43 #ifndef DetectorConstruction_h
44 #define DetectorConstruction_h 1
G4double GetMassAxonTot()
G4double GetTotMassNeuron()
G4double GetMassSomacomp(G4int i)
G4ThreeVector GetPosSomacomp(G4int i)
const G4VPhysicalVolume * GetdendritePV(G4int i)
G4double GetTotVolSlice()
G4double GetTotMassSlice()
G4VPhysicalVolume * faxonPV[kMT]
Implementation of the NeuronLoadDataFile class.
G4int GetnbDendritecomp()
const G4VPhysicalVolume * GetaxonPV(G4int i)
G4double GetMassDendTot()
G4double * fDistADendSoma
G4double GetTotSurfNeuron()
G4VPhysicalVolume * fdendritePV[kMT]
G4double GetDistAxonsoma(G4int i)
G4VisAttributes * fSomaColour
G4VPhysicalVolume * Construct()
G4double GetTotVolMedium()
NeuronLoadDataFile * fNeuronLoadParamz
G4double GetMassSomaTot()
G4double GetDistADendSoma(G4int i)
G4Material * fpDefaultMaterial
G4VisAttributes * fDendColour
G4Material * fpWaterMaterial
G4Region * GetTargetRegion()
G4VSolid * fdendriteS[kMT]
G4Material * GetTargetMaterial()
G4double GetMassDendcomp(G4int i)
G4double GetTotSurfSlice()
G4double GetMassAxoncomp(G4int i)
G4ThreeVector GetPosAxoncomp(G4int i)
G4LogicalVolume * faxonLV[kMT]
G4LogicalVolume * fdendriteLV[kMT]
G4LogicalVolume * fsomaLV[kMT]
G4double * fDistBDendSoma
G4VPhysicalVolume * fsomaPV[kMT]
G4VisAttributes * fSpineColour
G4ThreeVector * fPosSomacomp
const G4VPhysicalVolume * GetsomaPV(G4int i)
G4ThreeVector GetPosDendcomp(G4int i)
G4VisAttributes * fNeuronColour
G4ThreeVector * fPosAxoncomp
G4ThreeVector * fPosDendcomp
G4double GetTotMassMedium()
G4VPhysicalVolume * ConstructDetector()
G4VisAttributes * fAxonColour
NeuronLoadDataFile * GetNeuronLoadParamz()
G4double GetTotVolNeuron()
G4double GetTotSurfMedium()
Simple detector construction with a box volume placed in a world.
G4double GetDistBDendSoma(G4int i)