34 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
38 #ifndef G4INCLParticleTable_hh
39 #define G4INCLParticleTable_hh 1
60 namespace ParticleTable {
116 G4double hasMassTable(
const unsigned int A,
const unsigned int Z);
G4double getSeparationEnergyReal(const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
Return the real separation energy.
G4double getLargestNuclearRadius(const G4int A, const G4int Z)
const G4double effectiveDeltaMass
IsotopicDistribution const & getNaturalIsotopicDistribution(const G4int Z)
G4int parseIUPACElement(std::string const &pS)
Parse a IUPAC element name.
void setProtonSeparationEnergy(const G4double s)
Setter for protonSeparationEnergy.
G4double getWidth(const ParticleType t)
Get particle width (in s)
G4double getRadiusParameter(const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
const G4double effectivePhotonMass
void setNeutronSeparationEnergy(const G4double s)
Setter for protonSeparationEnergy.
std::string getElementName(const G4int Z)
Get the name of the element from the atomic number.
ParticleType getNucleonType(const G4int isosp)
Get the type of nucleon.
G4double getMomentumRMS(const G4int A, const G4int Z)
Return the RMS of the momentum distribution (light clusters)
G4ThreadLocal FermiMomentumFn getFermiMomentum
const G4double effectiveNucleonMass
const G4double effectiveLambdaMass
G4double getFermiMomentumConstantLight(const G4int A, const G4int Z)
Return the constant value of the Fermi momentum - special for light.
ParticleType getAntiKaonType(const G4int isosp)
Get the type of antikaon.
const G4double effectiveEtaMass
G4double(* FermiMomentumFn)(const G4int, const G4int)
const G4int maxClusterMass
G4int getChargeNumber(const ParticleType t)
Get charge number from particle type.
std::string getIUPACElementName(const G4int Z)
Get the name of an unnamed element from the IUPAC convention.
G4double getNeutronHalo()
Get the size of the neutron halo.
const G4double effectiveOmegaMass
G4int drawRandomNaturalIsotope(const G4int Z)
G4double getRPCorrelationCoefficient(const ParticleType t)
Get the value of the r-p correlation coefficient.
const G4int clusterTableZSize
G4int getStrangenessNumber(const ParticleType t)
Get strangeness number from particle type.
ParticleType getDeltaType(const G4int isosp)
Get the type of delta.
const G4double effectiveSigmaMass
G4double getRealMass(const G4INCL::ParticleType t)
Get particle mass (in MeV/c^2)
G4int getMassNumber(const ParticleType t)
Get mass number from particle type.
const G4double effectiveNucleonMass2
G4double getMaximumNuclearRadius(const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
const G4int clusterTableASize
Class that stores isotopic abundances for a given element.
G4double(* SeparationEnergyFn)(const ParticleType, const G4int, const G4int)
G4double getNeutronSkin()
Get the thickness of the neutron skin.
const G4double effectiveAntiKaonMass
G4ThreadLocal NuclearMassFn getTableMass
Static pointer to the mass function for nuclei.
G4double(* NuclearMassFn)(const G4int, const G4int)
G4double getSurfaceDiffuseness(const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double getINCLMass(const G4int A, const G4int Z)
Get INCL nuclear mass (in MeV/c^2)
G4double getTableSpeciesMass(const ParticleSpecies &p)
G4double getNeutronSeparationEnergy()
Getter for neutronSeparationEnergy.
const G4int maxClusterCharge
double A(double temperature)
ParticleType getKaonType(const G4int isosp)
Get the type of kaon.
G4double(* ParticleMassFn)(const ParticleType)
G4double getSeparationEnergyINCL(const ParticleType t, const G4int, const G4int)
Return INCL's default separation energy.
std::string getName(const ParticleType t)
Get the native INCL name of the particle.
const G4double effectiveDeltaWidth
G4double getTableQValue(const G4int A1, const G4int Z1, const G4int A2, const G4int Z2)
Get Q-value (in MeV/c^2)
std::string getShortName(const ParticleType t)
Get the short INCL name of the particle.
const G4double effectiveEtaPrimeMass
G4int getIsospin(const ParticleType t)
Get the isospin of a particle.
G4double getFermiMomentumConstant(const G4int, const G4int)
Return the constant value of the Fermi momentum.
ParticleType getSigmaType(const G4int isosp)
Get the type of sigma.
G4ThreadLocal G4double minDeltaMass2
const G4double effectiveKaonMass
G4ThreadLocal SeparationEnergyFn getSeparationEnergy
Static pointer to the separation-energy function.
G4double getFermiMomentumMassDependent(const G4int A, const G4int)
Return the value Fermi momentum from a fit.
Classes that stores isotopic abundances.
G4double getSeparationEnergyRealForLight(const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
Return the real separation energy only for light nuclei.
G4ThreadLocal ParticleMassFn getTableParticleMass
Static pointer to the mass function for particles.
G4int parseElement(std::string pS)
Get the name of the element from the atomic number.
void initialize(Config const *const theConfig=0)
Initialize the particle table.
G4double getProtonSeparationEnergy()
Getter for protonSeparationEnergy.
ParticleType getPionType(const G4int isosp)
Get the type of pion.
G4double getNuclearRadius(const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4ThreadLocal G4double minDeltaMassRndm
const G4double effectivePionMass
G4ThreadLocal G4double minDeltaMass