34 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
38 #ifndef G4INCLXXInterface_hh
39 #define G4INCLXXInterface_hh 1
109 return (
this == &right);
113 return (
this != &right);
G4double remnant4MomentumScaling(G4double mass, G4double kineticE, G4double px, G4double py, G4double pz) const
Rescale remnant momentum if necessary.
G4double toINCLKineticEnergy(G4HadProjectile const &) const
Convert G4HadProjectile to corresponding INCL particle kinetic energy.
G4String const & GetDeExcitationModelName() const
G4bool complainedAboutPreCompound
G4HadFinalState * ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, G4Nucleus &theNucleus)
G4HadronicInteraction * theBackupModel
G4VLevelDensityParameter * theINCLXXLevelDensity
G4int operator!=(G4INCLXXInterface &right)
G4INCLXXVInterfaceTally * theTally
G4ParticleDefinition * toG4ParticleDefinition(G4int A, G4int Z, G4int PDGCode) const
Convert A and Z to a G4ParticleDefinition.
G4HadFinalState theResult
G4IonTable *const theIonTable
G4HadronicInteraction * theBackupModelNucleon
void SetDeExcitation(G4VPreCompoundModel *ptr)
G4VPreCompoundModel * thePreCompoundModel
G4INCLXXInterface(G4VPreCompoundModel *const aPreCompound=0)
INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade.
double A(double temperature)
std::vector< G4ReactionProduct * > G4ReactionProductVector
G4DynamicParticle * toG4Particle(G4int A, G4int Z, G4int PDGCode, G4double kinE, G4double px, G4double py, G4double pz) const
Convert an INCL particle to a G4DynamicParticle.
G4ReactionProductVector * Propagate(G4KineticTrackVector *theSecondaries, G4V3DNucleus *theNucleus)
virtual void ModelDescription(std::ostream &outFile) const
G4INCLXXInterface & operator=(G4INCLXXInterface const &rhs)
Dummy assignment operator to shut up Coverity warnings.
G4bool complainedAboutBackupModel
G4INCL::ParticleType toINCLParticleType(G4ParticleDefinition const *const) const
Convert G4ParticleDefinition to corresponding INCL particle type.
G4int operator==(G4INCLXXInterface &right)
G4FissionProbability * theINCLXXFissionProbability
Singleton class for configuring the INCL++ Geant4 interface.
G4INCL::ParticleSpecies toINCLParticleSpecies(G4HadProjectile const &) const
Convert G4HadProjectile to corresponding INCL particle species.
G4INCLXXInterfaceStore *const theInterfaceStore
G4bool AccurateProjectile(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, const G4Nucleus &theTargetNucleus) const