new c2_tan_p |
c2_transformation | Transformation of a coordinate, including an inverse |
c2_transformation_linear | Identity transform |
c2_transformation_log | Log axis transform |
c2_transformation_recip | Reciprocal axis transform |
c2_typed_ptr | |
cacheEl_t | |
CacheValue | |
Call | |
CanvasInTab | |
CB_G4UserEventAction | |
CB_G4UserRunAction | |
CB_G4UserSteppingAction | |
CB_G4UserTrackingAction | |
CB_XBase | |
CCalActionInitializer | |
CCalAMaterial | |
CCalDataSet | |
CCalDetector | |
CCalDetectorConstruction | |
CCalEcal | |
CCalEcalOrganization | |
CCalEventAction | |
CCalG4Able | |
CCalG4Ecal | |
CCalG4Hall | |
CCalG4Hcal | |
CCalG4Hit | |
CCalGeometryConfiguration | |
GCInfo | |
CCalHall | |
CCalHcal | |
CCalHcalOrganization | |
CCalHit | |
CCalMagneticField | |
CCalMaterial | |
CCalMaterialFactory | |
CCaloOrganization | |
CCaloSD | |
CCalPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
CCalPrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
CCalRotationMatrixFactory | |
CCalRunAction | |
CCalSDList | |
CCalSensAssign | |
CCalSensitiveConfiguration | |
GCInfo | |
CCalSensitiveDetectors | |
CCalStackingAction | |
CCalSteppingAction | |
CCalVisualisable | |
visParameters | |
CCalVOrganization | |
cchijingbveg1 | |
cchijinghijcrdn | |
cchijinghijdat | |
cchijinghijjet1 | |
cchijinghijjet2 | |
cchijinghijjet4 | |
cchijinghimain1 | |
cchijinghimain2 | |
cchijinghiparnt | |
cchijinghipyint | |
cchijinghistrng | |
cchijingranseed | |
cchijingseedvax | |
ccurqmd13aios | |
ccurqmd13boxic | |
ccurqmd13boxrc | |
ccurqmd13brwignorm | |
ccurqmd13cgks | |
ccurqmd13colltab | |
ccurqmd13comseed | |
ccurqmd13const | |
ccurqmd13coor | |
ccurqmd13coparm | |
ccurqmd13cuts | |
ccurqmd13decaywidth | |
ccurqmd13energies | |
ccurqmd13factorials | |
ccurqmd13ffermi | |
ccurqmd13fnewpart | |
ccurqmd13frag | |
ccurqmd13frcoor | |
ccurqmd13FRGCPA | |
ccurqmd13FRGSPA | |
ccurqmd13inewpart | |
ccurqmd13ini | |
ccurqmd13input2 | |
ccurqmd13inputs | |
ccurqmd13isys | |
ccurqmd13itdelay | |
ccurqmd13logic | |
ccurqmd13loptions | |
ccurqmd13mdprop | |
ccurqmd13normsplin | |
ccurqmd13options | |
ccurqmd13optstrings | |
ccurqmd13peq | |
ccurqmd13pots | |
ccurqmd13protarints | |
ccurqmd13protarreals | |
ccurqmd13resonances | |
ccurqmd13rnewpart | |
ccurqmd13rsys | |
ccurqmd13rtdelay | |
ccurqmd13scoor | |
ccurqmd13sigtabi | |
ccurqmd13sigtabr | |
ccurqmd13sisys | |
ccurqmd13spdata | |
ccurqmd13ssys | |
ccurqmd13stables | |
ccurqmd13svinfo | |
ccurqmd13sys | |
ccurqmd13tabnames | |
ccurqmd13urqmdparams | |
ccurqmd13values | |
ccurqmd13versioning | |
ccurqmd13xsections | |
CellParameterisation | |
CexmcAngularRange | |
CexmcChargeExchangeProductionModel | |
CexmcChargeExchangeReconstructor | |
CexmcChargeExchangeReconstructorMessenger | |
CexmcCmdLineData | |
CexmcEnergyDepositDigitizer | |
CexmcEnergyDepositDigitizerMessenger | |
CexmcEnergyDepositInCalorimeter | |
CexmcEnergyDepositInLeftRightSet | |
CexmcEnergyDepositStore | |
CexmcEventAction | |
CexmcEventActionMessenger | |
CexmcEventInfo | |
CexmcException | |
CexmcFakeCrossSectionData | |
CexmcHadronicPhysics | |
CexmcHadronicProcess | |
CexmcIncidentParticleTrackInfo | |
CexmcMessenger | |
CexmcParticleGun | |
CexmcParticleGunMessenger | |
CexmcPhaseSpaceGenerator | |
CexmcPhaseSpaceOutVectorElement | |
CexmcPhysicsList | |
CexmcPhysicsManager | |
CexmcPhysicsManagerMessenger | |
CexmcPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
CexmcPrimaryGeneratorActionMessenger | |
CexmcPrimitiveScorer | |
CexmcProductionModel | |
CexmcProductionModelData | |
CexmcProductionModelFactory | |
CexmcProductionModelMessenger | |
CexmcReconstructor | |
CexmcReconstructorMessenger | |
CexmcReimplementedGenbod | |
CexmcRun | |
CexmcRunAction | |
CexmcRunManager | |
CexmcRunManagerMessenger | |
CexmcScenePrimitives | |
CexmcRadialLine | |
CexmcScenePrimitivesMessenger | |
CexmcSensitiveDetectorMessenger | |
CexmcSetup | |
CalorimeterGeometryData | |
CexmcSimpleEnergyDeposit | |
CexmcSimpleRangeWithValue | |
CexmcSteppingAction | |
CexmcStudiedPhysics | |
CexmcStudiedProcess | |
CexmcTrackInfo | |
CexmcTrackingAction | |
CexmcTrackPointInfo | |
CexmcTrackPoints | |
CexmcTrackPointsDigitizer | |
CexmcTrackPointsFilter | |
CexmcTrackPointsInCalorimeter | |
CexmcTrackPointsInLeftRightSet | |
CexmcTrackPointsStore | |
CheckVolumeSD | |
ChromosomeParameterisation | |
CLibSymbolInfo | |
ClusteringAlgo | |
ClusteringAlgoMessenger | |
ClusterSBPoints | Define a cluster of SB Points |
CML2Acc1 | |
CML2Acc1Messenger | |
CML2AcceleratorConstruction | |
CML2AcceleratorConstructionMessenger | |
CML2CInputData | |
CML2Convergence | |
CML2DummySD | |
CML2EventAction | |
CML2ExpVoxels | |
CML2MainMessenger | |
CML2Ph_BoxInBox | |
CML2Ph_FullWater | |
CML2PhantomConstruction | |
CML2PhantomConstructionMessenger | |
CML2PhaseSpaces | |
CML2PrimaryGenerationAction | |
CML2PrimaryGenerationActionMessenger | |
CML2ReadOutGeometry | |
CML2RunAction | |
CML2SDWithParticle | |
CML2SDWithVoxels | |
CML2SteppingAction | |
CML2TrackingAction | |
CML2WorldConstruction | |
code | |
Collimator100BeamLine | |
Collimator100BeamLineMessenger | |
Collimator40BeamLine | |
Collimator40BeamLineMessenger | |
Collimator50BeamLine | |
Collimator50BeamLineMessenger | |
Collimator60BeamLine | |
Collimator60BeamLineMessenger | |
Collimator70BeamLine | |
Collimator70BeamLineMessenger | |
Collimator80BeamLine | |
Collimator80BeamLineMessenger | |
comparator | |
CompareMaterial | Materials can be described as a derivation of existing "parent" materials in order to alter few of their features, such as density. CompareMaterial compare materials taking into account their possible "affiliation" |
compDoubleWithPrecision | |
compReactionPerTime | |
compTrackPerID | |
crossSectionData_s | |
ct_data_s | |
D1232 | |
Decay | |
Delete | |
DeleteCollisionInitialState | |
DeleteDynamicParticle | |
DeleteKineticTrack | |
DeleteParton | |
DeleteReactionProduct | |
DeleteString | |
DeleteVSplitableHadron | |
DetectorALICE06 | |
DetectorBari05 | |
DetectorBarr90 | |
DetectorConstruction | Simple detector construction with a box volume placed in a world |
DetectorConstruction0 | Simple detector construction with only a world volume |
DetectorConstructionMessenger | |
DetectorHarris73 | |
DetectorMessenger | |
DetectorSimpleALICE | |
DetectorWatase86 | |
Dicom2ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
Dicom2PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
DicomActionInitialization | |
DicomBeam | |
DicomBeamBlock | |
DicomBeamCompensator | |
DicomBeamControlPoint | |
DicomBeamDevice | |
DicomBeamDevicePos | |
DicomBeamDeviceRef | |
DicomBeamWedge | |
DicomDetectorConstruction | |
DicomEventAction | |
DicomFileCT | |
DicomFileCT_NOdcmrt | |
DicomFileMgr | |
DicomFilePET | |
DicomFilePlan | |
DicomFileStructure | |
DicomHandler | |
DicomIntersectVolume | Manages intersections of DICOM files with volumes |
DicomNestedParamDetectorConstruction | |
DicomNestedPhantomParameterisation | Implements a G4VNestedParameterisation |
DicomPartialDetectorConstruction | |
DicomPhantomParameterisationColour | Class inherited from G4PhantomParameterisation to provide different |
DicomPhantomZSliceHeader | |
DicomPhantomZSliceMerged | |
DicomPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
DicomRegularDetectorConstruction | |
DicomROI | |
DicomROIContour | |
DicomRun | |
DicomRunAction | |
DicomVBeamDevice | |
DicomVFile | |
DicomVFileImage | |
DMXActionInitializer | |
DMXDetectorConstruction | |
DMXDetectorMessenger | |
DMXEventAction | |
DMXEventActionMessenger | |
DMXMaxTimeCuts | |
DMXMinEkineCuts | |
DMXParticleSource | |
DMXParticleSourceMessenger | |
DMXPhysicsList | |
DMXPmtHit | |
DMXPmtSD | |
DMXPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
DMXRunAction | |
DMXRunActionMessenger | |
DMXScintHit | |
DMXScintSD | |
DMXSpecialCuts | |
DMXStackingAction | |
DMXStackingActionMessenger | |
DMXSteppingAction | |
DMXSteppingActionMessenger | |
DTD | |
DumpFrames | |
E_isoAng | |
E_P_E_isoAng | |
ElectromagneticPhysics | |
ElectronActionInitialization | |
ElectronBenchmarkDetector | |
ElectronBenchmarkDetectorMessenger | |
ElectronPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
ElectronRun | |
ElectronRunAction | |
EmAcceptance | |
EMField | |
encoding | |
eRositaDetectorConstruction | |
eRositaEventAction | |
eRositaPhysicsList | |
eRositaPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
eRositaRunAction | |
eRositaSteppingAction | |
eRositaSteppingVerbose | |
eRositaTrackerHit | |
eRositaTrackerSD | |
EventAction | Event action class |
EventActionMessenger | |
ExErrorDetectorConstruction | |
ExErrorDetectorMessenger | |
ExErrorMagneticField | |
ExGflashActionInitialization | |
ExGflashDetectorConstruction | |
ExGflashEventAction | |
ExGflashHit | |
ExGflashPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
ExGflashRunAction | |
ExGflashSensitiveDetector | |
ExN01DetectorConstruction | |
ExN01PhysicsList | |
ExN02ChamberParameterisation | |
ExN02DetectorConstruction | |
ExN02DetectorMessenger | |
ExN02EventAction | |
ExN02MagneticField | |
ExN02PhysicsList | |
ExN02PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
ExN02RunAction | |
ExN02SteppingAction | |
ExN02SteppingVerbose | |
ExN02TrackerHit | |
ExN02TrackerSD | |
ExN03DetectorConstruction | |
ExN03DetectorMessenger | |
ExN04CalorimeterHit | |
ExN04CalorimeterParametrisation | |
ExN04CalorimeterROGeometry | |
ExN04CalorimeterSD | |
ExN04DetectorConstruction | |
ExN04DummySD | |
ExN04EMPhysics | |
ExN04EventAction | |
ExN04Field | |
ExN04MuonHit | |
ExN04MuonSD | |
ExN04PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
ExN04PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
ExN04RunAction | |
ExN04StackingAction | |
ExN04StackingActionMessenger | |
ExN04SteppingAction | |
ExN04SteppingVerbose | |
ExN04TrackerHit | |
ExN04TrackerParametrisation | |
ExN04TrackerSD | |
ExN04TrackingAction | |
ExP01ChamberParameterisation | Chamber parameterisation for the persistency example |
ExP01DetectorConstruction | Detector Construction for the persistency example |
ExP01DetectorMessenger | Detector messenger for the persistency example |
ExP01EventAction | Event action for the persistency example |
ExP01MagneticField | Magnetic field for the persistency example |
ExP01PrimaryGeneratorAction | Primary generator action for the persistency example |
ExP01RunAction | Run action for the persistency example |
ExP01SteppingAction | Stepping action for the persistency example |
ExP01SteppingVerbose | Stepping verbose for the persistency example |
ExP01TrackerHit | Hit implementation for the persistency example |
ExP01TrackerSD | Sensitive detector implementation for the ROOT hits persistency example |
ExP02DetConstrReader | Detector construction reader using ROOT I/O |
ExP02DetectorConstruction | Detector construction |
ExP02GeoTree | |
ExP02PrimaryGeneratorAction | Primary generator action |
ExTGActionInitialization | |
ExTGDetectorConstruction | Detector construction class using text geometry file |
ExTGDetectorConstructionWithCpp | Detector construction class using text geometry file and C++ code |
ExTGDetectorConstructionWithCuts | Detector construction class using text geometry file using cuts per region |
ExTGDetectorConstructionWithSD | Detector construction class using text geometry file and using a sensitive detector |
ExTGPrimaryGeneratorAction | Example of primary generator action |
ExTGRCDetectorBuilder | |
ExTGRCLineProcessor | |
ExTGRCRegionCutsMgr | |
ExTGRCRegionData | |
ExTGRunAction | Dumps geometry in text format |
ExTGTrackerHit | Example of hit |
ExTGTrackerSD | Example of Sensitive detector |
ExUCNActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
ExUCNDetectorConstruction | |
ExUCNExtraPhysics | |
ExUCNPhysicsList | |
ExUCNPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
ExUCNRunAction | |
EzDetectorConstruction | |
F01ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
F01CalorHit | |
F01CalorimeterSD | |
F01DetectorConstruction | |
F01DetectorMessenger | |
F01EventAction | |
F01FieldMessenger | |
F01FieldSetup | |
F01PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
F01PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
F01RunAction | |
F01RunMessenger | |
F01SteppingVerbose | |
F02ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
F02CalorHit | |
F02CalorimeterSD | |
F02DetectorConstruction | |
F02DetectorMessenger | |
F02ElectricFieldSetup | |
F02EventAction | |
F02FieldMessenger | |
F02PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
F02PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
F02RunAction | |
F02RunMessenger | |
F02SteppingVerbose | |
F03ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
F03CalorHit | |
F03CalorimeterSD | |
F03DetectorConstruction | |
F03DetectorMessenger | |
F03EventAction | |
F03FieldMessenger | |
F03FieldSetup | |
F03PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
F03PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
F03RunAction | |
F03RunMessenger | |
F03SteppingVerbose | |
F04ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
F04DetectorConstruction | |
F04DetectorMessenger | |
F04ElementField | |
F04EventAction | |
F04EventActionMessenger | |
F04FieldMessenger | |
F04FocusSolenoid | |
F04GlobalField | |
F04Materials | |
F04PhysicsList | |
F04PhysicsListMessenger | Provide control of the physics list and cut parameters |
F04PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
F04PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
F04RunAction | |
F04RunActionMessenger | |
F04SimpleSolenoid | |
F04StackingAction | |
F04StepMax | |
F04SteppingAction | |
F04SteppingActionMessenger | |
F04SteppingVerbose | |
F04TrackingAction | |
F04Trajectory | |
F04TrajectoryPoint | |
F04UserTrackInformation | |
F05ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
F05DetectorConstruction | |
F05Field | |
F05PhysicsList | |
F05PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
F05SteppingAction | |
F05SteppingVerbose | |
F06ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
F06DetectorConstruction | |
F06PhysicsList | |
F06PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
FCALActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
FCALCalorHit | |
FCALCryostatVolumes | |
FCALEMModule | |
FCALEMModuleSD | |
FCALHadModule | |
FCALHadModuleSD | |
FCALMaterialConsultant | |
FCALPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
FCALRunAction | |
FCALSteppingAction | |
FCALSteppingVerbose | |
FCALTBEventAction | |
FCALTBEventActionMessenger | |
FCALTestbeamSetup | |
FCALTestbeamSetupSD | |
FFActionInitialization | |
FFDetectorConstruction | |
FFPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
FFRunAction | |
G01DetectorConstruction | Detector construction allowing to use the geometry read from the GDML file |
G01PrimaryGeneratorAction | Minimal primary generator action to demonstrate the use of GDML geometries |
G02ChamberParameterisation | Chamber parametrisation used in the GDML read/write example |
G02DetectorConstruction | Detector construction used in GDML read/write example |
G02DetectorMessenger | Detector messenger class used in GDML read/write example |
G02PrimaryGeneratorAction | Primary generator action used in GDML read/write example |
G02RunAction | Run action used in GDML read/write example |
G03ColorReader | GDML reader for the color attributes |
G03ColorWriter | GDML writer for the color attributes |
G03DetectorConstruction | Detector construction for the GDML extensions example |
G03DetectorMessenger | Detector messenger for the GDML extensions example |
G03PrimaryGeneratorAction | Primary generator action for the GDML extension example |
G03RunAction | Run action for the GDML extension example |
G04ActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
G04DetectorConstruction | Detector construction for laoding GDML geometry |
G04PrimaryGeneratorAction | Primary generator action for GDML sensitive detector example |
G04SensitiveDetector | Sensitive detector to be attached to the GDML geometry |
G3DetTable | |
G3DetTableEntry | |
G3Division | |
G3EleTable | |
G3MatTable | |
G3MatTableEntry | |
G3MedTable | |
G3MedTableEntry | |
G3PartTable | |
G3Pos | |
G3RotTable | |
G3RotTableEntry | |
G3toG4ActionInitialization | |
G3toG4DetectorConstruction | |
G3toG4RotationMatrix | |
G3VolTable | |
G3VolTableEntry | |
G4Abla | |
G4AblaDataFile | |
G4AblaInterface | |
G4AblaVirtualData | |
G4Absorber | |
G4Accumulable | |
G4AccumulableManager | |
G4AdjointAlongStepWeightCorrection | |
G4AdjointAlpha | |
G4AdjointBremsstrahlungModel | |
G4AdjointComptonModel | |
G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker | |
G4AdjointCSManager | |
G4AdjointCSMatrix | |
G4AdjointDeuteron | |
G4AdjointeIonisationModel | |
G4AdjointElectron | |
G4AdjointElectronFI | |
G4AdjointForcedInteractionForGamma | |
G4AdjointGamma | |
G4AdjointGenericIon | |
G4AdjointHe3 | |
G4AdjointhIonisationModel | |
G4AdjointhMultipleScattering | |
G4AdjointInterpolator | |
G4AdjointIonIonisationModel | |
G4AdjointIons | |
G4AdjointPhotoElectricModel | |
G4AdjointPhysicsList | |
G4AdjointPhysicsMessenger | |
G4AdjointPositron | |
G4AdjointPosOnPhysVolGenerator | |
G4AdjointPrimaryGenerator | |
G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
G4AdjointProcessEquivalentToDirectProcess | |
G4AdjointProton | |
G4AdjointSimManager | |
G4AdjointSimMessenger | |
G4AdjointStackingAction | |
G4AdjointSteppingAction | |
G4AdjointTrackingAction | |
G4AdjointTriton | |
G4AffineTransform | |
G4Ald | |
G4AllITFinder | |
G4Allocator | |
rebind | |
G4AllocatorBase | |
G4AllocatorList | |
G4AllocatorPool | |
G4PoolChunk | |
G4PoolLink | |
G4AllocStats | |
G4Alpha | |
G4AlphaBuilder | |
G4AlphaCoulombBarrier | |
G4AlphaDecay | |
G4AlphaEvaporationChannel | |
G4AlphaEvaporationProbability | |
G4AlphaGEMChannel | |
G4AlphaGEMProbability | |
G4AlphaInelasticProcess | |
G4alphaIonisation | |
G4AlphaPHPBuilder | |
G4Analyser | |
G4AnalysisManagerState | |
G4AnalysisMessenger | |
G4AnalysisMessengerHelper | |
BinData | |
ValueData | |
G4AnalysisVerbose | |
G4AnalyticalPolSolver | |
G4AngleDirect | |
G4AngularDistribution | |
G4AngularDistributionNP | |
G4AngularDistributionPP | |
G4AnnihilationCrossSection | |
G4AnnihiToMuPair | |
G4AntiAlpha | |
G4AntiAlphaInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiBarionBuilder | |
G4AntiBMesonZero | |
G4AntiBsMesonZero | |
G4AntiDeuteron | |
G4AntiDeuteronInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiDMesonZero | |
G4AntiHe3 | |
G4AntiHe3InelasticProcess | |
G4AntiKaonZero | |
G4AntiLambda | |
G4AntiLambdab | |
G4AntiLambdacPlus | |
G4AntiLambdaInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiNeutrinoE | |
G4AntiNeutrinoMu | |
G4AntiNeutrinoTau | |
G4AntiNeutron | |
G4AntiNeutronAnnihilationAtRest | |
G4AntiNeutronInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiNuclElastic | |
G4AntiOmegabMinus | |
G4AntiOmegacZero | |
G4AntiOmegaMinus | |
G4AntiOmegaMinusInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiProton | |
G4AntiProtonAbsorptionFritiof | |
G4AntiProtonField | |
G4AntiProtonInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiSigmabMinus | |
G4AntiSigmabPlus | |
G4AntiSigmabZero | |
G4AntiSigmacPlus | |
G4AntiSigmacPlusPlus | |
G4AntiSigmacZero | |
G4AntiSigmaMinus | |
G4AntiSigmaMinusInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiSigmaPlus | |
G4AntiSigmaPlusAbsorptionFritiof | |
G4AntiSigmaPlusInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiSigmaZero | |
G4AntiTriton | |
G4AntiTritonInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiXibMinus | |
G4AntiXibZero | |
G4AntiXicPlus | |
G4AntiXicZero | |
G4AntiXiMinus | |
G4AntiXiMinusInelasticProcess | |
G4AntiXiZero | |
G4AntiXiZeroInelasticProcess | |
G4AnyMethod | |
FuncRef | |
FuncRef1 | |
FuncRef2 | |
Placeholder | |
G4AnyType | |
Placeholder | |
Ref | |
G4ArrowModel | |
G4ASCCrossSection | |
G4ASCIITree | |
G4ASCIITreeMessenger | |
G4ASCIITreeSceneHandler | |
G4ASCIITreeViewer | |
G4AssemblyTriplet | |
G4AssemblyVolume | |
G4ASTARStopping | |
G4AtimaEnergyLossModel | |
G4AtimaFluctuations | |
G4AtomicBond | |
G4AtomicDeexcitation | |
G4AtomicFormFactor | |
G4AtomicShell | |
G4AtomicShells | |
G4AtomicShells_EADL | |
G4AtomicTransitionManager | |
G4AttCheck | |
G4AttDef | |
G4AttDefT | |
G4AttHolder | |
G4AttributeFilterT | |
G4AttValue | |
G4AttValueFilterT | |
G4AugerData | |
G4AugerTransition | |
G4AuxiliaryNavServices | |
G4AxesModel | |
G4B10GEMChannel | |
G4B10GEMProbability | |
G4B11GEMChannel | |
G4B11GEMProbability | |
G4B12GEMChannel | |
G4B12GEMProbability | |
G4B13GEMChannel | |
G4B13GEMProbability | |
G4B8GEMChannel | |
G4B8GEMProbability | |
G4BadAnyCast | |
G4BadArgument | |
G4BaryonConstructor | |
G4BaryonPartialWidth | |
G4BaryonSplitter | |
G4BaryonWidth | |
G4BaseAnalysisManager | |
G4BaseFileManager | |
G4BaseNtupleManager | |
G4BasePhantomBuilder | |
G4BaseRNtupleManager | |
G4BatemanParameters | |
G4BCAction | |
G4BCDecay | |
G4BCLateParticle | |
G4BcMesonMinus | |
G4BcMesonPlus | |
G4Be10GEMChannel | |
G4Be10GEMProbability | |
G4Be11GEMChannel | |
G4Be11GEMProbability | |
G4Be12GEMChannel | |
G4Be12GEMProbability | |
G4Be7GEMChannel | |
G4Be7GEMProbability | |
G4Be9GEMChannel | |
G4Be9GEMProbability | |
G4BertiniElectroNuclearBuilder | |
G4BertiniKaonBuilder | |
G4BertiniNeutronBuilder | |
G4BertiniPiKBuilder | |
G4BertiniPionBuilder | |
G4BertiniProtonBuilder | |
G4Bessel | |
G4BestUnit | |
G4BetaDecayCorrections | |
G4BetaMinusDecay | |
G4BetaPlusDecay | |
G4BetheBlochIonGasModel | |
G4BetheBlochModel | |
G4BetheBlochNoDeltaModel | |
G4BetheHeitler5DModel | |
G4BetheHeitlerModel | |
ElementData | |
G4BGGNucleonElasticXS | |
G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS | |
G4BGGPionElasticXS | |
G4BGGPionInelasticXS | |
G4BiasingHelper | |
G4BiasingOperationManager | |
G4BiasingOperatorStateNotifier | |
G4BiasingProcessInterface | |
G4BiasingProcessSharedData | |
G4BigBanger | |
G4BinaryAlphaBuilder | |
G4BinaryCascade | |
G4BinaryDeuteronBuilder | |
G4BinaryHe3Builder | |
G4BinaryLightIonReaction | |
G4BinaryNeutronBuilder | |
G4BinaryPiKBuilder | |
G4BinaryPionBuilder | |
G4BinaryProtonBuilder | |
G4BinaryTritonBuilder | |
G4BlineEquation | |
G4BlineEventAction | |
G4BlinePrimaryGeneratorAction | |
G4BlineSteppingAction | |
G4BlineTracer | |
G4BlineTracerMessenger | |
G4BlockingList | |
G4BMesonMinus | |
G4BMesonPlus | |
G4BMesonZero | |
G4BogackiShampine23 | |
G4BogackiShampine45 | |
G4BohrFluctuations | |
G4BoldyshevTripletModel | |
G4BooleanSolid | |
G4BOptnChangeCrossSection | |
G4BOptnCloning | |
G4BOptnForceCommonTruncatedExp | |
G4BOptnForceFreeFlight | |
G4BOptrForceCollision | |
G4BOptrForceCollisionTrackData | |
G4BosonConstructor | |
G4BoundingEnvelope | |
G4BoundingSphereScene | |
G4Box | |
G4BraggIonGasModel | |
G4BraggIonModel | |
G4BraggModel | |
G4BraggNoDeltaModel | |
G4BremsstrahlungCrossSectionHandler | |
G4BremsstrahlungParameters | |
G4BrentLocator | |
G4BrownianAction | |
G4BsMesonZero | |
G4BuffercoutDestination | |
G4BufferError | |
G4BulirschStoer | |
G4C10GEMChannel | |
G4C10GEMProbability | |
G4C11GEMChannel | |
G4C11GEMProbability | |
G4C12GEMChannel | |
G4C12GEMProbability | |
G4C13GEMChannel | |
G4C13GEMProbability | |
G4C14GEMChannel | |
G4C14GEMProbability | |
G4C15GEMChannel | |
G4C15GEMProbability | |
G4C16GEMChannel | |
G4C16GEMProbability | |
G4Cache | |
G4CachedMagneticField | |
G4CacheReference | |
G4CacheReference< G4double > | |
G4CacheReference< VALTYPE * > | |
G4CallbackModel | |
G4CameronGilbertPairingCorrections | |
G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections | |
G4CameronShellPlusPairingCorrections | |
G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections | |
G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections | |
G4CascadeChannel | |
G4CascadeChannelTables | |
G4CascadeCheckBalance | |
G4CascadeCoalescence | |
G4CascadeColliderBase | |
G4CascadeData | |
G4CascadeDeexcitation | |
G4CascadeDeexciteBase | |
G4CascadeFinalStateAlgorithm | |
G4CascadeFinalStateGenerator | |
G4CascadeFunctions | |
G4CascadeGamNChannelData | |
G4CascadeGamPChannelData | |
G4CascadeHistory | |
HistoryEntry | |
G4CascadeInterface | |
G4CascadeInterpolator | |
G4CascadeKminusNChannelData | |
G4CascadeKminusPChannelData | |
G4CascadeKplusNChannelData | |
G4CascadeKplusPChannelData | |
G4CascadeKzeroBarNChannelData | |
G4CascadeKzeroBarPChannelData | |
G4CascadeKzeroNChannelData | |
G4CascadeKzeroPChannelData | |
G4CascadeLambdaNChannelData | |
G4CascadeLambdaPChannelData | |
G4CascadeMuMinusPChannelData | |
G4CascadeNNChannel | |
G4CascadeNNChannelData | |
G4CascadeNPChannel | |
G4CascadeNPChannelData | |
G4CascadeOmegaMinusNChannelData | |
G4CascadeOmegaMinusPChannelData | |
G4CascadeParameters | |
G4CascadeParamMessenger | |
G4CascadePiMinusNChannelData | |
G4CascadePiMinusPChannelData | |
G4CascadePiPlusNChannelData | |
G4CascadePiPlusPChannelData | |
G4CascadePiZeroNChannelData | |
G4CascadePiZeroPChannelData | |
G4CascadePPChannel | |
G4CascadePPChannelData | |
G4CascadeRecoilMaker | |
G4CascadeSampler | |
G4CascadeSigmaMinusNChannelData | |
G4CascadeSigmaMinusPChannelData | |
G4CascadeSigmaPlusNChannelData | |
G4CascadeSigmaPlusPChannelData | |
G4CascadeSigmaZeroNChannelData | |
G4CascadeSigmaZeroPChannelData | |
G4CascadeXiMinusNChannelData | |
G4CascadeXiMinusPChannelData | |
G4CascadeXiZeroNChannelData | |
G4CascadeXiZeroPChannelData | |
G4CascadParticle | |
G4CashKarpRKF45 | |
G4CellScoreComposer | |
G4CellScoreValues | |
G4Cerenkov | |
G4Channeling | |
G4ChannelingECHARM | |
G4ChannelingMaterialData | |
G4ChannelingOptrChangeCrossSection | |
G4ChannelingOptrMultiParticleChangeCrossSection | |
G4ChannelingPhysics | |
G4ChannelingTrackData | |
G4ChargedGeantino | |
G4ChargeExchange | |
G4ChargeExchangePhysics | |
G4ChargeExchangeProcess | |
G4ChargeState | |
G4ChatterjeeCrossSection | |
G4ChebyshevApproximation | |
G4ChipsAntiBaryonElasticXS | |
G4ChipsAntiBaryonInelasticXS | |
G4ChipsComponentXS | |
G4ChipsElasticModel | |
G4ChipsHyperonElasticXS | |
G4ChipsHyperonInelasticXS | |
G4ChipsKaonMinusElasticXS | |
G4ChipsKaonMinusInelasticXS | |
G4ChipsKaonPlusElasticXS | |
G4ChipsKaonPlusInelasticXS | |
G4ChipsKaonZeroElasticXS | |
G4ChipsKaonZeroInelasticXS | |
G4ChipsNeutronElasticXS | |
G4ChipsNeutronInelasticXS | |
G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS | |
G4ChipsPionMinusInelasticXS | |
G4ChipsPionPlusElasticXS | |
G4ChipsPionPlusInelasticXS | |
G4ChipsProtonElasticXS | |
G4ChipsProtonInelasticXS | |
G4ChordFinder | |
G4ChordFinderSaf | |
G4ChunkIndexType | |
G4ChunkType | |
G4Circle | |
G4ClassicalRK4 | |
G4Clebsch | |
G4ClippablePolygon | |
G4CollectionNameVector | |
G4CollisionComposite | |
Register | |
Resolve | |
G4CollisionInitialState | |
G4CollisionManager | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryon | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryonElastic | |
G4CollisionMesonBaryonToResonance | |
G4CollisionNN | |
G4CollisionNNElastic | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1600 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1620 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1700 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1900 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1905 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1910 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1920 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1930 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1950 | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaDeltastar | |
G4CollisionNNToDeltaNstar | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1600 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1620 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1700 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1900 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1905 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1910 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1920 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1930 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDelta1950 | |
G4CollisionNNToNDeltastar | |
G4CollisionNNToNNstar | |
G4CollisionnpElastic | |
G4CollisionNStarNToNN | |
G4CollisionOutput | |
G4CollisionPN | |
G4Colour | |
G4CompetitiveFission | |
G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS | |
G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc | |
G4ComponentGGHadronNucleusXsc | |
G4ComponentGGNuclNuclXsc | |
G4ComponentSAIDTotalXS | |
G4CompositeDataSet | |
G4CompositeEMDataSet | |
G4ComptonScattering | |
G4ConcreteMesonBaryonToResonance | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDelta | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDeltastar | |
G4ConcreteNNToDeltaNstar | |
G4ConcreteNNToNDelta | |
G4ConcreteNNToNDeltaStar | |
G4ConcreteNNToNNStar | |
G4ConcreteNNTwoBodyResonance | |
G4ConcreteNStarNToNN | |
G4Cons | |
G4ConstantLevelDensityParameter | |
G4ConstRK4 | |
G4ContinuousGainOfEnergy | |
G4ConvergenceTester | |
G4ConversionFatalError | |
G4CookPairingCorrections | |
G4CookShellCorrections | |
G4CoulombBarrier | |
G4CoulombKinematicsInfo | |
G4CoulombScattering | |
G4CountedObject | |
G4CoupledTransportation | |
G4coutDestination | |
G4CreatorFactoryT | |
G4CrossSectionBuffer | |
G4CrossSectionComposite | |
G4CrossSectionDataSet | |
G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry | |
G4CrossSectionDataStore | |
G4CrossSectionElastic | |
G4CrossSectionFactory | |
G4CrossSectionFactory< T, 0 > | |
G4CrossSectionFactory< T, 1 > | |
G4CrossSectionFactory< T, 2 > | |
G4CrossSectionFactoryRegistry | |
G4CrossSectionHandler | |
G4CrossSectionInelastic | |
G4CrossSectionPairGG | |
G4CrossSectionPatch | |
G4CrossSectionSourcePtr | |
G4CrystalAtomBase | |
G4CrystalExtension | |
G4CrystalUnitCell | |
G4CSGSolid | |
G4CsvAnalysisManager | |
G4CsvAnalysisReader | |
G4CsvFileManager | |
G4CsvNtupleManager | |
G4CsvRFileManager | |
G4CsvRNtupleManager | |
G4CustomFemaleBuilder | |
G4CutTubs | |
G4DalitzDecayChannel | |
G4DataFormatError | |
G4DataInterpolation | |
G4DataQuestionaire | |
G4DataSet | |
G4DataVector | |
G4DAWNFILESceneHandler | |
G4DAWNFILEViewer | |
G4DCIOcatalog | |
G4DCIOentryT | |
G4DCofThisEvent | |
G4DCtable | |
G4Decay | |
G4DecayKineticTracks | |
G4DecayPhysics | |
G4DecayProducts | |
G4DecayStrongResonances | |
G4DecayTable | |
G4DecayTableMessenger | |
G4DecayWithSpin | |
G4DeexParametersMessenger | |
G4DeexPrecoParameters | |
G4DefaultLinearColorMap | |
G4Delete | |
G4DELPHIMagField | |
G4DeltaAngle | |
G4DeltaAngleFreeScat | |
G4DeltaDeltastarBuilder | |
G4DeltaNstarBuilder | |
G4DensityEffectData | |
G4DetailedBalancePhaseSpaceIntegral | |
G4Deuteron | |
G4DeuteronBuilder | |
G4DeuteronCoulombBarrier | |
G4DeuteronEvaporationChannel | |
G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability | |
G4DeuteronGEMChannel | |
G4DeuteronGEMProbability | |
G4DeuteronInelasticProcess | |
G4DeuteronPHPBuilder | |
G4DiffElasticRatio | |
G4DiffractiveExcitation | |
CommonVariables | |
G4DiffractiveHHScatterer | |
G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron | |
G4DiffractiveStringBuilder | |
G4DiffuseElastic | |
G4DiffuseElasticV2 | |
G4DigiAttributeFilterFactory | |
G4DigiCollection | |
G4DigiManager | |
G4DigiModel | |
G4DimensionedType | |
G4Dineutron | |
G4DipBustGenerator | |
G4Diproton | |
G4DiQuarks | |
G4DisplacedSolid | |
G4DMesonMinus | |
G4DMesonPlus | |
G4DMesonZero | |
G4DMmessenger | |
G4DNAAttachment | |
G4DNABornAngle | |
G4DNABornExcitationModel1 | |
G4DNABornExcitationModel2 | |
G4DNABornIonisationModel1 | |
G4DNABornIonisationModel2 | |
G4DNABrownianTransportation | |
G4ITBrownianState | |
G4DNAChampionElasticModel | |
G4DNAChargeDecrease | |
G4DNAChargeIncrease | |
G4DNAChemistryManager | |
ThreadLocalData | |
G4DNACPA100ElasticModel | |
G4DNACPA100ExcitationModel | |
G4DNACPA100IonisationModel | |
G4DNACPA100LogLogInterpolation | |
G4DNACPA100WaterExcitationStructure | |
G4DNACPA100WaterIonisationStructure | |
G4DNACrossSectionDataSet | |
G4DNADamage | |
G4DNADingfelderChargeDecreaseModel | |
G4DNADingfelderChargeIncreaseModel | |
G4DNADissociation | |
G4DNADummyModel | |
G4DNAElastic | |
G4DNAElectronHoleRecombination | |
ReactionProfile | |
State | |
G4DNAElectronSolvation | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouExcitationModel | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouIonisationModel | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouWaterExcitationStructure | |
G4DNAEmfietzoglouWaterIonisationStructure | |
G4DNAExcitation | |
G4DNAGenericIonsManager | |
G4DNAIndirectHit | |
G4DNAIonElasticModel | |
G4DNAIonisation | |
G4DNAIons | |
G4DNAMeltonAttachmentModel | |
G4DNAMillerGreenExcitationModel | |
G4DNAModelInterface | |
G4DNAMolecularDissociation | |
G4DNAMolecularMaterial | G4DNAMolecularMaterial builds tables of molecular densities for chosen molecular materials. The class handles homogeneous, composite and derived materials. A material of interest is labeled as molecular if built using the number of atoms rather than the mass fractions |
G4DNAMolecularReaction | |
G4DNAMolecularReactionData | |
G4DNAMolecularReactionTable | |
G4DNAMolecularStepByStepModel | |
G4DNAMoleculeEncounterStepper | |
Utils | |
G4DNAPositronium | |
G4DNAPTBAugerModel | The G4DNAPTBAugerModel class Implement the PTB Auger model |
G4DNAPTBElasticModel | The G4DNAPTBElasticModel class This class implements the elastic model for the DNA materials and precursors |
G4DNAPTBExcitationModel | The G4DNAPTBExcitationModel class This class implements the PTB excitation model |
G4DNAPTBIonisationModel | The G4DNAPTBIonisationModel class Implements the PTB ionisation model |
G4DNAPTBIonisationStructure | |
G4DNARevertProbability | |
G4DNARotExcitation | |
G4DNARuddAngle | |
G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel | |
G4DNARuddIonisationModel | |
G4DNASancheExcitationModel | |
G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticModel | |
G4DNASecondOrderReaction | |
SecondOrderReactionState | |
G4DNASmoluchowskiDiffusion | |
BoundingBox | |
G4DNASmoluchowskiReactionModel | |
G4DNASolvationModelFactory | |
G4DNATransformElectronModel | |
G4DNAUeharaScreenedRutherfordElasticModel | |
G4DNAVacuumModel | The G4DNAVacuumModel class Implementation of the vacuum model allowing the user to use G4_Galactic as void in a Geant4-DNA simulation |
G4DNAVibExcitation | |
G4DNAWaterDissociationDisplacer | |
G4DNAWaterExcitationStructure | |
G4DNAWaterIonisationStructure | |
G4DoLoMcPriRK34 | |
G4DopplerProfile | |
G4DormandPrince745 | |
G4DormandPrinceRK56 | |
G4DormandPrinceRK78 | |
G4DrawVoxels | |
G4DsMesonMinus | |
G4DsMesonPlus | |
G4DummyModel | |
G4DummyThread | |
G4DynamicParticle | |
G4eAdjointMultipleScattering | |
G4eBremParametrizedModel | |
G4eBremsstrahlung | |
G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel | |
G4eBremsstrahlungSpectrum | |
G4Ec2sub | |
G4ECDecay | |
G4Ecld | |
G4eCoulombScatteringModel | |
G4ecpssrBaseKxsModel | |
G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorKxsModel | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorLixsModel | |
G4ecpssrFormFactorMixsModel | |
G4eCrossSectionHandler | |
G4ee2KChargedModel | |
G4ee2KNeutralModel | |
G4eeCrossSections | |
G4Eenuc | |
G4eeTo3PiModel | |
G4eeToHadrons | |
G4eeToHadronsModel | |
G4eeToHadronsMultiModel | |
G4eeToPGammaModel | |
G4eeToTwoGammaModel | |
G4eeToTwoPiModel | |
G4eInverseBremsstrahlung | |
G4eInverseCompton | |
G4eInverseIonisation | |
G4eIonisation | |
G4eIonisationCrossSectionHandler | |
G4eIonisationParameters | |
G4eIonisationSpectrum | |
G4ElasticData | |
G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE | |
G4ElasticHNScattering | |
G4ElectricField | |
G4ElectroMagneticField | |
G4Electron | |
G4Electron_aq | |
G4ElectronCapture | |
G4ElectronIonPair | |
G4ElectronNuclearProcess | |
G4ElectronOccupancy | |
G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection | |
G4ElectroVDNuclearModel | |
G4Element | |
G4ElementaryParticleCollider | |
G4ElementData | |
G4ElementSelector | |
G4Ellipsoid | |
G4EllipticalCone | |
G4EllipticalTube | |
G4eLowEnergyLoss | |
G4EmBiasingManager | |
G4EmCalculator | |
G4EmCaptureCascade | |
G4EmConfigurator | |
G4EmCorrections | |
G4EmDataHandler | |
G4EMDataSet | |
G4EMDissociation | |
G4EMDissociationCrossSection | |
G4EMDissociationSpectrum | |
G4EmDNAChemistry | |
G4EmDNAPhysics | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option1 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option2 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option3 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option4 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option5 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option6 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_option7 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option2 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option4 | |
G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option6 | |
G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator | |
G4EmElementSelector | |
G4EmExtraPhysics | |
G4EmLEPTSPhysics | |
G4EmLivermorePhysics | |
G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics | |
G4EmLowEPPhysics | |
G4EmMessenger | |
G4EmModelActivator | |
G4EmModelManager | |
G4EmMultiModel | |
G4EmParameters | |
G4EmParametersMessenger | |
G4EmParticleList | |
G4empCrossSection | |
G4EmPenelopePhysics | |
G4EmProcessOptions | |
G4EmSaturation | |
G4EmStandardPhysics | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 | |
G4EmStandardPhysics_option4_channeling | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsGS | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsSS | |
G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI | |
G4eMultipleScattering | |
G4EnclosingCylinder | |
G4ENDFTapeRead | |
G4ENDFYieldDataContainer | |
G4EnergyLossForExtrapolator | |
G4EnergyLossTables | |
G4EnergyLossTablesHelper | |
G4EnergyRangeManager | |
G4EnergySplitter | |
G4EnhancedVecAllocator | |
rebind | |
G4ePairProduction | |
G4eplusAnnihilation | |
G4eplusPolarizedAnnihilation | |
G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel | |
G4eplusTo3GammaOKVIModel | |
G4ePolarizedBremsstrahlung | |
G4ePolarizedBremsstrahlungModel | |
G4ePolarizedIonisation | |
G4EqEMFieldWithEDM | |
G4EqEMFieldWithSpin | |
G4EqGravityField | |
G4EqMagElectricField | |
G4EquationOfMotion | |
G4EquilibriumEvaporator | |
G4ErrorCylSurfaceTarget | |
G4ErrorEnergyLoss | |
G4ErrorFreeTrajParam | |
G4ErrorFreeTrajState | |
G4ErrorGeomVolumeTarget | |
G4ErrorMag_UsualEqRhs | |
G4ErrorMagFieldLimitProcess | |
G4ErrorMatrix | |
G4ErrorMatrix_row | |
G4ErrorMatrix_row_const | |
G4ErrorMessenger | |
G4ErrorPhysicsList | |
G4ErrorPlaneSurfaceTarget | |
G4ErrorPropagationNavigator | |
G4ErrorPropagator | |
G4ErrorPropagatorData | |
G4ErrorPropagatorManager | |
G4ErrorRunManagerHelper | |
G4ErrorStepLengthLimitProcess | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTarget | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTrajParam | |
G4ErrorSurfaceTrajState | |
G4ErrorSymMatrix | |
G4ErrorSymMatrix_row | |
G4ErrorSymMatrix_row_const | |
G4ErrorTanPlaneTarget | |
G4ErrorTarget | |
G4ErrorTrackLengthTarget | |
G4ErrorTrajState | |
G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel | |
G4ESTARStopping | |
G4Eta | |
G4Etac | |
G4EtaPrime | |
G4Evaporation | |
G4EvaporationChannel | |
G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory | |
G4EvaporationFactory | |
G4EvaporationGEMFactory | |
G4EvaporationGEMFactoryVI | |
G4EvaporationInuclCollider | |
G4EvaporationLevelDensityParameter | |
G4EvaporationProbability | |
G4Event | |
G4EventGenerator | |
G4EventManager | |
G4EvManMessenger | |
G4ExactHelixStepper | |
G4ExceptionHandler | |
G4ExcitationHandler | |
G4ExcitedBaryonConstructor | |
G4ExcitedBaryons | |
G4ExcitedDeltaConstructor | |
G4ExcitedLambdaConstructor | |
G4ExcitedMesonConstructor | |
G4ExcitedMesons | |
G4ExcitedNucleonConstructor | |
G4ExcitedSigmaConstructor | |
G4ExcitedString | |
G4ExcitedStringDecay | |
G4ExcitedXiConstructor | |
G4ExitNormal | |
G4ExitonConfiguration | |
G4ExplicitEuler | |
G4ExtDEDXTable | |
G4ExtendedMaterial | |
G4ExtrudedSolid | |
line | |
plane | |
ZSection | |
G4EzVolume | |
G4EzVoxelParameterization | |
G4EzWorld | |
G4F17GEMChannel | |
G4F17GEMProbability | |
G4F18GEMChannel | |
G4F18GEMProbability | |
G4F19GEMChannel | |
G4F19GEMProbability | |
G4F20GEMChannel | |
G4F20GEMProbability | |
G4F21GEMChannel | |
G4F21GEMProbability | |
G4Facet | |
G4Edge | |
G4FakeParticleID | |
G4Fancy3DNucleus | |
G4Fancy3DNucleusHelper | |
G4FastList | |
TWatcher | |
Watcher | |
G4FastList_Boundary | |
G4FastList_const_iterator | |
G4FastList_iterator | |
G4FastListNode | |
G4FastSimulationHelper | |
G4FastSimulationManager | |
G4FastSimulationManagerProcess | |
G4FastSimulationMessenger | |
G4FastSimulationPhysics | |
G4FastSimulationVector | |
G4FastStep | |
G4FastTrack | |
G4FastVector | |
G4Fb | |
G4FemaleBuilder | |
G4FermiBreakUpVI | |
G4FermiChannels | |
G4FermiDecayProbability | |
G4FermiFragment | |
G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI | |
G4FermiMomentum | |
G4FermiPair | |
G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay | |
G4Field | |
G4FieldManager | |
G4FieldManagerStore | |
G4FieldPropagation | |
G4FieldTrack | |
G4FieldTrackUpdator | |
G4FilecoutDestination | |
G4FileMessenger | |
G4FileUtilities | |
G4Fiss | |
G4FissionBarrier | |
G4FissionConfiguration | |
G4Fissioner | |
G4fissionEvent | |
G4FissionFragmentGenerator | |
G4FissionLevelDensityParameter | |
G4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXX | Revised level-density parameter for fission after INCL++ |
G4FissionLibrary | |
G4FissionParameters | |
G4FissionProbability | |
G4FissionProductYieldDist | |
G4FissionStore | |
G4FissLib | |
G4FluoData | |
G4FluoTransition | |
G4ForEach | |
G4ForEach< G4Terminator > | |
G4ForwardXrayTR | |
G4FPYBiasedLightFragmentDist | |
G4FPYNormalFragmentDist | |
G4FPYSamplingOps | |
G4Fragment | |
G4FragmentingString | |
G4FRofstream | |
G4FSALBogackiShampine45 | |
G4FSALDormandPrince745 | |
G4FSALIntegrationDriver | |
G4FTFAnnihilation | |
CommonVariables | |
G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder | |
G4FTFBinaryNeutronBuilder | |
G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilder | |
G4FTFBinaryPionBuilder | |
G4FTFBinaryProtonBuilder | |
G4FTFBuilder | |
G4FTFModel | |
CommonVariables | |
G4FTFPAntiBarionBuilder | |
G4FTFParamCollBaryonProj | |
G4FTFParamCollection | |
G4FTFParameters | |
G4FTFParticipants | |
G4FTFPKaonBuilder | |
G4FTFPNeutronBuilder | |
G4FTFPPiKBuilder | |
G4FTFPPionBuilder | |
G4FTFPProtonBuilder | |
G4FTFSettingDefaultHDP | |
G4Gamma | |
G4GammaAnnCrossSection | |
G4GammaConversion | |
G4GammaConversionToMuons | |
G4GammaNuclAngDst | |
G4GammaParticipants | |
G4GammaTransition | |
G4GammaXTRadiator | |
G4GamP2NPipAngDst | |
G4GamP2PPi0AngDst | |
G4GaussChebyshevQ | |
G4GaussHermiteQ | |
G4GaussJacobiQ | |
G4GaussLaguerreQ | |
G4GaussLegendreQ | |
G4GDecay3 | |
G4GDMLAuxStructType | |
G4GDMLErrorHandler | |
G4GDMLEvaluator | |
G4GDMLMatrix | |
G4GDMLMessenger | |
G4GDMLParameterisation | |
G4GDMLParser | |
G4GDMLRead | |
G4GDMLReadDefine | |
G4GDMLReadMaterials | |
G4GDMLReadParamvol | |
G4GDMLReadSetup | |
G4GDMLReadSolids | |
rzPointType | |
zplaneType | |
G4GDMLReadStructure | |
G4GDMLWrite | |
G4GDMLWriteDefine | |
G4GDMLWriteMaterials | |
G4GDMLWriteParamvol | |
G4GDMLWriteSetup | |
G4GDMLWriteSolids | |
G4ThreeVectorCompare | |
G4GDMLWriteStructure | |
G4Geantino | |
G4GEMChannel | |
G4GEMChannelVI | |
G4GEMCoulombBarrier | |
G4GEMProbability | |
G4GeneralNNCollision | |
MakeNNStarToNN | |
MakeNNToDeltaDelta | |
MakeNNToDeltaNstar | |
MakeNNToNDelta | |
MakeNNToNNStar | |
G4GeneralParticleSource | |
G4GeneralParticleSourceData | |
G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger | |
G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay | |
G4GeneralSpaceNNCrossSection | |
G4Generator2BN | |
G4Generator2BS | |
G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface | |
G4GenericBiasingPhysics | |
G4GenericIon | |
G4GenericMessenger | This class is generic messenger |
Command | |
Method | |
Property | |
G4GenericMuonicAtom | |
G4GenericPolycone | |
G4GenericTrap | |
G4GeometryCell | |
G4GeometryCellComp | |
G4GeometryCellStep | |
G4GeometryManager | |
G4GeometryMessenger | |
G4GeometrySampler | |
G4GeometryTolerance | |
G4GeometryWorkspace | |
G4GeometryWorkspacePool | |
G4GeomSplitter | |
G4GeomTestVolume | |
G4GeomTools | |
G4GFlashSpot | |
G4GHEKinematicsVector | |
G4GIDI | |
G4GIDI_map | |
G4GIDI_Product_s | |
G4GIDI_target | |
G4GlobalFastSimulationManager | |
G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger | |
G4Gluons | |
G4GMocrenFile | |
G4GMocrenFileCTtoDensityMap | |
G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler | |
Detector | |
Index3D | |
G4GMocrenFileViewer | |
G4GMocrenIO | |
G4GMocrenMessenger | |
G4GMocrenTouchable | |
G4GNASHTransitions | |
G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel | |
G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable | |
GSMSCAngularDtr | |
SCPCorrection | |
G4GPSModel | |
G4GraphicsSystemList | |
G4GRSSolid | |
G4GRSVolume | |
G4GSMottCorrection | |
DataPerDelta | |
DataPerEkin | |
DataPerMaterial | |
G4GSPWACorrections | |
DataPerMaterial | |
G4H1Messenger | |
G4H1ToolsManager | |
G4H2 | |
G4H2Messenger | |
G4H2O | |
G4H2O2 | |
G4H2ToolsManager | |
G4H3Messenger | |
G4H3O | |
G4H3ToolsManager | |
G4HadDecayGenerator | |
G4HadElementSelector | |
G4HadFinalState | |
G4HadLeadBias | |
G4HadNElastic1AngDst | |
G4HadNElastic2AngDst | |
G4HadNucl3BodyAngDst | |
G4HadNucl3BodyMomDst | |
G4HadNucl4BodyMomDst | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceGenbod | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceKopylov | |
G4HadPhaseSpaceNBodyAsai | |
G4HadProjectile | |
G4HadReentrentException | |
G4HadronBuilder | |
G4HadronCaptureDataSet | |
G4HadronCaptureProcess | |
G4HadronCrossSections | |
G4HadronDElasticPhysics | |
G4HadronElastic | |
G4HadronElasticDataSet | |
G4HadronElasticPhysics | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsHP | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsLEND | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsPHP | |
G4HadronElasticPhysicsXS | |
G4HadronElasticProcess | |
G4HadronFissionDataSet | |
G4HadronFissionProcess | |
G4HadronHElasticPhysics | |
G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini | |
G4HadronicAbsorptionFritiof | |
G4HadronicDeveloperParameters | |
G4HadronicEPTestMessenger | |
G4HadronicException | |
G4HadronicInteraction | |
G4HadronicInteractionRegistry | |
G4HadronicInteractionWrapper | |
G4HadronicProcess | |
G4HadronicProcessStore | |
G4HadronicWhiteBoard | |
G4HadronInelasticDataSet | |
G4HadronInelasticProcess | |
G4HadronInelasticQBBC | |
G4HadronNucleonXsc | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTF_BIC | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_ATL | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_HP | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_TRV | |
G4HadronPhysicsFTFQGSP_BERT | |
G4HadronPhysicsINCLXX | |
G4HadronPhysicsNuBeam | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGS_BIC | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_HP | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_AllHP | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_HP | |
ThreadPrivate | |
G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_FTFP_BERT | |
G4HadronPhysicsShielding | |
ThreadPrivate | |
G4HadronPhysicsShieldingLEND | |
ThreadPrivate | |
G4HadronStoppingProcess | |
G4HadronXSDataTable | |
G4HadSecondary | |
G4HadSignalHandler | |
G4HarmonicPolMagField | |
G4hBetheBlochModel | |
G4hBremsstrahlung | |
G4hBremsstrahlungModel | |
G4HCIOcatalog | |
G4HCIOentryT | |
G4HCofThisEvent | |
G4hCoulombScatteringModel | |
G4HCtable | |
G4Hdf5AnalysisManager | |
G4Hdf5AnalysisReader | |
G4Hdf5FileManager | |
G4Hdf5NtupleManager | |
G4Hdf5RFileManager | |
G4Hdf5RNtupleManager | |
G4He3 | |
G4He3Builder | |
G4He3CoulombBarrier | |
G4He3EvaporationChannel | |
G4He3EvaporationProbability | |
G4He3GEMChannel | |
G4He3GEMProbability | |
G4He3InelasticProcess | |
G4He3PHPBuilder | |
G4He6GEMChannel | |
G4He6GEMProbability | |
G4He8GEMChannel | |
G4He8GEMProbability | |
G4HeatedKleinNishinaCompton | |
G4HelixExplicitEuler | |
G4HelixHeum | |
G4HelixImplicitEuler | |
G4HelixMixedStepper | |
G4HelixSimpleRunge | |
G4HEPEvtInterface | |
G4HEPEvtParticle | |
G4HepRep | |
G4HepRepFile | |
G4HepRepFileSceneHandler | |
G4HepRepFileViewer | |
G4HepRepFileXMLWriter | |
G4HepRepMessenger | |
G4HepRepSceneHandler | |
G4HepRepViewer | |
G4HETCAlpha | |
G4HETCChargedFragment | |
G4HETCDeuteron | |
G4HETCEmissionFactory | |
G4HETCFragment | |
G4HETCHe3 | |
G4HETCNeutron | |
G4HETCProton | |
G4HETCTriton | |
G4hhElastic | |
G4hhIonisation | |
G4hICRU49He | |
G4hICRU49Nuclear | |
G4hICRU49p | |
G4HIJING_Model | |
G4hImpactIonisation | |
G4hInverseIonisation | |
G4hIonEffChargeSquare | |
G4hIonisation | |
G4HitAttributeFilterFactory | |
G4HitsCollection | |
G4HitsModel | |
G4hMultipleScattering | |
G4HnDimensionInformation | |
G4HnInformation | |
G4HnManager | |
G4HnMessenger | |
G4hNuclearStoppingModel | |
G4hPairProduction | |
G4hPairProductionModel | |
G4hParametrisedLossModel | |
G4hRDEnergyLoss | |
G4hSRIM2000p | |
G4HtmlPPReporter | |
G4HuffmanCodeTable | |
G4HumanDummyLeftBreastSD | |
G4HumanDummyRightBreastSD | |
G4HumanPhantomActionInitialization | |
G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager | |
G4HumanPhantomColour | |
G4HumanPhantomConstruction | |
G4HumanPhantomEventAction | |
G4HumanPhantomHit | |
G4HumanPhantomMaterial | |
G4HumanPhantomMessenger | |
G4HumanPhantomPhysicsList | |
G4HumanPhantomPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
G4HumanPhantomRunAction | |
G4HumanPhantomSD | |
G4HumanPhantomSteppingAction | |
G4Hydrogen | |
G4Hype | |
G4HyperNucleiProperties | |
G4HyperonFTFPBuilder | |
G4HyperonSampler | |
G4hZiegler1985Nuclear | |
G4hZiegler1985p | |
G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel | |
G4ICRU73NoDeltaModel | |
G4ICRU73QOModel | |
G4IDataSet | |
G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter | |
G4IInterpolator | |
G4ILawCommonTruncatedExp | |
G4ILawForceFreeFlight | |
G4ILawTruncatedExp | |
G4ImplicitEuler | |
G4ImportanceAlgorithm | |
G4ImportanceBiasing | |
G4ImportanceConfigurator | |
G4ImportanceProcess | |
G4INCLXXInterface | INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade |
G4INCLXXInterfaceMessenger | |
G4INCLXXInterfaceStore | Singleton class for configuring the INCL++ Geant4 interface |
G4INCLXXNeutronBuilder | |
G4INCLXXPionBuilder | |
G4INCLXXProtonBuilder | |
G4INCLXXVInterfaceTally | |
G4IndexError | |
G4InitXscPAI | |
G4IntegrationDriver | |
G4IntegrationDriver< G4BulirschStoer > | |
G4Integrator | |
G4InteractionCase | |
G4InteractionCode | |
G4InteractionContent | |
G4InteractionLawPhysical | |
G4InteractorMessenger | |
G4InterpolationIterator | |
G4InterpolationManager | |
G4IntersectingCone | |
G4IntersectionSolid | |
G4IntGrp | |
G4IntraNucleiCascader | |
G4InuclCollider | |
G4InuclElementaryParticle | |
G4InuclEvaporation | |
G4InuclNuclei | |
G4InuclParamAngDst | |
G4InuclParamMomDst | |
G4InuclParticle | |
G4InvalidUICommand | |
G4InversePEEffect | |
G4IonBinaryCascadePhysics | |
G4IonChuFluctuationModel | |
G4IonConstructor | |
G4IonCoulombCrossSection | |
G4IonCoulombScatteringModel | |
G4IonDEDXHandler | |
CacheEntry | |
G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73 | |
G4ionEffectiveCharge | |
G4IonElasticPhysics | |
G4IonFluctuations | |
G4IonINCLXXPhysics | |
G4IonInelasticProcess | |
G4IonInverseIonisation | |
G4ionIonisation | |
G4IonisParamElm | |
G4IonisParamMat | |
G4IonParametrisedLossModel | |
G4IonPhysics | |
G4IonPhysicsPHP | |
G4IonProtonCrossSection | |
G4IonQMDPhysics | |
G4Ions | |
G4IonsKoxCrossSection | |
G4IonsShenCrossSection | |
G4IonsSihverCrossSection | |
G4IonStoppingData | |
G4IonTable | |
G4IonYangFluctuationModel | |
G4IosFlagsSaver | |
G4IsoResult | |
G4Isotope | |
G4IsotopeMagneticMomentTable | |
G4IsotopeProperty | |
G4IStore | |
G4IT | |
G4ITBox | |
G4ITDecay | |
G4ITFinder | |
G4ITGun | |
G4ITLeadingTracks | |
G4ITModelHandler | |
G4ITModelManager | |
G4ITModelProcessor | |
G4ITMultiNavigator | |
G4ITNavigator1 | |
G4SaveNavigatorState | |
G4ITNavigator2 | |
G4NavigatorState | |
G4SaveNavigatorState | |
G4ITNavigatorState_Lock1 | |
G4ITNavigatorState_Lock2 | |
G4ITPathFinder | |
G4ITReaction | |
G4ITReactionChange | |
G4ITReactionPerTrack | |
G4ITReactionSet | |
G4ITReactionTable | |
G4ITSafetyHelper | |
State | |
G4ITSteppingVerbose | |
G4ITStepProcessor | |
G4ITStepProcessorState | |
G4ITStepProcessorState_Lock | |
G4ITTrackHolder | |
G4ITTrackingInteractivity | |
G4ITTrackingManager | |
G4ITTransportation | |
G4ITTransportationState | |
G4ITTransportationManager | |
G4ITType | |
G4ITTypeManager | |
G4JpegCoder | |
G4JpegProperty | |
G4JPsi | |
G4JTPolynomialSolver | |
G4KalbachCrossSection | |
G4KaonBuilder | |
G4KaonHypSampler | |
G4KaonMinus | |
G4KaonMinusAbsorptionBertini | |
G4KaonMinusField | |
G4KaonMinusInelasticProcess | |
G4KaonPlus | |
G4KaonPlusField | |
G4KaonPlusInelasticProcess | |
G4KaonSampler | |
G4KaonZero | |
G4KaonZeroField | |
G4KaonZeroLInelasticProcess | |
G4KaonZeroLong | |
G4KaonZeroShort | |
G4KaonZeroSInelasticProcess | |
G4KDMap | |
G4KDNode | |
G4KDNode_Base | |
G4KDNodeCopy | |
G4KDTree | |
HyperRect | |
G4KDTreeResult | |
G4KineticTrack | |
G4KineticTrackVector | |
G4KL3DecayChannel | |
G4KleinNishinaCompton | |
G4KleinNishinaModel | |
G4KM_DummyField | |
G4KM_NucleonEqRhs | |
G4KM_OpticalEqRhs | |
G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS | |
G4Lambda | |
G4Lambdab | |
G4LambdacPlus | |
G4LambdaInelasticProcess | |
G4LatticeLogical | |
G4LatticeManager | |
G4LatticePhysical | |
G4LatticeReader | |
G4LDMBremModel | |
G4LDMBremsstrahlung | |
G4LDMHi | |
G4LDMHiBar | |
G4LDMPhoton | |
G4LegendrePolynomial | |
G4LEHadronProtonElastic | |
G4LENDBertiniGammaElectroNuclearBuilder | |
G4LENDCapture | |
G4LENDCaptureCrossSection | |
G4LENDCombinedCrossSection | |
G4LENDCombinedModel | |
G4LENDCrossSection | |
G4LENDElastic | |
G4LENDElasticCrossSection | |
G4LENDFission | |
G4LENDFissionCrossSection | |
G4LENDInelastic | |
G4LENDInelasticCrossSection | |
G4LENDManager | |
G4LENDModel | |
G4LENDorBERTModel | |
G4LENDUsedTarget | |
G4LEnp | |
G4LEpp | |
G4LeptonConstructor | |
G4LEPTSAttachmentModel | |
G4LEPTSDissociationModel | |
G4LEPTSDistribution | |
G4LEPTSElasticModel | |
G4LEPTSElossDistr | |
G4LEPTSExcitationModel | |
G4LEPTSIonisationModel | |
G4LEPTSPositroniumModel | |
G4LEPTSRotExcitationModel | |
G4LEPTSVibExcitationModel | |
G4LevelManager | |
G4LevelReader | |
G4LFission | |
G4Li6GEMChannel | |
G4Li6GEMProbability | |
G4Li7GEMChannel | |
G4Li7GEMProbability | |
G4Li8GEMChannel | |
G4Li8GEMProbability | |
G4Li9GEMChannel | |
G4Li9GEMProbability | |
G4LightMedia | |
G4LindhardRobinsonPartition | |
G4LindhardSorensenData | |
G4LindhardSorensenIonModel | |
G4LineCurrentMagField | |
G4LineSection | |
G4LinInterpolation | |
G4LinInterpolator | |
G4LinLogInterpolation | |
G4LinLogLogInterpolation | |
G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel | |
G4LivermoreComptonModel | |
G4LivermoreComptonModifiedModel | |
G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel | |
G4LivermoreGammaConversionModelRC | |
G4LivermoreIonisationCrossSection | |
G4LivermoreIonisationModel | |
G4LivermoreNuclearGammaConversionModel | |
G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel | |
G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel | |
G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversionModel | |
G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectricGDModel | |
G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectricModel | |
G4LivermorePolarizedRayleighModel | |
G4LivermoreRayleighModel | |
G4LMsdGenerator | |
G4LocalThreadCoutMessenger | |
G4LockcoutDestination | |
G4LogicalBorderSurface | |
G4LogicalCrystalVolume | |
G4LogicalSkinSurface | |
G4LogicalSurface | |
G4LogicalVolume | |
G4LogicalVolumeModel | |
G4LogicalVolumeStore | |
G4LogLogInterpolation | |
G4LogLogInterpolator | |
G4LorentzConvertor | |
G4LossTableBuilder | |
G4LossTableManager | |
G4LowECapture | |
G4LowEIonFragmentation | |
G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung | |
G4LowEnergyCompton | |
G4LowEnergyGammaConversion | |
G4LowEnergyIonisation | |
G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric | |
G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton | |
G4LowEnergyRayleigh | |
G4LowEPComptonModel | |
G4LowEPPolarizedComptonModel | |
G4LowEWentzelVIModel | |
G4LowEXsection | |
G4LPhysicsFreeVector | |
G4LundStringFragmentation | |
G4LVData | |
G4Mag_EqRhs | |
G4Mag_SpinEqRhs | |
G4Mag_UsualEqRhs | |
G4MagErrorStepper | |
G4MagHelicalStepper | |
G4MagInt_Driver | |
G4MagIntegratorStepper | |
G4MagneticField | |
G4MagneticFieldModel | |
G4MaleBuilder | |
G4ManyFastLists | |
G4ManyFastLists_iterator | |
G4MapCache | |
G4MasterForwardcoutDestination | |
G4Material | |
G4MaterialCutsCouple | |
G4MaterialPropertiesTable | |
G4MaterialScanner | |
G4MatScanMessenger | |
G4MaxTimeCuts | |
G4MCCIndexConversionTable | |
G4MCTEvent | |
G4MCTGenEvent | |
G4MCTSimEvent | |
G4MCTSimParticle | |
G4MCTSimVertex | |
G4MemoryError | |
G4MesonAbsorption | |
G4MesonConstructor | |
G4MesonSplitter | |
G4Mexp | |
G4Mg22GEMChannel | |
G4Mg22GEMProbability | |
G4Mg23GEMChannel | |
G4Mg23GEMProbability | |
G4Mg24GEMChannel | |
G4Mg24GEMProbability | |
G4Mg25GEMChannel | |
G4Mg25GEMProbability | |
G4Mg26GEMChannel | |
G4Mg26GEMProbability | |
G4Mg27GEMChannel | |
G4Mg27GEMProbability | |
G4Mg28GEMChannel | |
G4Mg28GEMProbability | |
G4MicroElecCrossSectionDataSet | |
G4MicroElecElastic | |
G4MicroElecElasticModel | |
G4MicroElecInelastic | |
G4MicroElecInelasticModel | |
G4MicroElecSiStructure | |
G4MinEkineCuts | |
G4MIRDBodyFactory | |
G4MIRDBrain | |
G4MIRDHead | |
G4MIRDHeart | |
G4MIRDLeftAdrenal | |
G4MIRDLeftArmBone | |
G4MIRDLeftBreast | |
G4MIRDLeftClavicle | |
G4MIRDLeftKidney | |
G4MIRDLeftLeg | |
G4MIRDLeftLegBone | |
G4MIRDLeftLung | |
G4MIRDLeftOvary | |
G4MIRDLeftScapula | |
G4MIRDLeftTeste | |
G4MIRDLiver | |
G4MIRDLowerLargeIntestine | |
G4MIRDMaleGenitalia | |
G4MIRDMiddleLowerSpine | |
G4MIRDPancreas | |
G4MIRDPelvis | |
G4MIRDRibCage | |
G4MIRDRightAdrenal | |
G4MIRDRightArmBone | |
G4MIRDRightBreast | |
G4MIRDRightClavicle | |
G4MIRDRightKidney | |
G4MIRDRightLeg | |
G4MIRDRightLegBone | |
G4MIRDRightLung | |
G4MIRDRightOvary | |
G4MIRDRightScapula | |
G4MIRDRightTeste | |
G4MIRDSkull | |
G4MIRDSmallIntestine | |
G4MIRDSpleen | |
G4MIRDStomach | |
G4MIRDThymus | |
G4MIRDThyroid | |
G4MIRDTrunk | |
G4MIRDUpperLargeIntestine | |
G4MIRDUpperSpine | |
G4MIRDUrinaryBladder | |
G4MIRDUterus | |
G4ModelCmdActive | |
G4ModelCmdAddInt | |
G4ModelCmdAddInterval | |
G4ModelCmdAddIntervalContext | |
G4ModelCmdAddString | |
G4ModelCmdAddValue | |
G4ModelCmdAddValueContext | |
G4ModelCmdApplyBool | |
G4ModelCmdApplyColour | |
G4ModelCmdApplyDouble | |
G4ModelCmdApplyDoubleAndUnit | |
G4ModelCmdApplyInteger | |
G4ModelCmdApplyNull | |
G4ModelCmdApplyString | |
G4ModelCmdApplyStringColour | |
G4ModelCmdCreateContextDir | |
G4ModelCmdDraw | |
G4ModelCmdInvert | |
G4ModelCmdReset | |
G4ModelCmdSetAuxPtsColour | |
G4ModelCmdSetAuxPtsFillStyle | |
G4ModelCmdSetAuxPtsSize | |
G4ModelCmdSetAuxPtsSizeType | |
G4ModelCmdSetAuxPtsType | |
G4ModelCmdSetAuxPtsVisible | |
G4ModelCmdSetDefaultColour | |
G4ModelCmdSetDrawAuxPts | |
G4ModelCmdSetDrawLine | |
G4ModelCmdSetDrawStepPts | |
G4ModelCmdSetLineColour | |
G4ModelCmdSetLineVisible | |
G4ModelCmdSetStepPtsColour | |
G4ModelCmdSetStepPtsFillStyle | |
G4ModelCmdSetStepPtsSize | |
G4ModelCmdSetStepPtsSizeType | |
G4ModelCmdSetStepPtsType | |
G4ModelCmdSetStepPtsVisible | |
G4ModelCmdSetString | |
G4ModelCmdSetStringColour | |
G4ModelCmdSetTimeSliceInterval | |
G4ModelCmdVerbose | |
G4ModelColourMap | |
G4ModelingParameters | |
PVNameCopyNo | |
PVPointerCopyNo | |
VisAttributesModifier | |
G4ModifiedMidpoint | |
G4ModifiedTsai | |
G4MolecularConfiguration | |
G4MolecularConfigurationManager | |
G4MolecularDissociationChannel | |
G4MolecularDissociationTable | |
G4Molecule | |
G4MoleculeCounter | |
Search | |
G4MoleculeDefinition | |
G4MoleculeGun | |
G4MoleculeGunMessenger | |
G4MoleculeHandleManager | |
CompMoleculePointer | |
G4MoleculeIterator | |
G4MoleculeShoot | |
G4MoleculeShootMessenger | |
G4MoleculeTable | |
G4MollerBhabhaModel | |
G4Monopole | |
G4MonopoleEq | |
G4MonopoleEquation | |
G4MonopoleFieldMessenger | |
G4MonopoleFieldSetup | |
G4MonopolePhysics | |
G4MonopolePhysicsMessenger | |
G4MonopoleTransportation | |
G4MottCoefficients | |
G4MPIbatch | |
G4MPIhistoMerger | |
G4MPImanager | |
G4MPImessenger | |
G4MPIrandomSeedGenerator | |
G4MPIrunMerger | |
G4MPIscorerMerger | |
G4MPIsession | |
G4MPIstatus | |
G4MPIToolsManager | |
G4mplIonisation | |
G4mplIonisationModel | |
G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel | |
G4MSSteppingAction | |
G4MTBarrier | |
G4MTcoutDestination | |
G4MTRunManager | |
G4MTRunManagerKernel | |
G4MuBetheBlochModel | |
G4MuBremsstrahlung | |
G4MuBremsstrahlungModel | |
G4MuElecCrossSectionDataSet | |
G4MuElecElastic | |
G4MuElecElasticModel | |
G4MuElecInelastic | |
G4MuElecInelasticModel | |
G4MuElecSiStructure | |
G4MuIonisation | |
G4MultiBodyMomentumDist | |
G4MulticoutDestination | |
G4MultiEventAction | |
G4MultiFunctionalDetector | |
G4MultiLevelLocator | |
G4MultiNavigator | |
G4MultiRunAction | |
G4MultiSensitiveDetector | |
G4MultiSteppingAction | |
G4MultiTrackingAction | |
G4MultiUnion | |
G4MultiUnionSurface | |
G4MuMinusCapturePrecompound | |
G4MuMultipleScattering | |
G4MuNeutrinoNucleusTotXsc | |
G4MuonDecayChannel | |
G4MuonDecayChannelWithSpin | |
G4MuonicAtom | |
G4MuonicAtomDecay | |
G4MuonicAtomDecayPhysics | |
G4MuonicAtomHelper | |
G4MuonMinus | |
G4MuonMinusAtomicCapture | |
G4MuonMinusBoundDecay | |
G4MuonMinusCapture | |
G4MuonNuclearProcess | |
G4MuonPlus | |
G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin | |
G4MuonVDNuclearModel | |
G4MuPairProduction | |
G4MuPairProductionModel | |
G4N12GEMChannel | |
G4N12GEMProbability | |
G4N13GEMChannel | |
G4N13GEMProbability | |
G4N14GEMChannel | |
G4N14GEMProbability | |
G4N15GEMChannel | |
G4N15GEMProbability | |
G4N16GEMChannel | |
G4N16GEMProbability | |
G4N17GEMChannel | |
G4N17GEMProbability | |
G4Na21GEMChannel | |
G4Na21GEMProbability | |
G4Na22GEMChannel | |
G4Na22GEMProbability | |
G4Na23GEMChannel | |
G4Na23GEMProbability | |
G4Na24GEMChannel | |
G4Na24GEMProbability | |
G4Na25GEMChannel | |
G4Na25GEMProbability | |
G4NativeScreenedCoulombCrossSection | |
G4NavigationHistory | |
G4NavigationHistoryPool | |
G4NavigationLevel | |
G4NavigationLevelRep | |
G4NavigationLogger | |
G4Navigator | |
G4SaveNavigatorState | |
G4NDeltastarBuilder | |
G4Ne18GEMChannel | |
G4Ne18GEMProbability | |
G4Ne19GEMChannel | |
G4Ne19GEMProbability | |
G4Ne20GEMChannel | |
G4Ne20GEMProbability | |
G4Ne21GEMChannel | |
G4Ne21GEMProbability | |
G4Ne22GEMChannel | |
G4Ne22GEMProbability | |
G4Ne23GEMChannel | |
G4Ne23GEMProbability | |
G4Ne24GEMChannel | |
G4Ne24GEMProbability | |
G4NeutrinoE | |
G4NeutrinoElectronCcModel | |
G4NeutrinoElectronCcXsc | |
G4NeutrinoElectronNcModel | |
G4NeutrinoElectronNcXsc | |
G4NeutrinoElectronProcess | |
G4NeutrinoElectronTotXsc | |
G4NeutrinoMu | |
G4NeutrinoTau | |
G4Neutron | |
G4NeutronBetaDecayChannel | |
G4NeutronBuilder | |
G4NeutronCaptureXS | |
G4NeutronCoulombBarrier | |
G4NeutronCrossSectionXS | |
G4NeutronDecay | |
G4NeutronElasticXS | |
G4NeutronElectronElModel | |
G4NeutronElectronElXsc | |
G4NeutronEvaporationChannel | |
G4NeutronEvaporationProbability | |
G4NeutronField | |
G4NeutronGEMChannel | |
G4NeutronGEMProbability | |
G4NeutronInelasticCrossSection | |
G4NeutronInelasticProcess | |
G4NeutronInelasticXS | |
G4NeutronKiller | |
G4NeutronKillerMessenger | |
G4NeutronLENDBuilder | |
G4NeutronPHPBuilder | |
G4NeutronRadCapture | |
G4NeutronTrackingCut | |
G4Nevent | |
G4NistElementBuilder | |
G4NistManager | |
G4NistMaterialBuilder | |
G4NistMessenger | |
G4NNstarBuilder | |
G4NoModelFound | |
G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator | |
G4NormalNavigation | |
G4NotSupported | |
G4NP2NPAngDst | |
G4NRESP71M03 | |
G4Nsplit_Weight | |
G4NtupleMessenger | |
G4NuclearAbrasionGeometry | |
G4NuclearDecay | |
G4NuclearFermiDensity | |
G4NuclearLevelData | |
G4NuclearPolarization | |
G4NuclearPolarizationStore | |
G4NuclearShellModelDensity | |
G4NuclearStopping | |
G4NucleiModel | |
G4NucleiProperties | |
G4NucleiPropertiesTableAME03 | |
G4NucleiPropertiesTableAME12 | |
G4NucleiPropertiesTheoreticalTable | |
G4Nucleon | |
G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection | |
G4Nucleus | |
G4NucleusLimits | |
G4NucLevel | |
G4NuclideTable | |
G4NuclideTableMessenger | |
G4NuclNucl3BodyAngDst | |
G4NuclNucl3BodyMomDst | |
G4NuclNucl4BodyMomDst | |
G4NuclNuclAngDst | |
G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic | |
G4NuclWatcher | |
G4NullModel | |
G4Number | |
G4Number< 0 > | |
G4NumIntTwoBodyAngDst | |
G4NystromRK4 | |
G4O14GEMChannel | |
G4O14GEMProbability | |
G4O15GEMChannel | |
G4O15GEMProbability | |
G4O16GEMChannel | |
G4O16GEMProbability | |
G4O17GEMChannel | |
G4O17GEMProbability | |
G4O18GEMChannel | |
G4O18GEMProbability | |
G4O19GEMChannel | |
G4O19GEMProbability | |
G4O20GEMChannel | |
G4O20GEMProbability | |
G4OH | |
G4OmegabMinus | |
G4OmegacZero | |
G4OmegaMinus | |
G4OmegaMinusInelasticProcess | |
G4OpAbsorption | |
G4OpBoundaryProcess | |
G4OpenGL2PSAction | |
G4OpenGLFontBaseStore | |
FontInfo | |
G4OpenGLImmediateQt | |
G4OpenGLImmediateWin32 | |
G4OpenGLImmediateWt | |
G4OpenGLImmediateX | |
G4OpenGLImmediateXm | |
G4OpenGLQt | |
G4OpenGLStoredQt | |
G4OpenGLStoredWin32 | |
G4OpenGLStoredX | |
G4OpenGLStoredXm | |
G4OpenGLViewerMessenger | |
G4OpenGLXm | |
G4OpenInventor | |
G4OpenInventorWin | |
G4OpenInventorWin32 | |
G4OpenInventorX | |
G4OpenInventorXt | |
G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer | |
elementForSorting | |
sceneElement | |
viewPtData | |
G4OpenInventorXtExtended | |
G4OpMieHG | |
G4OpRayleigh | |
G4Opt | |
G4OpticalPhoton | |
G4OpticalPhysics | |
G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger | |
G4OpticalSurface | |
G4OpWLS | |
G4Orb | |
G4OrderedTable | |
G4OrlicLiXsModel | |
G4OutBitStream | |
G4P1Messenger | |
G4P1ToolsManager | |
G4P2Messenger | |
G4P2ToolsManager | |
G4Pace | |
G4PAIModel | |
G4PAIModelData | |
G4PAIPhotData | |
G4PAIPhotModel | |
G4Pair | |
G4PairingCorrection | |
G4PairProductionRelModel | |
ElementData | |
LPMFuncs | |
G4PAIxSection | |
G4PAIySection | |
G4Para | |
G4Paraboloid | |
G4ParaFissionModel | |
G4ParallelGeometriesLimiterProcess | |
G4ParallelWorldPhysics | |
G4ParallelWorldProcess | |
G4ParallelWorldProcessStore | |
G4ParallelWorldScoringProcess | |
G4ParameterisationBoxX | |
G4ParameterisationBoxY | |
G4ParameterisationBoxZ | |
G4ParameterisationConsPhi | |
G4ParameterisationConsRho | |
G4ParameterisationConsZ | |
G4ParameterisationParaX | |
G4ParameterisationParaY | |
G4ParameterisationParaZ | |
G4ParameterisationPolyconePhi | |
G4ParameterisationPolyconeRho | |
G4ParameterisationPolyconeZ | |
G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi | |
G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho | |
G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ | |
G4ParameterisationTrdX | |
G4ParameterisationTrdY | |
G4ParameterisationTrdZ | |
G4ParameterisationTubsPhi | |
G4ParameterisationTubsRho | |
G4ParameterisationTubsZ | |
G4ParameterisedNavigation | |
G4ParamExpTwoBodyAngDst | |
G4PartialPhantomParameterisation | |
G4PartialWidthTable | |
G4ParticleChange | |
G4ParticleChangeForDecay | |
G4ParticleChangeForGamma | |
G4ParticleChangeForLoss | |
G4ParticleChangeForMSC | |
G4ParticleChangeForNothing | |
G4ParticleChangeForOccurenceBiasing | |
G4ParticleChangeForRadDecay | |
G4ParticleChangeForTransport | |
G4ParticleDefinition | |
G4ParticleGun | |
G4ParticleGunMessenger | |
G4ParticleHP2AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP2N2AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP2NAInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP2NDInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP2NInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP2NPInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP2PInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP3AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP3NAInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP3NInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP3NPInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHP4NInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPAInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPAngular | |
toBeCached | |
G4ParticleHPAngularP | |
G4ParticleHPArbitaryTab | |
G4ParticleHPBGGNucleonInelasticXS | |
G4ParticleHPCapture | |
G4ParticleHPCaptureData | |
G4ParticleHPCaptureFS | |
G4ParticleHPChannel | |
G4ParticleHPChannelList | |
G4ParticleHPContAngularPar | |
toBeCached | |
G4ParticleHPContEnergyAngular | |
G4ParticleHPD2AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPDAInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPData | |
G4ParticleHPDataPoint | |
G4ParticleHPDataUsed | |
G4ParticleHPDeExGammas | |
G4ParticleHPDInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPDiscreteTwoBody | |
G4ParticleHPElastic | |
G4ParticleHPElasticData | |
G4ParticleHPElasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPElementData | |
G4ParticleHPEnAngCorrelation | |
toBeCached | |
G4ParticleHPEnergyDistribution | |
G4ParticleHPEvapSpectrum | |
G4ParticleHPFastLegendre | |
G4ParticleHPFCFissionFS | |
G4ParticleHPFFFissionFS | |
G4ParticleHPField | |
G4ParticleHPFieldPoint | |
G4ParticleHPFinalState | |
G4ParticleHPFission | |
G4ParticleHPFissionBaseFS | |
toBeCached | |
G4ParticleHPFissionData | |
G4ParticleHPFissionERelease | |
G4ParticleHPFissionFS | |
G4ParticleHPFissionSpectrum | |
G4ParticleHPFSFissionFS | |
toBeCached | |
G4ParticleHPGamma | |
G4ParticleHPHash | |
G4ParticleHPHe3InelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPInelastic | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticBaseFS | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticCompFS | |
G4ParticleHPInelasticData | |
G4ParticleHPInterpolator | |
G4ParticleHPIsoData | |
G4ParticleHPIsotropic | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEData | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEElasticData | |
G4ParticleHPJENDLHEInelasticData | |
G4ParticleHPKallbachMannSyst | |
G4ParticleHPLabAngularEnergy | |
G4ParticleHPLCFissionFS | |
G4ParticleHPLegendreStore | |
G4ParticleHPLegendreTable | |
G4ParticleHPLevel | |
G4ParticleHPList | |
G4ParticleHPMadlandNixSpectrum | |
G4ParticleHPManager | |
G4ParticleHPMessenger | |
G4ParticleHPN2AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPN2PInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPN3AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNAInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNames | |
G4ParticleHPNBodyPhaseSpace | |
G4ParticleHPND2AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNDInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNHe3InelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNPAInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNPInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNT2AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNTInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPNXInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPPAInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPPartial | |
G4ParticleHPParticleYield | |
G4ParticleHPPDInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPPhotonDist | |
G4ParticleHPPInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPPolynomExpansion | |
G4ParticleHPProduct | |
toBeCached | |
G4ParticleHPPTInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPReactionWhiteBoard | |
G4ParticleHPSCFissionFS | |
G4ParticleHPSimpleEvapSpectrum | |
G4ParticleHPT2AInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPTCFissionFS | |
G4ParticleHPThermalBoost | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScattering | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScatteringData | |
G4ParticleHPThermalScatteringNames | |
G4ParticleHPThreadLocalManager | |
G4ParticleHPTInelasticFS | |
G4ParticleHPVector | |
G4ParticleHPWattSpectrum | |
G4ParticleInelasticXS | |
G4ParticleLargerBeta | |
G4ParticleLargerEkin | |
G4ParticleMessenger | |
G4ParticlePropertyData | |
G4ParticlePropertyMessenger | |
G4ParticlePropertyTable | |
G4ParticlesWorkspace | |
G4ParticleTable | |
G4ParticleTableIterator | |
G4ParticleTypeConverter | |
G4Parton | |
G4PartonPair | |
G4PathFinder | |
G4PaulKxsModel | |
G4PDefData | |
G4PDefManager | |
G4PDGCodeChecker | |
G4PEEffectFluoModel | |
G4PenelopeAnnihilationModel | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS | |
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungModel | |
G4PenelopeComptonModel | |
G4PenelopeCrossSection | |
G4PenelopeGammaConversionModel | |
G4PenelopeIonisationCrossSection | |
G4PenelopeIonisationModel | |
G4PenelopeIonisationXSHandler | |
G4PenelopeOscillator | |
G4PenelopeOscillatorManager | |
G4PenelopeOscillatorResEnergyComparator | |
G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel | |
G4PenelopeRayleighModel | |
G4PenelopeSamplingData | |
G4PersistencyCenter | |
G4PersistencyCenterMessenger | |
G4PersistencyManager | |
G4PersistencyManagerT | |
G4Pevent | |
G4PhantomBuilder | |
G4PhantomHeadBuilder | |
G4PhantomParameterisation | |
G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel | |
G4PhononDownconversion | |
G4PhononLong | |
G4PhononReflection | |
G4PhononScattering | |
G4PhononTrackMap | |
G4PhononTransFast | |
G4PhononTransSlow | |
G4PhotoCaptureProcess | |
G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized | |
G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrila | |
G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSimple | |
G4PhotoElectricEffect | |
G4PhotoFissionProcess | |
G4PhotonEvaporation | |
G4PhotoNuclearCrossSection | |
G4PhotoNuclearProcess | |
G4PhSideData | |
G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene | |
G4PhysicalVolumeModel | |
G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable | |
G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID | |
G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene | |
G4PhysicalVolumeStore | |
G4Physics2DVector | |
G4PhysicsBuilderInterface | |
G4PhysicsConstructorFactory | |
G4PhysicsConstructorRegistry | |
G4PhysicsFreeVector | |
G4PhysicsLinearVector | |
G4PhysicsListHelper | |
G4PhysicsListOrderingParameter | |
G4PhysicsListWorkspace | |
G4PhysicsLogVector | |
G4PhysicsModelCatalog | |
G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector | |
G4PhysicsTable | |
G4PhysicsTableHelper | |
G4PhysicsVector | |
G4PhysListFactory | |
G4PhysListFactoryMessenger | |
G4PhysListRegistry | |
G4PhysListStamper | |
G4PhysListUtil | |
G4Pi0P2Pi0PAngDst | |
G4PiData | |
Delete | |
G4PiKBuilder | |
G4PiMinusAbsorptionBertini | |
G4PimP2Pi0NAngDst | |
G4PimP2PimPAngDst | |
G4ping | |
G4PiNInelasticAngDst | |
G4PiNuclearCrossSection | |
G4PionBuilder | |
G4PionDecayMakeSpin | |
G4PionMinus | |
G4PionMinusField | |
G4PionMinusInelasticProcess | |
G4PionNucSampler | |
G4PionPlus | |
G4PionPlusField | |
G4PionPlusInelasticProcess | |
G4PionRadiativeDecayChannel | |
G4PionZero | |
G4PionZeroField | |
G4PipP2PipPAngDst | |
G4PixeCrossSectionHandler | |
G4PixeShellDataSet | |
G4PlacedPolyhedron | |
G4PlotManager | |
G4PlotMessenger | |
G4PlotParameters | |
G4PlSideData | |
G4Point3DList | |
G4PolarizationHelper | |
G4PolarizationManager | |
G4PolarizationMessenger | |
G4PolarizationTransition | |
G4PolarizedAnnihilationCrossSection | |
G4PolarizedAnnihilationModel | |
G4PolarizedBhabhaCrossSection | |
G4PolarizedBremsstrahlungCrossSection | |
G4PolarizedCompton | |
G4PolarizedComptonCrossSection | |
G4PolarizedComptonModel | |
G4PolarizedGammaConversion | |
G4PolarizedGammaConversionModel | |
G4PolarizedMollerBhabhaModel | |
G4PolarizedMollerCrossSection | |
G4PolarizedPairProductionCrossSection | |
G4PolarizedPEEffectCrossSection | |
G4PolarizedPEEffectModel | |
G4PolarizedPhotoElectricEffect | |
G4Polycone | |
G4PolyconeHistorical | |
G4PolyconeSide | |
G4PolyconeSideRZ | |
G4Polyhedra | |
G4PolyhedraHistorical | |
G4PolyhedraSide | |
sG4PolyhedraSideEdge | |
sG4PolyhedraSideVec | |
G4PolyhedraSideRZ | |
G4Polyhedron | |
G4PolyhedronArbitrary | |
G4PolyhedronBox | |
G4PolyhedronCone | |
G4PolyhedronCons | |
G4PolyhedronEllipsoid | |
G4PolyhedronEllipticalCone | |
G4PolyhedronHype | |
G4PolyhedronPara | |
G4PolyhedronParaboloid | |
G4PolyhedronPcon | |
G4PolyhedronPgon | |
G4PolyhedronSphere | |
G4PolyhedronTorus | |
G4PolyhedronTrap | |
G4PolyhedronTrd1 | |
G4PolyhedronTrd2 | |
G4PolyhedronTube | |
G4PolyhedronTubs | |
G4Polyline | |
G4Polymarker | |
G4PolynomialPDF | |
G4PolynomialSolver | |
G4PolyPhiFace | |
G4PolyPhiFaceEdge | |
G4PolyPhiFaceVertex | |
G4Positron | |
G4PositronNuclearProcess | |
G4Pow | |
G4PP2PPAngDst | |
G4PreCompoundAlpha | |
G4PreCompoundDeexcitation | |
G4PreCompoundDeuteron | |
G4PreCompoundEmission | |
G4PreCompoundEmissionFactory | |
G4PreCompoundFragment | |
G4PreCompoundFragmentVector | |
G4PreCompoundHe3 | |
G4PreCompoundIon | |
G4PreCompoundModel | |
G4PreCompoundNeutron | |
G4PreCompoundNucleon | |
G4PreCompoundProton | |
G4PreCompoundTransitions | |
G4PreCompoundTriton | |
G4PrecoNeutronBuilder | |
G4PrecoProtonBuilder | |
G4PrimaryParticle | |
G4PrimaryTransformer | |
G4PrimaryVertex | |
G4ProcessAttribute | |
G4ProcessManager | |
G4ProcessManagerMessenger | |
G4ProcessPlacer | |
G4ProcessState_Lock | |
G4ProcessTable | |
G4ProcessTableMessenger | |
G4ProcessVector | |
G4ProcTblElement | |
G4ProductionCuts | |
G4ProductionCutsTable | |
G4ProductionCutsTableMessenger | |
G4ProjectileFragmentCrossSection | |
G4PropagatorInField | |
G4Proton | |
G4ProtonBuilder | |
G4ProtonCoulombBarrier | |
G4ProtonDecay | |
G4ProtonEvaporationChannel | |
G4ProtonEvaporationProbability | |
G4ProtonField | |
G4ProtonGEMChannel | |
G4ProtonGEMProbability | |
G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection | |
G4ProtonInelasticProcess | |
G4ProtonPHPBuilder | |
G4PSCellCharge | |
G4PSCellCharge3D | |
G4PSCellFlux | |
G4PSCellFlux3D | |
G4PSCellFluxForCylinder3D | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceCurrent | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceCurrent3D | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceFlux | |
G4PSCylinderSurfaceFlux3D | |
G4PSDoseDeposit | |
G4PSDoseDeposit3D | |
G4PSDoseDepositForCylinder3D | |
G4PSEnergyDeposit | |
G4PSEnergyDeposit3D | |
G4PseudoScene | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceCurrent | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceCurrent3D | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceFlux | |
G4PSFlatSurfaceFlux3D | |
G4PSHitsModel | |
G4PSMinKinEAtGeneration | |
G4PSMinKinEAtGeneration3D | |
G4PSNofCollision | |
G4PSNofCollision3D | |
G4PSNofSecondary | |
G4PSNofSecondary3D | |
G4PSNofStep | |
G4PSNofStep3D | |
G4PSPassageCellCurrent | |
G4PSPassageCellCurrent3D | |
G4PSPassageCellFlux | |
G4PSPassageCellFlux3D | |
G4PSPassageCellFluxForCylinder3D | |
G4PSPassageTrackLength | |
G4PSPassageTrackLength3D | |
G4PSPopulation | |
G4PSPopulation3D | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceCurrent | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceCurrent3D | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceFlux | |
G4PSSphereSurfaceFlux3D | |
G4PSStepChecker | |
G4PSStepChecker3D | |
G4PSTARStopping | |
G4PSTermination | |
G4PSTermination3D | |
G4PSTrackCounter | |
G4PSTrackCounter3D | |
G4PSTrackLength | |
G4PSTrackLength3D | |
G4PVData | |
G4PVDivision | |
G4PVDivisionFactory | |
G4PVParameterised | |
G4PVPlacement | |
G4PVReplica | |
G4PyCoutDestination | |
G4Pythia6Decayer | |
G4Pythia6DecayerMessenger | |
G4QAOLowEnergyLoss | |
G4QGSBinaryKaonBuilder | |
G4QGSBinaryNeutronBuilder | |
G4QGSBinaryPiKBuilder | |
G4QGSBinaryPionBuilder | |
G4QGSBinaryProtonBuilder | |
G4QGSBuilder | |
G4QGSDiffractiveExcitation | |
G4QGSMFragmentation | |
G4QGSModel | |
G4QGSMParameters | |
G4QGSMSplitableHadron | |
G4QGSParticipants | |
DeleteInteractionContent | |
DeletePartonPair | |
DeleteSplitableHadron | |
G4QGSPKaonBuilder | |
G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder | |
G4QGSPNeutronBuilder | |
G4QGSPPiKBuilder | |
G4QGSPPionBuilder | |
G4QGSPProtonBuilder | |
G4QMDCollision | |
G4QMDGroundStateNucleus | |
G4QMDMeanField | |
G4QMDNucleus | |
G4QMDParameters | |
G4QMDParticipant | |
G4QMDReaction | |
G4QMDSystem | |
G4QuadrangularFacet | |
G4QuadrupoleMagField | |
G4QuarkExchange | |
G4Quarks | |
G4QuasiElasticChannel | |
G4QuasiElRatios | |
G4Radioactivation | |
G4RadioactivationMessenger | |
G4RadioactiveDecay | |
G4RadioactiveDecayBase | |
G4RadioactiveDecayBaseMessenger | |
G4RadioactiveDecayChainsFromParent | |
G4RadioactiveDecaymessenger | |
G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics | |
G4RadioactiveDecayRatesToDaughter | |
G4RadioactivityTable | |
G4RayleighAngularGenerator | |
G4RayleighScattering | |
G4RayShooter | |
G4RayTracer | |
G4RayTracerSceneHandler | |
PathLessThan | |
G4RayTracerViewer | |
G4RayTrajectory | |
G4RayTrajectoryPoint | |
G4RDAtomicDeexcitation | |
G4RDAtomicShell | |
G4RDAtomicTransitionManager | |
G4RDAugerData | |
G4RDAugerTransition | |
G4RDBremsstrahlungCrossSectionHandler | |
G4RDBremsstrahlungParameters | |
G4RDCompositeEMDataSet | |
G4RDCrossSectionHandler | |
G4RDDopplerProfile | |
G4RDeBremsstrahlungSpectrum | |
G4RDeIonisationCrossSectionHandler | |
G4RDeIonisationParameters | |
G4RDeIonisationSpectrum | |
G4RDEMDataSet | |
G4RDFluoData | |
G4RDFluoTransition | |
G4RDGenerator2BN | |
G4RDGenerator2BS | |
G4RDLinInterpolation | |
G4RDLinLogInterpolation | |
G4RDLinLogLogInterpolation | |
G4RDLogLogInterpolation | |
G4RDModifiedTsai | |
G4RDPhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized | |
G4RDPhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrila | |
G4RDPhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSimple | |
G4RDRangeNoTest | |
G4RDRangeTest | |
G4RDSemiLogInterpolation | |
G4RDShellData | |
G4RDShellEMDataSet | |
G4RDShellVacancy | |
G4RDVBremAngularDistribution | |
G4RDVCrossSectionHandler | |
G4RDVDataSetAlgorithm | |
G4RDVeLowEnergyLoss | |
G4RDVEMDataSet | |
G4RDVEnergySpectrum | |
G4RDVPhotoElectricAngularDistribution | |
G4RDVRangeTest | |
G4ReactionProduct | |
G4ReactionTableMessenger | |
G4ReduciblePolygon | |
ABVertex | |
G4ReduciblePolygonIterator | |
G4ReferenceCountedHandle | |
G4ReflectedSolid | |
G4ReflectionFactory | |
G4Reggeons | |
G4Region | |
G4RegionData | |
G4RegionModels | |
G4RegionStore | |
G4RegularNavigation | |
G4RegularNavigationHelper | |
G4RegularXTRadiator | |
G4RepleteEofM | |
G4ReplicaData | |
G4ReplicaNavigation | |
G4ReplicatedSlice | |
G4ResonanceID | |
G4ResonanceNames | |
G4ResonancePartialWidth | |
G4ResonanceWidth | |
G4RichTrajectory | |
G4RichTrajectoryPoint | |
G4RK547FEq1 | |
G4RK547FEq2 | |
G4RK547FEq3 | |
G4RKFieldIntegrator | |
G4RKG3_Stepper | |
G4RKPropagation | |
G4RootAnalysisManager | |
G4RootAnalysisReader | |
G4RootFileManager | |
G4RootMainNtupleManager | |
G4RootNtupleManager | |
G4RootPNtupleDescription | |
G4RootPNtupleManager | |
G4RootRFileManager | |
G4RootRNtupleManager | |
G4RPGAntiKZeroInelastic | |
G4RPGAntiLambdaInelastic | |
G4RPGAntiNeutronInelastic | |
G4RPGAntiOmegaMinusInelastic | |
G4RPGAntiProtonInelastic | |
G4RPGAntiSigmaMinusInelastic | |
G4RPGAntiSigmaPlusInelastic | |
G4RPGAntiXiMinusInelastic | |
G4RPGAntiXiZeroInelastic | |
G4RPGFragmentation | |
G4RPGInelastic | |
G4RPGKLongInelastic | |
G4RPGKMinusInelastic | |
G4RPGKPlusInelastic | |
G4RPGKShortInelastic | |
G4RPGKZeroInelastic | |
G4RPGLambdaInelastic | |
G4RPGNeutronInelastic | |
G4RPGNucleonInelastic | |
G4RPGOmegaMinusInelastic | |
G4RPGPiMinusInelastic | |
G4RPGPionInelastic | |
G4RPGPionSuppression | |
G4RPGPiPlusInelastic | |
G4RPGProtonInelastic | |
G4RPGReaction | |
G4RPGSigmaMinusInelastic | |
G4RPGSigmaPlusInelastic | |
G4RPGStrangeProduction | |
G4RPGTwoBody | |
G4RPGTwoCluster | |
G4RPGXiMinusInelastic | |
G4RPGXiZeroInelastic | |
G4RTJpegMaker | |
G4RTMessenger | |
G4RToEConvForElectron | |
G4RToEConvForGamma | |
G4RToEConvForPositron | |
G4RToEConvForProton | |
G4RTPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
G4RTRun | |
G4RTRunAction | |
G4RTSimpleScanner | |
G4RTSteppingAction | |
G4RTTrackingAction | |
G4RTWorkerInitialization | |
G4Run | |
G4RunManager | |
G4RunManagerKernel | |
G4RunMessenger | |
G4SafetyHelper | |
G4SampleResonance | |
G4SamplingPostStepAction | |
G4SandiaTable | |
G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution | |
G4Scale | |
G4ScaledSolid | |
G4ScaleModel | |
G4ScaleTransform | |
G4Scatterer | |
Register | |
G4Scene | |
Model | |
G4SceneHandlerList | |
G4SceneList | |
G4Scheduler | |
G4SchedulerMessenger | |
G4Scintillation | |
G4ScintillationTrackInformation | |
G4ScoreLogColorMap | |
G4ScoreQuantityMessenger | |
G4ScoreSplittingProcess | |
G4ScoringBox | |
G4ScoringCylinder | |
G4ScoringManager | |
G4ScoringMessenger | |
G4ScreenedCollisionStage | |
G4ScreenedCoulombClassicalKinematics | |
G4ScreenedCoulombCrossSection | |
G4ScreenedCoulombCrossSectionInfo | |
G4ScreenedNuclearRecoil | A process which handles screened Coulomb collisions between nuclei |
G4ScreeningMottCrossSection | |
G4ScreeningTables | |
G4SDChargedFilter | |
G4SDKineticEnergyFilter | |
G4SDManager | |
G4SDmessenger | |
G4SDNeutralFilter | |
G4SDParticleFilter | |
G4SDParticleWithEnergyFilter | |
G4SDStructure | |
G4SeltzerBergerModel | |
G4SemiLogInterpolation | |
G4SensitiveVolumeList | |
G4ShellCorrection | |
G4ShellData | |
G4ShellEMDataSet | |
G4ShellVacancy | |
G4ShiftedGaussian | |
G4ShortLivedConstructor | |
G4SigmabMinus | |
G4SigmabPlus | |
G4SigmabZero | |
G4SigmacPlus | |
G4SigmacPlusPlus | |
G4SigmacZero | |
G4SigmaMinus | |
G4SigmaMinusAbsorptionBertini | |
G4SigmaMinusField | |
G4SigmaMinusInelasticProcess | |
G4SigmaPlus | |
G4SigmaPlusField | |
G4SigmaPlusInelasticProcess | |
G4SigmaZero | |
G4SigmaZeroField | |
G4SimpleHeum | |
G4SimpleIntegration | |
G4SimpleLocator | |
G4SimplePPReporter | |
G4SimpleRunge | |
G4SimplexDownhill | |
G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation | |
G4SingleParticleSource | |
part_prop_t | |
G4SingleScatter | |
G4SliceTimer | |
G4SmartFilter | |
G4SmartTrackStack | |
G4SmartVoxelHeader | |
G4SmartVoxelNode | |
G4SmartVoxelProxy | |
G4SmartVoxelStat | |
ByCpu | |
ByMemory | |
G4SmoothTrajectory | |
G4SmoothTrajectoryPoint | |
G4SoftStringBuilder | |
G4SolidExtentList | |
G4SolidStore | |
G4SolidsWorkspace | |
G4SolidsWorkspacePool | |
G4Solver | |
G4SortHelperPtr | |
G4SPBaryon | |
G4SPBaryonTable | |
DeleteSPBaryon | |
G4SpecialCuts | |
G4Sphere | |
G4SpinDecayPhysics | |
G4SPPartonInfo | |
G4SPSAngDistribution | |
G4SPSEneDistribution | |
threadLocal_t | |
G4SPSPosDistribution | |
thread_data_t | |
G4SPSRandomGenerator | |
a_check | |
bweights_t | |
G4Square | |
G4StableIsotopes | |
G4StackChecker | |
G4StackedTrack | |
G4StackingMessenger | |
G4StackManager | |
G4StatDouble | |
G4StateManager | |
G4StatMF | |
G4StatMFChannel | |
DeleteFragment | |
G4StatMFFragment | |
G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon | |
G4StatMFMacroCanonical | |
DeleteFragment | |
G4StatMFMacroChemicalPotential | |
G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon | |
G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity | |
G4StatMFMacroNucleon | |
G4StatMFMacroTemperature | |
G4StatMFMacroTetraNucleon | |
G4StatMFMacroTriNucleon | |
G4StatMFMicroCanonical | |
DeleteFragment | |
SumProbabilities | |
G4StatMFMicroManager | |
DeleteFragment | |
G4StatMFMicroPartition | |
G4StatMFParameters | |
G4Step | |
G4StepLimiter | |
G4StepLimiterPhysics | |
G4SteppingManager | |
G4SteppingVerbose | |
G4StepPoint | |
G4StokesVector | |
G4StoppingPhysics | |
G4StrawTubeXTRadiator | |
G4STRead | |
G4String | |
G4StringModel | |
G4strstreambuf | |
G4SubtractionSolid | |
G4SurfaceProperty | |
G4SurfBits | |
G4SynchrotronRadiation | |
G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat | |
G4TablesForExtrapolator | |
G4TableTemplate | |
G4TAtomicHitsCollection | |
G4TAtomicHitsMap | |
G4TauLeptonicDecayChannel | |
G4TauMinus | |
G4TauPlus | |
G4TDigiCollection | |
G4TDNAOneStepThermalizationModel | |
G4TemplateAutoLock | |
G4TemplateRNGHelper | |
G4teoCrossSection | |
G4Terminator | |
G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms | |
G4TessellatedSolid | |
G4Tet | |
G4Text | |
G4TextModel | |
G4TextPPReporter | |
G4TextPPRetriever | |
G4tgbDetectorBuilder | |
G4tgbDetectorConstruction | |
G4tgbElement | |
G4tgbGeometryDumper | |
G4tgbIsotope | |
G4tgbMaterial | |
G4tgbMaterialMgr | |
G4tgbMaterialMixture | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByNoAtoms | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByVolume | |
G4tgbMaterialMixtureByWeight | |
G4tgbMaterialSimple | |
G4tgbPlaceParamCircle | |
G4tgbPlaceParameterisation | |
G4tgbPlaceParamLinear | |
G4tgbPlaceParamSquare | |
G4tgbRotationMatrix | |
G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr | |
G4tgbVolume | |
G4tgbVolumeMgr | |
G4tgrElement | |
G4tgrElementFromIsotopes | |
G4tgrElementSimple | |
G4tgrEvaluator | |
G4tgrFileIn | |
G4tgrFileReader | |
G4tgrIsotope | |
G4tgrLineProcessor | |
G4tgrMaterial | |
G4tgrMaterialFactory | |
G4tgrMaterialMixture | |
G4tgrMaterialSimple | |
G4tgrMessenger | |
G4tgrParameterMgr | |
G4tgrPlace | |
G4tgrPlaceDivRep | |
G4tgrPlaceParameterisation | |
G4tgrPlaceSimple | |
G4tgrRotationMatrix | |
G4tgrRotationMatrixFactory | |
G4tgrSolid | |
G4tgrSolidBoolean | |
G4tgrUtils | |
G4tgrVolume | |
G4tgrVolumeAssembly | |
G4tgrVolumeDivision | |
G4tgrVolumeMgr | |
G4TheMTRayTracer | |
G4TheoFSGenerator | |
G4TheRayTracer | |
G4ThermalNeutrons | |
G4THitsCollection | |
G4THitsMap | |
G4THitsMultiMap | |
G4THitsUnorderedMap | |
G4THitsUnorderedMultiMap | |
G4THnManager | |
G4ThreadLocalSingleton | |
G4Timer | |
G4TNtupleDescription | |
G4TNtupleManager | |
G4Tokenizer | |
G4ToolsAnalysisManager | |
G4ToolsAnalysisReader | |
G4Torus | |
G4TouchableDumpScene | |
G4TouchableHistory | |
G4Track | |
G4TrackingInformation | |
G4TrackingManager | |
G4TrackingMessenger | |
G4TrackLogger | |
G4TrackStack | |
G4TrackState | |
G4TrackState< G4ITMultiNavigator > | |
G4TrackState< G4ITPathFinder > | |
G4TrackStateBase | |
G4TrackStateDependent | |
G4TrackStateID | |
G4TrackStateManager | |
G4TrackTerminator | |
G4TrajectoriesModel | |
G4Trajectory | |
G4Trajectory_Lock | |
G4TrajectoryAttributeFilterFactory | |
G4TrajectoryChargeFilter | |
G4TrajectoryChargeFilterFactory | |
G4TrajectoryContainer | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByAttribute | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByAttributeFactory | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByCharge | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByChargeFactory | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByEncounteredVolume | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByEncounteredVolumeFactory | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByOriginVolume | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByOriginVolumeFactory | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByParticleID | |
G4TrajectoryDrawByParticleIDFactory | |
G4TrajectoryEncounteredVolumeFilter | |
G4TrajectoryEncounteredVolumeFilterFactory | |
G4TrajectoryGenericDrawer | |
G4TrajectoryGenericDrawerFactory | |
G4TrajectoryOriginVolumeFilter | |
G4TrajectoryOriginVolumeFilterFactory | |
G4TrajectoryParticleFilter | |
G4TrajectoryParticleFilterFactory | |
G4TrajectoryPoint | |
G4TransitionRadiation | |
G4TransparentRegXTRadiator | |
G4Transportation | |
G4TransportationLogger | |
G4TransportationManager | |
G4Trap | |
G4Trd | |
G4TrialsCounter | |
G4TriangularFacet | |
G4TripathiCrossSection | |
G4TripathiLightCrossSection | |
G4Triton | |
G4TritonBuilder | |
G4TritonCoulombBarrier | |
G4TritonEvaporationChannel | |
G4TritonEvaporationProbability | |
G4TritonGEMChannel | |
G4TritonGEMProbability | |
G4TritonInelasticProcess | |
G4TritonPHPBuilder | |
G4TRNtupleDescription | |
G4TRNtupleManager | |
G4TsitourasRK45 | |
G4Tubs | |
G4TwistBoxSide | |
G4TwistedBox | |
G4TwistedTrap | |
G4TwistedTrd | |
G4TwistedTubs | |
LastState | |
LastValue | |
LastValueWithDoubleVector | |
LastVector | |
G4TwistTrapAlphaSide | |
G4TwistTrapFlatSide | |
G4TwistTrapParallelSide | |
G4TwistTubsFlatSide | |
G4TwistTubsHypeSide | |
Insidetype | |
G4TwistTubsSide | |
G4TwoBodyAngularDist | |
G4TWorkspacePool | |
G4TypeKey | |
G4TypeKeyT | |
G4UAtomicDeexcitation | |
G4UCNAbsorption | |
G4UCNBoundaryProcess | |
G4UCNBoundaryProcessMessenger | |
G4UCNLoss | |
G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable | |
G4UCNMicroRoughnessHelper | |
G4UCNMultiScattering | |
G4UIaliasList | |
G4UIArrayString | |
G4UIbatch | |
G4UIbridge | |
G4UIcmdWith3Vector | |
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit | |
G4UIcmdWithABool | |
G4UIcmdWithADouble | |
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit | |
G4UIcmdWithAnInteger | |
G4UIcmdWithAString | |
G4UIcmdWithNucleusLimits | |
G4UIcmdWithoutParameter | |
G4UIcommand | |
G4UIcommandTree | |
G4UIcontrolMessenger | |
G4UIcsh | |
G4UIdirectory | |
G4UIExecutive | |
G4UIGainServer | |
G4UImanager | |
G4UImessenger | |
G4UImpish | |
G4UIparameter | |
G4UIsession | |
G4UItcsh | |
G4UIterminal | |
G4UnboundPN | |
G4UniformElectricField | |
G4UniformGravityField | |
G4UniformMagField | |
G4UniformRandPool | |
G4UnionSolid | |
G4UnitDefinition | |
G4UnitsCategory | |
G4UnitsMessenger | |
G4UniversalFluctuation | |
G4UnknownDecay | |
G4UnknownDecayPhysics | |
G4UnknownParticle | |
G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp | |
G4UPiNuclearCrossSection | |
G4Upsilon | |
G4UrbanAdjointMscModel | |
G4UrbanMscModel | |
G4UrQMD1_3Model | |
G4UserEventAction | |
G4UserLimits | |
G4UserLimitsForRD | |
G4UserPhysicsListMessenger | |
G4UserRunAction | |
G4UserSpecialCuts | |
G4UserStackingAction | |
G4UserSteppingAction | |
G4UserTimeStepAction | |
G4UserTrackingAction | |
G4UserWorkerInitialization | |
G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization | |
G4V3DNucleus | |
G4VAccumulable | |
G4VAdjointReverseReaction | |
G4VAlphaBuilder | |
G4VAnalysisManager | |
G4VAnalysisReader | |
G4VAngularDistribution | |
G4VAnnihilationCollision | |
G4VAnnihilationCrossSection | |
G4VAntiBarionBuilder | |
G4VarNtp | |
G4VAtomDeexcitation | |
G4VAttValueFilter | |
G4VAuxiliaryTrackInformation | |
G4VBasePhysConstrFactory | |
G4VBasePhysListStamper | |
G4VBaseXSFactory | |
G4VBasicShell | |
G4VBiasingInteractionLaw | |
G4VBiasingOperation | |
G4VBiasingOperator | |
G4VBodyFactory | |
G4VCascadeCollider | |
G4VCascadeDeexcitation | |
G4VCollision | |
G4VComponentCrossSection | |
G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess | |
G4VContinuousProcess | |
G4VCoulombBarrier | |
G4VCrossSectionBase | |
G4VCrossSectionDataSet | |
G4VCrossSectionHandler | |
G4VCrossSectionRatio | |
G4VCrossSectionSource | |
G4VCSGface | |
G4VCSGfaceted | |
G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter | |
G4VDataSetAlgorithm | |
G4VDCIOentry | |
G4VDecayChannel | |
G4VDeuteronBuilder | |
G4VDigi | |
G4VDigiCollection | |
G4VDigitizerModule | |
G4VDiscreteProcess | |
G4VDivisionParameterisation | |
G4VDNAHit | |
G4VDNAModel | The G4VDNAModel class |
G4VDNAReactionModel | |
G4VecpssrKModel | |
G4VecpssrLiModel | |
G4VecpssrMiModel | |
G4VectorCache | |
G4Vee2hadrons | |
G4VElasticCollision | |
G4VelocityTable | |
G4VEmAdjointModel | |
G4VEmAngularDistribution | |
G4VEMDataSet | |
G4VEmFluctuationModel | |
G4VEmissionProbability | |
G4VEmModel | |
G4VEmProcess | |
G4VEnergyLossProcess | |
G4VEnergySpectrum | |
G4VErrorLimitProcess | |
G4VertexCode | |
G4VertexComparator | |
G4VertexInfo | |
G4VEvaporation | |
G4VEvaporationChannel | |
G4VEvaporationFactory | |
G4VExceptionHandler | |
G4VExtDecayer | |
G4VFacet | |
G4VFastSimulationModel | |
G4VFermiBreakUp | |
G4VFieldPropagation | |
G4VFigureFileMaker | |
G4VFileManager | |
G4VFilter | |
G4VFissionBarrier | |
G4VFlavoredParallelWorld | |
G4VFSALIntegrationStepper | |
G4VGammaTransition | |
G4VGaussianQuadrature | |
G4VGCellFinder | |
G4VGFlashSensitiveDetector | |
G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager | |
G4VGraphicsScene | |
G4VGraphicsSystem | |
G4VH1Manager | |
G4VH2Manager | |
G4VH3Manager | |
G4VHadDecayAlgorithm | |
G4VHadPhaseSpaceAlgorithm | |
G4VHadronModelBuilder | |
G4VHadronPhysics | |
G4VHCIOentry | |
G4VHe3Builder | |
G4VhElectronicStoppingPower | |
G4VHighEnergyGenerator | |
G4VHit | |
G4VHitsCollection | |
G4VhNuclearStoppingPower | |
G4VhShellCrossSection | |
G4ViewerList | |
G4ViewParameters | |
G4VImportanceAlgorithm | |
G4VImportanceSplitExaminer | |
G4VIntegrationDriver | |
G4VInteractiveSession | |
G4VInteractorManager | |
G4VIntersectionLocator | |
G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel | |
G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm | |
G4VIonDEDXTable | |
G4VisAttributes | |
G4VisCommandAbortReviewKeptEvents | |
G4VisCommandDrawLogicalVolume | |
G4VisCommandDrawOnlyToBeKeptEvents | |
G4VisCommandDrawTree | |
G4VisCommandDrawView | |
G4VisCommandDrawVolume | |
G4VisCommandEnable | |
G4VisCommandGeometryList | |
G4VisCommandGeometryRestore | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetColour | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetColourFunction | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetDaughtersInvisible | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetDaughtersInvisibleFunction | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceAuxEdgeVisible | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceAuxEdgeVisibleFunction | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceLineSegmentsPerCircleFunction | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceSolid | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceSolidFunction | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceWireframe | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceWireframeFunction | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetLineStyle | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetLineStyleFunction | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetLineWidth | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetLineWidthFunction | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetVisibility | |
G4VisCommandGeometrySetVisibilityFunction | |
G4VisCommandInitialize | |
G4VisCommandList | |
G4VisCommandListManagerList | |
G4VisCommandListManagerSelect | |
G4VisCommandManagerMode | |
G4VisCommandModelCreate | |
G4VisCommandOpen | |
G4VisCommandReviewKeptEvents | |
G4VisCommandSceneActivateModel | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddArrow | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddArrow2D | |
Arrow2D | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddAxes | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddDate | |
Date | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddDigis | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddEventID | |
EventID | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddExtent | |
Extent | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddFrame | |
Frame | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddGhosts | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddGPS | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddHits | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddLine | |
Line | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddLine2D | |
Line2D | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddLogicalVolume | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddLogo | |
G4Logo | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddLogo2D | |
Logo2D | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddMagneticField | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddPSHits | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddScale | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddText | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddText2D | |
G4Text2D | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddTrajectories | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddUserAction | |
G4VisCommandSceneAddVolume | |
G4VisCommandSceneCreate | |
G4VisCommandSceneEndOfEventAction | |
G4VisCommandSceneEndOfRunAction | |
G4VisCommandSceneHandlerAttach | |
G4VisCommandSceneHandlerCreate | |
G4VisCommandSceneHandlerList | |
G4VisCommandSceneHandlerSelect | |
G4VisCommandSceneList | |
G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers | |
G4VisCommandSceneSelect | |
G4VisCommandSetArrow3DLineSegmentsPerCircle | |
G4VisCommandSetColour | |
G4VisCommandSetLineWidth | |
G4VisCommandSetTextColour | |
G4VisCommandSetTextLayout | |
G4VisCommandSetTextSize | |
G4VisCommandSetTouchable | |
G4VisCommandSpecify | |
G4VisCommandsTouchable | |
G4VisCommandsTouchableSet | |
G4VisCommandsViewerSet | |
G4VisCommandVerbose | |
G4VisCommandViewerAddCutawayPlane | |
G4VisCommandViewerChangeCutawayPlane | |
G4VisCommandViewerClear | |
G4VisCommandViewerClearCutawayPlanes | |
G4VisCommandViewerClearTransients | |
G4VisCommandViewerClearVisAttributesModifiers | |
G4VisCommandViewerClone | |
G4VisCommandViewerColourByDensity | |
G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom | |
G4VisCommandViewerCreate | |
G4VisCommandViewerDefaultHiddenEdge | |
G4VisCommandViewerDefaultStyle | |
G4VisCommandViewerDolly | |
G4VisCommandViewerFlush | |
G4VisCommandViewerInterpolate | |
G4VisCommandViewerList | |
G4VisCommandViewerPan | |
G4VisCommandViewerRebuild | |
G4VisCommandViewerRefresh | |
G4VisCommandViewerReset | |
G4VisCommandViewerSave | |
G4VisCommandViewerScale | |
G4VisCommandViewerSelect | |
G4VisCommandViewerUpdate | |
G4VisCommandViewerZoom | |
G4VisExecutive | |
G4VisExtent | |
G4VisFilterManager | |
G4Visible | |
G4VisListManager | |
G4VisManager | |
UserVisAction | |
G4VisModelManager | |
G4VIsotopeTable | |
G4VisStateDependent | |
G4VIStore | |
G4VisTrajContext | |
G4VITDiscreteProcess | |
G4VITFinder | |
G4VITProcess | |
G4ProcessState | |
G4ProcessStateBase | |
G4VITReactionProcess | |
G4VITRestDiscreteProcess | Identical to G4VRestDiscreteProcess with dependency from G4VITProcess |
G4VITRestProcess | Identical to G4VRestProcess with dependency from G4VITProcess |
G4VITStepModel | |
G4VITSteppingVerbose | |
G4VITTimeStepComputer | |
G4VITTrackHolder | |
G4VKaonBuilder | |
G4VKineticNucleon | |
G4VKinkyStringDecay | |
G4VKM_NuclearDensity | |
G4VLeadingParticleBiasing | |
G4VLEPTSModel | |
G4VLevelDensityParameter | |
G4VLongitudinalStringDecay | |
G4VLowEnergyModel | |
G4VMarker | |
G4VMaterialExtension | |
G4VMCTruthIO | |
G4VModel | |
G4VModelCommand | |
G4VModelFactory | |
G4VModularPhysicsList | |
G4VMolecularDecayDisplacer | |
G4VMoleculeCounter | |
G4VMPIseedGenerator | |
G4VMPIsession | |
G4VMPLData | |
G4VMscModel | |
G4VMultiBodyMomDst | |
G4VMultiFragmentation | |
G4VMultipleScattering | |
G4VNestedParameterisation | |
G4VNeutronBuilder | |
G4VNIELPartition | |
G4VNotifier | |
G4VNtupleManager | |
G4VNuclearDensity | |
G4VNuclearField | |
G4Volant | |
G4VOrgan | |
G4VoxelBox | |
G4VoxelBreastFactory | |
G4VoxelInfo | |
G4Voxelizer | |
G4VoxelComparator | |
G4VoxelLeftBreast | |
G4VoxelLimits | |
G4VoxelNavigation | |
G4VoxelRightBreast | |
G4VoxelSafety | |
G4VP1Manager | |
G4VP2Manager | |
G4VParameterisationBox | |
G4VParameterisationCons | |
G4VParameterisationPara | |
G4VParameterisationPolycone | |
G4VParameterisationPolyhedra | |
G4VParameterisationTrd | |
G4VParameterisationTubs | |
G4VParticipants | |
G4VParticleChange | |
G4VParticleHPEDis | |
G4VParticleHPEnergyAngular | |
toBeCached | |
G4VParticlePropertyReporter | |
G4VParticlePropertyRetriever | |
G4VPartonStringModel | |
G4VPCData | |
G4VPDigitIO | |
G4VPDigitsCollectionIO | |
G4VPersistencyManager | |
G4VPEventIO | |
G4VPHitIO | |
G4VPHitsCollectionIO | |
G4VPhononProcess | |
G4VPhysChemIO | |
G4VPhysicalVolume | |
G4VPhysicsConstructor | |
G4VPiKBuilder | |
G4VPionBuilder | |
G4VPolarizedCrossSection | |
G4VPreCompoundEmissionFactory | |
DeleteFragment | |
G4VPreCompoundFragment | |
G4VPreCompoundModel | |
G4VPreCompoundTransitions | |
G4VPrimaryGenerator | |
G4VPrimitiveScorer | |
G4VProcess | |
G4VProcessPlacer | |
G4VProtonBuilder | |
G4VPVDivisionFactory | |
G4VPVParameterisation | |
G4VRangeToEnergyConverter | |
G4VReadOutGeometry | |
G4VRestContinuousDiscreteProcess | |
G4VRestContinuousProcess | |
G4VRestDiscreteProcess | |
G4VRestProcess | |
G4VRML1File | |
G4VRML1FileSceneHandler | |
G4VRML1FileViewer | |
G4VRML2File | |
G4VRML2FileSceneHandler | |
G4VRML2FileViewer | |
G4VRNtupleManager | |
G4VRTScanner | |
G4VSampler | |
G4VSamplerConfigurator | |
G4VScatterer | |
G4VScatteringCollision | |
G4VSceneHandler | |
G4VScheduler | |
G4VScoreColorMap | |
G4VScoreWriter | |
G4VScoringMesh | |
G4VSDFilter | |
G4VSensitiveDetector | |
G4VShortLivedParticle | |
G4VSolid | |
G4VSplitableHadron | |
G4VStateDependent | |
G4VStatMFEnsemble | |
G4VStatMFMacroCluster | |
G4VSteppingVerbose | |
G4VStringFragmentation | |
G4VSubCutProducer | |
G4VTHitsMap | |
G4VThreeBodyAngDst | |
G4VTouchable | |
G4VTrackState | |
G4VTrackStateDependent | |
G4VTrackStateID | |
G4VTrackTerminator | |
G4VTrajectory | |
G4VTrajectoryModel | |
G4VTrajectoryPoint | |
G4VTransactionManager | |
G4VTransitionRadiation | |
G4VTree | |
G4VTreeSceneHandler | |
G4VTreeViewer | |
G4VTritonBuilder | |
G4VTRModel | |
G4VTwistedFaceted | |
LastState | |
LastValue | |
LastValueWithDoubleVector | |
LastVector | |
G4VTwistSurface | |
Boundary | |
CurrentStatus | |
G4SurfCurNormal | |
G4SurfSideQuery | |
G4VTwoBodyAngDst | |
G4VUIshell | |
G4VUPLData | |
G4VUPLSplitter | |
G4VUserActionInitialization | |
G4VUserChemistryList | |
G4VUserDetectorConstruction | |
G4VUserEventInformation | |
G4VUserMPIrunMerger | |
const_registered_data | |
registered_data | |
G4VUserParallelWorld | |
G4VUserPhysicsList | |
G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
G4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation | |
G4VUserPrimaryVertexInformation | |
G4VUserRegionInformation | |
G4VUserTrackInformation | |
G4VUserVisAction | |
G4VViewer | |
G4Spline | |
G4VVisCommand | |
G4VVisCommandGeometry | |
G4VVisCommandGeometrySet | |
G4VVisCommandGeometrySetFunction | |
G4VVisCommandScene | |
G4VVisCommandViewer | |
G4VVisManager | |
G4VVolumeMaterialScanner | |
G4VWeightWindowAlgorithm | |
G4VWeightWindowStore | |
G4VWLSTimeGeneratorProfile | |
G4VXResonance | |
G4VXResonanceTable | |
G4VXTRenergyLoss | |
G4WarnPLStatus | |
G4WatcherGun | |
G4WaterStopping | |
G4WeightCutOffConfigurator | |
G4WeightCutOffProcess | |
G4WeightWindowAlgorithm | |
G4WeightWindowBiasing | |
G4WeightWindowConfigurator | |
G4WeightWindowProcess | |
G4WeightWindowStore | |
G4WendtFissionFragmentGenerator | |
G4WentzelOKandVIxSection | |
G4WentzelVIModel | |
G4WentzelVIRelModel | |
G4WentzelVIRelXSection | |
G4WilsonAblationModel | |
G4WilsonAbrasionModel | |
G4WilsonRadius | |
G4WLSTimeGeneratorProfileDelta | |
G4WLSTimeGeneratorProfileExponential | |
G4WorkerRunManager | |
G4WorkerRunManagerKernel | |
G4WorkerThread | |
G4WrapperProcess | |
G4XAnnihilationChannel | |
G4XAqmElastic | |
G4XAqmTotal | |
G4XDeltaDeltastarTable | |
G4XDeltaDeltaTable | |
G4XDeltaNstarTable | |
G4XibMinus | |
G4XibZero | |
G4XicPlus | |
G4XicZero | |
G4XiMinus | |
G4XiMinusInelasticProcess | |
G4XiZero | |
G4XiZeroInelasticProcess | |
G4XMesonBaryonElastic | |
G4XmlAnalysisManager | |
G4XmlAnalysisReader | |
G4XmlFileManager | |
G4XmlNtupleManager | |
G4XmlRFileManager | |
G4XmlRNtupleManager | |
G4XNDeltastarTable | |
G4XNDeltaTable | |
G4XNNElastic | |
G4XNNElasticLowE | |
G4XNNstarTable | |
G4XNNTotal | |
G4XNNTotalLowE | |
G4XnpElastic | |
G4XnpElasticLowE | |
G4XnpTotal | |
G4XnpTotalLowE | |
G4XPDGElastic | |
G4XPDGTotal | |
G4XpimNTotal | |
G4XpipNTotal | |
G4XrayRayleighModel | |
G4XResonance | |
G4XTRGammaRadModel | |
G4XTRRegularRadModel | |
G4XTRTransparentRegRadModel | |
G4XXX | |
G4XXXFile | |
G4XXXFileSceneHandler | |
G4XXXFileViewer | |
FileWriter | |
G4XXXSceneHandler | |
G4XXXSGSceneHandler | |
G4XXXSGViewer | |
G4XXXStored | |
G4XXXStoredSceneHandler | |
G4XXXStoredViewer | |
G4XXXViewer | |
G4ZeroXS | |
G4ZMQServer | |
GammaKnifeActionInitialization | |
GammaKnifeController | |
GammaKnifeDetectorConstruction | |
GammaKnifeDetectorMessenger | |
GammaKnifeMessenger | |
GammaKnifeParticles | |
GammaKnifePhysicsList | |
GammaKnifePhysicsListMessenger | |
GammaKnifePrimaryGeneratorAction | |
GammaKnifeRunAction | |
GammaNuclearPhysics | |
GammaRayTelActionInitializer | |
GammaRayTelAnalysis | |
GammaRayTelAnalysisMessenger | |
GammaRayTelAnticoincidenceHit | |
GammaRayTelAnticoincidenceSD | |
GammaRayTelCalorimeterHit | |
GammaRayTelCalorimeterSD | |
GammaRayTelDetectorConstruction | |
GammaRayTelDetectorMessenger | |
GammaRayTelDigi | |
GammaRayTelDigitizer | |
GammaRayTelDigitizerMessenger | |
GammaRayTelDummySD | |
GammaRayTelEMlowePhysics | |
GammaRayTelEMstdPhysics | |
GammaRayTelEventAction | |
GammaRayTelGeneralPhysics | |
GammaRayTelHadronPhysics | |
GammaRayTelIonPhysics | |
GammaRayTelMuonPhysics | |
GammaRayTelParticles | |
GammaRayTelPhysicsList | |
GammaRayTelPhysicsListMessenger | |
GammaRayTelPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
GammaRayTelPrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
GammaRayTelRunAction | |
GammaRayTelTrackerHit | |
GammaRayTelTrackerSD | |
GB01ActionInitialization | |
GB01BOptrChangeCrossSection | |
GB01BOptrMultiParticleChangeCrossSection | |
GB01DetectorConstruction | |
GB01PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
GB02ActionInitialization | |
GB02BOptrMultiParticleForceCollision | |
GB02DetectorConstruction | |
GB02PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
GB03ActionInitialization | |
GB03BOptnSplitOrKillOnBoundary | |
GB03BOptrGeometryBasedBiasing | Biasing operator class |
GB03DetectorConstruction | |
GB03DetectorMessenger | |
GB03PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
GB04ActionInitialization | |
GB04BOptnBremSplitting | |
GB04BOptrBremSplitting | |
GB04DetectorConstruction | |
GB04PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
GB05ActionInitialization | |
GB05BOptnSplitAndKillByCrossSection | |
GB05BOptrSplitAndKillByCrossSection | |
GB05DetectorConstruction | |
GB05PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
GB05SD | |
GB06ActionInitialization | |
GB06BOptnSplitAndKillByImportance | |
GB06BOptrSplitAndKillByImportance | |
GB06DetectorConstruction | |
GB06ParallelWorldForSlices | |
GB06PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
GB06SD | |
Geant4_SoPolyhedron | |
GeantinoPhysicsList | Physics list with geantino and charged geantino only |
GeometryConstruction | |
GFlashEnergySpot | |
GFlashHitMaker | |
GFlashHomoShowerParameterisation | |
GFlashParticleBounds | |
GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation | |
GFlashSamplingShowerTuning | |
GFlashShowerModel | |
GFlashShowerModelMessenger | |
GIDI_settings | |
GIDI_settings_flux | |
GIDI_settings_flux_order | |
GIDI_settings_group | |
GIDI_settings_particle | |
GIDI_settings_processedFlux | |
GMocrenDataPrimitive | |
GMocrenDetector | |
Edge | |
GMocrenTrack | |
Step | |
GpsPrimaryGeneratorAction | The primary generator class with general particle source |
GunPrimaryGeneratorAction | The primary generator class with particle gun |
GVFlashHomoShowerTuning | |
GVFlashShowerParameterisation | |
gz_header_s | |
gz_state | |
gzFile_s | |
H02DetectorConstruction | |
H02EventAction | |
H02Field | |
H02MuonHit | |
H02MuonSD | |
H02PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
H02PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
H02SteppingAction | |
HadronElasticPhysicsHP | |
HadronPhysicsHIJING | |
HadronPhysicsUrQMD | |
HadrontherapyActionInitialization | |
HadrontherapyAnalysisFileMessenger | |
HadrontherapyAnalysisManager | |
HadrontherapyDetectorConstruction | |
HadrontherapyDetectorHit | |
HadrontherapyDetectorMessenger | |
HadrontherapyDetectorROGeometry | |
HadrontherapyDetectorSD | |
HadrontherapyDummySD | |
HadrontherapyElectricTabulatedField3D | |
HadrontherapyEventAction | |
HadrontherapyEventActionMessenger | |
HadrontherapyGeometryController | |
HadrontherapyGeometryMessenger | |
HadrontherapyInteractionParameters | |
HadrontherapyLet | |
HadrontherapyMagneticField3D | |
HadrontherapyMatrix | |
HadrontherapyModulator | |
HadrontherapyModulatorMessenger | |
HadrontherapyParameterMessenger | |
HadrontherapyParticles | |
HadrontherapyPhysicsList | |
HadrontherapyPhysicsListMessenger | |
HadrontherapyPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
HadrontherapyPrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
HadrontherapyRunAction | |
HadrontherapyStepMax | |
HadrontherapyStepMaxMessenger | |
HadrontherapySteppingAction | |
hepevt | |
HepMCG4AsciiReader | |
HepMCG4AsciiReaderMessenger | |
HepMCG4Interface | |
HepMCG4PythiaInterface | A generic interface class with Pythia event generator via HepMC |
HepMCG4PythiaMessenger | |
HepPolyhedron | |
HepPolyhedronBox | |
HepPolyhedronCone | |
HepPolyhedronCons | |
HepPolyhedronEllipsoid | |
HepPolyhedronEllipticalCone | |
HepPolyhedronHype | |
HepPolyhedronPara | |
HepPolyhedronParaboloid | |
HepPolyhedronPcon | |
HepPolyhedronPgon | |
HepPolyhedronProcessor | |
HepPolyhedronSphere | |
HepPolyhedronTorus | |
HepPolyhedronTrap | |
HepPolyhedronTrd1 | |
HepPolyhedronTrd2 | |
HepPolyhedronTube | |
HepPolyhedronTubs | |
HEPVis_SoMarkerSet | |
HIJINGNeutronBuilder | |
HIJINGProtonBuilder | |
Histo | |
HistoManager | |
HistoManagerMessenger | |
HistoMessenger | |
HookEventProcState | |
huft | |
inflate_state | |
INT4 | |
internal_state | |
interpolating_function_p | Create a cubic spline interpolation of a set of (x,y) pairsThis is one of the main reasons for c2_function objects to exist |
Intersection | |
ion | |
IonHIJINGPhysics | |
ionLet | |
IonUrQMDPhysics | |
IORTAnalysisFileMessenger | |
IORTAnalysisManager | |
IORTDetectorConstruction | |
IORTDetectorHit | |
IORTDetectorMessenger | |
IORTDetectorROGeometry | |
IORTDetectorSD | |
IORTDummySD | |
IORTEventAction | |
IORTEventActionMessenger | |
IORTGeometryController | |
IORTGeometryMessenger | |
IORTInteractionParameters | |
IORTMatrix | |
IORTParameterMessenger | |
IORTParticles | |
IORTPhysicsList | |
IORTPhysicsListMessenger | |
IORTPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
IORTPrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
IORTRunAction | |
IORTStepMax | |
IORTStepMaxMessenger | |
IORTSteppingAction | |
Item | |
ITSteppingAction | |
ITTrackingAction | |
ITTrackingInteractivity | |
LaserDrivenBeamLine | |
LaserDrivenBeamLineMessenger | |
lend_target | |
lin_log_interpolating_function_p | A spline with Y transformed into log space.Most useful for functions looking like y=exp(x) |
log_lin_interpolating_function_p | A spline with X transformed into log space |
log_log_interpolating_function_p | A spline with X and Y transformed into log space.Most useful for functions looking like y=x^n or any other function with a huge X and Y dynamic range |
LXeActionInitialization | |
LXeDetectorConstruction | |
LXeDetectorMessenger | |
LXeEventAction | |
LXeEventMessenger | |
LXeHistoManager | |
LXeMainVolume | |
LXePMTHit | |
LXePrimaryGeneratorAction | |
LXeRun | |
LXeRunAction | |
LXeScintHit | |
LXeScintSD | |
LXeStackingAction | |
LXeSteppingAction | |
LXeSteppingMessenger | |
LXeTrackingAction | |
LXeTrajectory | |
LXeUserTrackInformation | |
LXeWLSFiber | |
LXeWLSSlab | |
MarshaledExN02TrackerHit | |
MarshaledExN04CalorimeterHit | |
MarshaledExN04MuonHit | |
MarshaledExN04TrackerHit | |
MarshaledG4HCofThisEvent | |
MarshaledG4HitsCollection | |
MarshaledG4String | |
MarshaledG4THitsCollection | |
MarshaledG4VHitsCollection | |
MarshaledObj | |
Materials | |
matInfo | |
MCGIDI_angular_s | |
MCGIDI_angularEnergy_s | |
MCGIDI_decaySamplingInfo_s | |
MCGIDI_distribution_s | |
MCGIDI_energy_s | |
MCGIDI_energyAngular_s | |
MCGIDI_energyNBodyPhaseSpace_s | |
MCGIDI_energyWeightedFunctional_s | |
MCGIDI_energyWeightedFunctionals_s | |
MCGIDI_GammaBranching_s | |
MCGIDI_KalbachMann_ras_s | |
MCGIDI_KalbachMann_s | |
MCGIDI_map_s | |
MCGIDI_map_smr_s | |
MCGIDI_mapEntry_s | |
MCGIDI_outputChannel_s | |
MCGIDI_particle_s | |
MCGIDI_pdfOfX_s | |
MCGIDI_pdfsOfXGivenW_s | |
MCGIDI_pdfsOfXGivenW_sampled_s | |
MCGIDI_product_s | |
MCGIDI_productInfo_s | |
MCGIDI_productsInfo_s | |
MCGIDI_quantitiesLookupModes | |
MCGIDI_reaction_s | |
MCGIDI_sampledProductsData_s | |
MCGIDI_sampledProductsDatas_s | |
MCGIDI_samplingMethods | |
MCGIDI_samplingMultiplicityBias_s | |
MCGIDI_samplingSettings | |
MCGIDI_target_heated_info_s | |
MCGIDI_target_heated_s | |
MCGIDI_target_s | |
MCTruthConfig | |
MCTruthEventAction | |
MCTruthManager | |
MCTruthTrackInformation | |
MCTruthTrackingAction | |
MedicalBeam | |
ML2PhysicsList | |
ML2PhysicsListMessenger | |
ML2StepMax | |
ML2StepMaxMessenger | |
Molecule | Molecule Class |
MSH_IsSameClass | |
MSH_IsSameClass< T, T > | |
MuCrossSections | |
MuNuclearBuilder | |
mutex | |
MyDetectorConstruction | |
MyGamma | |
MyKleinNishinaCompton | |
MyKleinNishinaMessenger | |
MyMaterials | |
MyMollerBhabhaModel | |
NeuronLoadDataFile | |
NeutronHPMessenger | |
NeutronHPphysics | |
nf_GnG_adaptiveQuadrature_info_s | |
nf_Legendre_from_ptwXY_callback_s | |
nf_Legendre_GaussianQuadrature_degree | |
nf_Legendre_s | |
normal_encoding | |
NS_ATT | |
OneProcessCount | |
open_internal_entity | |
OpNoviceActionInitialization | |
OpNoviceDetectorConstruction | |
OpNovicePhysicsList | |
OpNovicePhysicsListMessenger | |
OpNovicePrimaryGeneratorAction | |
OpNovicePrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
OpNoviceRunAction | |
OpNoviceStackingAction | |
OpNoviceSteppingAction | |
OpNoviceSteppingVerbose | |
P6DExtDecayerPhysics | |
Par01ActionInitialization | |
Par01CalorimeterHit | |
Par01CalorimeterSD | |
Par01DetectorConstruction | |
Par01EMShowerModel | |
Par01EnergySpot | |
Par01ParallelWorldForPion | |
Par01PiModel | |
Par01PionShowerModel | |
Par01PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
Par02ActionInitialization | |
Par02DetectorConstruction | |
Par02DetectorParametrisation | |
Par02EventAction | |
Par02EventInformation | |
Par02FastSimModelEMCal | |
Par02FastSimModelHCal | |
Par02FastSimModelTracker | |
Par02Output | |
Par02PhysicsList | |
Par02PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
Par02PrimaryParticleInformation | |
Par02RunAction | |
Par02Smearer | |
Par02TrackingAction | |
ParRunManager | |
ParticleGunAction | |
Particles | |
PassiveCarbonBeamLine | |
PassiveCarbonBeamLineMessenger | |
PassiveProtonBeamLine | |
PassiveProtonBeamLineMessenger | |
PDBlib | PDBlib Class |
PerspectiveVisAction | |
PerspectiveVisActionMessenger | |
PhantomSD | |
PhysicsList | |
PhysicsListEMstd | |
PhysicsListMessenger | |
PhysListEm19DStandard | |
PhysListEm5DStandard | |
PhysListEmLivermore | |
PhysListEmPenelope | |
PhysListEmPolarized | |
PhysListEmStandard | |
PhysListEmStandard_GS | |
PhysListEmStandard_option0 | |
PhysListEmStandard_option3 | |
PhysListEmStandard_SS | |
PhysListEmStandard_WVI | |
PhysListEmStandardGS | |
PhysListEmStandardNR | |
PhysListEmStandardSS | |
PhysListEmStandardSSM | |
PhysListEmStandardWVI | |
polynomialCallbackArgs_s | |
PoP_s | |
PoPDatas | |
PoPs_s | |
position | |
prefix | |
PrimaryGenerator | |
PrimaryGeneratorAction | The primary generator action class with particle gun |
PrimaryGeneratorAction0 | |
PrimaryGeneratorAction1 | |
PrimaryGeneratorAction2 | |
PrimaryGeneratorAction3 | |
PrimaryGeneratorAction4 | |
PrimaryGeneratorGPS | |
PrimaryGeneratorGun1 | |
PrimaryGeneratorGun2 | |
PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
PrimaryKiller | |
PriorityList | |
ProbabilityBranch | |
ProbabilityTree | |
ProcessCount | |
ProcessGeneralInfo | |
prolog_state | |
ptwXPoints_s | |
ptwXY_integrateWithFunctionInfo_s | |
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo | |
ptwXYOverflowPoint_s | |
ptwXYPoint_s | |
ptwXYPoints_s | |
PurgMagActionInitializer | |
PurgMagAnalysisManager | Uncomment #include to switch to ROOT or XML output file |
PurgMagDetectorConstruction | |
PurgMagEventAction | |
PurgMagPhysicsList | |
PurgMagPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
PurgMagRunAction | |
PurgMagSteppingAction | |
PurgMagSteppingVerbose | |
PurgMagTabulatedField3D | |
PurgMagTrackingAction | |
Pydat1_t | PYDAT1 common-block |
Pydat3_t | PYDAT3 common-block |
PyG4ExceptionHandler | |
PyG4MagneticField | |
PyG4ParticleList | |
PyG4VisManager | |
Pyjets_t | PYJETS common-block |
Pythia6 | |
Pythia6Particle | Structure for Pythia6 particle properties |
QBBC | |
QDetectorConstruction | |
QEventAction | |
QMaterials | |
QPhysicsList | |
QPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
RadiatorDescription | |
RE01ActionInitialization | |
RE01CalorimeterHit | |
RE01CalorimeterParametrisation | |
RE01CalorimeterROGeometry | |
RE01CalorimeterSD | |
RE01DetectorConstruction | |
RE01EventAction | |
RE01Field | |
RE01PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
RE01PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
RE01RegionInformation | |
RE01RunAction | |
RE01StackingAction | |
RE01SteppingAction | |
RE01TrackerHit | |
RE01TrackerParametrisation | |
RE01TrackerSD | |
RE01TrackInformation | |
RE01TrackingAction | |
RE01Trajectory | |
RE02ActionInitialization | |
RE02DetectorConstruction | |
RE02EventAction | |
RE02NestedPhantomParameterisation | |
RE02PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
RE02PSCellFlux | |
RE02PSEnergyDeposit | |
RE02PSFlatSurfaceCurrent | |
RE02PSFlatSurfaceFlux | |
RE02PSNofStep | |
RE02PSPassageCellFlux | |
RE02Run | |
RE02RunAction | |
RE03ActionInitialization | |
RE03DetectorConstruction | |
RE03PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
RE03UserScoreWriter | |
RE04ActionInitialization | |
RE04DetectorConstruction | |
RE04EventAction | |
RE04ParallelWorldConstruction | |
RE04ParallelWorldParam | |
RE04PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
RE04SteppingAction | |
RE04TrackingAction | |
RE04Trajectory | |
RE04TrajectoryPoint | |
RE05ActionInitialization | |
RE05CalorimeterHit | |
RE05CalorimeterParallelWorld | |
RE05CalorimeterParametrisation | |
RE05CalorimeterSD | |
RE05DetectorConstruction | |
RE05DummySD | |
RE05EventAction | |
RE05Field | |
RE05MuonHit | |
RE05MuonSD | |
RE05PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
RE05PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
RE05RunAction | |
RE05StackingAction | |
RE05StackingActionMessenger | |
RE05SteppingAction | |
RE05SteppingVerbose | |
RE05TrackerHit | |
RE05TrackerParametrisation | |
RE05TrackerSD | |
RE05TrackingAction | |
RE05WorkerInitialization | |
RE06ActionInitialization | |
RE06DetectorConstruction | |
RE06DetectorMessenger | |
RE06ParallelWorld | |
RE06PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
RE06Run | |
RE06RunAction | |
RE06SteppingVerbose | |
RE06WorkerInitialization | |
ReactionProduct4Mom | |
remove_const< const T > | |
remove_reference | |
remove_reference< const T & > | |
remove_reference< T & > | |
Residue | Residue Class |
ResNode | |
RMC01AdjointEventAction | |
RMC01AnalysisManager | |
RMC01AnalysisManagerMessenger | |
RMC01DetectorConstruction | |
RMC01DetectorMessenger | |
RMC01DoubleWithWeightHit | |
RMC01EventAction | |
RMC01PrimaryGeneratorAction | |
RMC01RunAction | |
RMC01SD | |
RootIO | Root IO implementation for the persistency example |
Run | |
ActivityData | |
NuclChannel | |
ParticleData | |
RunAction | Run action class |
MinMaxData | |
ParticleStatistics | |
RunActionMaster | |
RunActionMessenger | |
RunInitManager | |
RunInitObserver | |
RunMerger | |
RunMessenger | |
SbPainter | |
SbPainterPS | |
SBPoint | Defines a point of energy deposition which defines a damage to the DNA |
ScoreSpecies | |
SpeciesInfo | |
ScreenSD | |
SelectFromKTV | |
SensitiveDetector | |
SensitiveDetectorHit | |
SGeneralData | |
ShadowedMarshaledExN02TrackerHit | |
ShadowedMarshaledExN04CalorimeterHit | |
ShadowedMarshaledExN04MuonHit | |
ShadowedMarshaledExN04TrackerHit | |
ShadowedMarshaledG4HCofThisEvent | |
ShadowedMarshaledG4HitsCollection | |
ShadowedMarshaledG4String | |
ShadowedMarshaledG4THitsCollection | |
ShadowedMarshaledG4VHitsCollection | |
SimpleTbbMasterRunManager | |
SInputData | |
SoAlternateRepAction | |
SoBox | |
SoCons | |
SoCounterAction | |
SoDetectorTreeKit | |
SoG4LineSet | |
SoG4MarkerSet | |
SoG4Polyhedron | |
SoGL2PSAction | |
SoImageWriter | |
sortWatcher | |
SoStyleCache | |
SoTrap | |
SoTrd | |
SoTubs | |
SoXtInternal | |
Sparticle | |
SpeciesInfoAOS | |
SpeciesInfoSOA | |
SplitProcess | |
SPrimaryParticle | |
SStartInputData | |
StackingAction | |
StackingMessenger | |
StandaloneVisAction | |
statusMessageReport | |
statusMessageReporting | |
Step | |
StepLimiter | |
StepLimiterBuilder | |
StepLimiterMessenger | |
StepMax | |
StepMaxBuilder | |
StepMaxMessenger | |
StepMaxProcess | |
SteppingAction | |
SteppingVerbose | |
Struct | |
SumCoulombEnergy | |
SvolumeNameId | |
Svoxel | |
TabulatedField3D | |
tag | |
TargetSD | |
tbbTask | |
tbbUserWorkerInitialization | |
tbbWorkerRunManager | |
TestParameters | |
TG4GenericPhysicsList | |
TG4MoleculeShoot | |
TimeStepAction | |
TINCLXXPhysicsListHelper | |
TLBE | |
TNuBeam | |
Track | |
TrackerHit | |
TrackerSD | |
TrackInformation | |
TrackingAction | |
TrackingMessenger | |
TransitionRadiationPhysics | |
TrapSidePlane | |
tree_desc_s | |
TrentoPassiveProtonBeamLine | |
TrentoPassiveProtonBeamLineMessenger | |
TSActionInitialization | |
TSDetectorConstruction | |
TShielding | |
TShieldingLEND | |
TSPhysicsList | |
TSPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
TSRun | |
TSRunAction | |
TUrQMD | |
type_wrapper | |
UltraActionInitializer | |
UltraDetectorConstruction | |
UltraEventAction | |
UltraFresnelLens | |
UltraFresnelLensParameterisation | |
UltraOpticalHit | |
UltraPhysicsList | |
UltraPMTSD | |
UltraPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
UltraRunAction | |
unitConversions_s | |
unitsDB_s | |
unknown_encoding | |
UReadBinaryString | |
UrQMDAntiBarionBuilder | |
UrQMDNeutronBuilder | |
UrQMDPiKBuilder | |
UrQMDProtonBuilder | |
UserTrackInformation | |
UVA_VisAction | |
VCall | |
VoxelParam | |
VoxelSD | |
w_XBase | |
w_ZBase | |
WattSpectrumConstants | |
WLSActionInitialization | |
WLSDetectorConstruction | |
WLSDetectorMessenger | |
WLSEventAction | |
WLSEventActionMessenger | |
WLSExtraPhysics | |
WLSMaterials | |
WLSOpticalPhysics | |
WLSPhotonDetHit | |
WLSPhotonDetSD | |
WLSPhysicsList | |
WLSPhysicsListMessenger | Provide control of the physics list and cut parameters |
WLSPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
WLSPrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
WLSRunAction | |
WLSRunActionMessenger | |
WLSStackingAction | |
WLSStepMax | |
WLSSteppingAction | |
WLSSteppingActionMessenger | |
WLSSteppingVerbose | |
WLSTrackingAction | |
WLSTrajectory | |
WLSTrajectoryPoint | |
WLSUserTrackInformation | |
XActionInitialization | |
XAluminumElectrodeHit | |
XAluminumElectrodeSensitivity | |
XBase | |
xDataTOM_attribute_s | |
xDataTOM_attributionList_s | |
xDataTOM_axes_s | |
xDataTOM_axis_s | |
xDataTOM_element_s | |
xDataTOM_elementList_s | |
xDataTOM_elementListItem_s | |
xDataTOM_interpolation_s | |
xDataTOM_KalbachMann_s | |
xDataTOM_KalbachMannCoefficients_s | |
xDataTOM_LegendreSeries_s | |
xDataTOM_polynomial_s | |
xDataTOM_regionsW_XYs_LegendreSeries_s | |
xDataTOM_regionsXYs_s | |
xDataTOM_subAxes_s | |
xDataTOM_TOM_s | |
xDataTOM_V_W_XYs_LegendreSeries_s | |
xDataTOM_V_W_XYs_s | |
xDataTOM_W_XYs_LegendreSeries_s | |
xDataTOM_W_XYs_s | |
xDataTOM_xDataInfo_s | |
xDataTOM_XYs_s | |
xDataXML_attribute_s | |
xDataXML_attributionList_s | |
xDataXML_docInfo_s | |
xDataXML_document_s | |
xDataXML_element_s | |
xDataXML_elementList_s | |
xDataXML_elementListItem_s | |
xDataXML_item_s | |
xDataXML_rootElement_s | |
xDataXML_smr_s | |
xDataXML_text_s | |
xDataXMLType_s | |
XDetectorConstruction | |
XML_cp | |
XML_Encoding | |
XML_Expat_Version | |
XML_Feature | |
XML_Memory_Handling_Suite | |
XML_ParserStruct | |
XML_ParsingStatus | |
XPhononStackingAction | |
XPhysicsList | |
XPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
XrayFluoActionInitializer | |
XrayFluoAnalysisManager | |
XrayFluoAnalysisMessenger | |
XrayFluoDataSet | |
XrayFluoDetectorConstruction | |
XrayFluoDetectorMessenger | |
XrayFluoEventAction | |
XrayFluoEventActionMessenger | |
XrayFluoGeometry | |
XrayFluoHPGeDetectorType | |
XrayFluoHPGeSD | |
XrayFluoMercuryDetectorConstruction | |
XrayFluoMercuryDetectorMessenger | |
XrayFluoMercuryPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
XrayFluoMercuryPrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
XrayFluoNistMaterials | |
XrayFluoNormalization | |
XrayFluoPhysicsList | |
XrayFluoPhysicsListMessenger | |
XrayFluoPlaneDetectorConstruction | |
XrayFluoPlaneDetectorMessenger | |
XrayFluoPlanePrimaryGeneratorAction | |
XrayFluoPlanePrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
XrayFluoPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
XrayFluoPrimaryGeneratorMessenger | |
XrayFluoRunAction | |
XrayFluoSD | |
XrayFluoSensorHit | |
XrayFluoSiLiDetectorType | |
XrayFluoSimulation | |
XrayFluoStepMax | |
XrayFluoStepMaxMessenger | |
XrayFluoSteppingAction | |
XrayFluoSteppingVerbose | |
XrayFluoVDetectorType | |
XrayTelActionInitializer | |
XrayTelAnalysis | |
XrayTelDetectorConstruction | |
XrayTelPhysicsList | |
XrayTelPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
XrayTelRunAction | |
XrayTelStepCut | |
XrayTelSteppingAction | |
XTRTransparentRegRadModel | |
yystype | |
z_stream_s | |
ZAMass | |
ZBase | |
ZClass | |
ZLabels | |
ZSymbol | |