Geant4  v4-10.4-release
 모두 클래스 네임스페이스들 파일들 함수 변수 타입정의 열거형 타입 열거형 멤버 Friends 매크로 그룹들 페이지들
네임스페이스 | 매크로 | 함수 파일 참조
#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4INCLParticleTable.hh"
#include "G4INCLNuclearMassTable.hh"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <sstream>
#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
#include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"

이 파일의 소스 코드 페이지로 가기






void G4INCL::ParticleTable::initialize (Config const *const theConfig=0)
 Initialize the particle table. 더 자세히 ...
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::getIsospin (const ParticleType t)
 Get the isospin of a particle. 더 자세히 ...
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getShortName (const ParticleSpecies &s)
 Get the short INCL name of the particle. 더 자세히 ...
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getName (const ParticleSpecies &s)
 Get the native INCL name of the particle. 더 자세히 ...
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getName (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Get the native INCL name of the ion. 더 자세히 ...
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getShortName (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Get the short INCL name of the ion. 더 자세히 ...
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getName (const ParticleType t)
 Get the native INCL name of the particle. 더 자세히 ...
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getShortName (const ParticleType t)
 Get the short INCL name of the particle. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getINCLMass (const ParticleType t)
 Get INCL particle mass (in MeV/c^2) 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getRealMass (const G4INCL::ParticleType t)
 Get particle mass (in MeV/c^2) 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getRealMass (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Get nuclear mass (in MeV/c^2) 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getINCLMass (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Get INCL nuclear mass (in MeV/c^2) 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableQValue (const G4int A1, const G4int Z1, const G4int A2, const G4int Z2)
 Get Q-value (in MeV/c^2) 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableQValue (const G4int A1, const G4int Z1, const G4int A2, const G4int Z2, const G4int A3, const G4int Z3)
 Get Q-value (in MeV/c^2) 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableSpeciesMass (const ParticleSpecies &p)
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::getMassNumber (const ParticleType t)
 Get mass number from particle type. 더 자세히 ...
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::getChargeNumber (const ParticleType t)
 Get charge number from particle type. 더 자세히 ...
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::getStrangenessNumber (const ParticleType t)
 Get strangeness number from particle type. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNuclearRadius (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getLargestNuclearRadius (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getRadiusParameter (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getMaximumNuclearRadius (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSurfaceDiffuseness (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getMomentumRMS (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Return the RMS of the momentum distribution (light clusters) 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSeparationEnergyINCL (const ParticleType t, const G4int, const G4int)
 Return INCL's default separation energy. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSeparationEnergyReal (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Return the real separation energy. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSeparationEnergyRealForLight (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Return the real separation energy only for light nuclei. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getProtonSeparationEnergy ()
 Getter for protonSeparationEnergy. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNeutronSeparationEnergy ()
 Getter for neutronSeparationEnergy. 더 자세히 ...
void G4INCL::ParticleTable::setProtonSeparationEnergy (const G4double s)
 Setter for protonSeparationEnergy. 더 자세히 ...
void G4INCL::ParticleTable::setNeutronSeparationEnergy (const G4double s)
 Setter for protonSeparationEnergy. 더 자세히 ...
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getElementName (const G4int Z)
 Get the name of the element from the atomic number. 더 자세히 ...
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getIUPACElementName (const G4int Z)
 Get the name of an unnamed element from the IUPAC convention. 더 자세히 ...
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::parseElement (std::string pS)
 Get the name of the element from the atomic number. 더 자세히 ...
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::parseIUPACElement (std::string const &pS)
 Parse a IUPAC element name. 더 자세히 ...
IsotopicDistribution const & G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNaturalIsotopicDistribution (const G4int Z)
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::drawRandomNaturalIsotope (const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getFermiMomentumConstant (const G4int, const G4int)
 Return the constant value of the Fermi momentum. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getFermiMomentumConstantLight (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Return the constant value of the Fermi momentum - special for light. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getFermiMomentumMassDependent (const G4int A, const G4int)
 Return the value Fermi momentum from a fit. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getRPCorrelationCoefficient (const ParticleType t)
 Get the value of the r-p correlation coefficient. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNeutronSkin ()
 Get the thickness of the neutron skin. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNeutronHalo ()
 Get the size of the neutron halo. 더 자세히 ...
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getPionType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of pion. 더 자세히 ...
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNucleonType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of nucleon. 더 자세히 ...
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getDeltaType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of delta. 더 자세히 ...
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSigmaType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of sigma. 더 자세히 ...
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getKaonType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of kaon. 더 자세히 ...
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getAntiKaonType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of antikaon. 더 자세히 ...
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getWidth (const ParticleType t)
 Get particle width (in s) 더 자세히 ...

매크로 문서화

#define INCL_DEFAULT_SEPARATION_ENERGY   6.83 파일의 299 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

#define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE   1 파일의 34 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.