void TotalEnergyLost(G4double energy)
std::map< G4String, MinMaxData > fEkinOfSecondaries
void EndOfRunAction(const G4Run *)
void EnergyTransferedByProcess(G4String procName, G4double energy)
void EnergyBalance(G4double energy)
HistoManager * fHistoManager
G4double GetEnergyFromCSDARange(G4double, G4ParticleDefinition *, G4Material *, G4double)
G4double GetEnergyFromRestrictedRange(G4double, G4ParticleDefinition *, G4Material *, G4double)
void BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run *)
std::map< G4String, MinMaxData > fEtransfByProcess
void CountProcesses(G4String)
void TrackLength(G4double step)
MinMaxData(G4int count, G4double vsum, G4double vmin, G4double vmax)
The primary generator action class with particle gun.
void TotalEnergyDeposit(G4double energy)
DetectorConstruction * fDetector
void EnergyDeposited(G4double edepPrim, G4double edepSecond)
std::map< G4String, G4int > fProcCounter
G4double fEnergyTransfered
PrimaryGeneratorAction * fPrimary
void EnergyTransfered(G4double energy)
Simple detector construction with a box volume placed in a world.
void EnergySpectrumOfSecondaries(G4String particleName, G4double ekin)