117 if (particleName ==
"gamma") {
141 }
else if (particleName ==
"e-") {
154 }
else if (particleName ==
"e+") {
169 }
else if (particleName ==
"mu+" ||
170 particleName ==
"mu-" ) {
180 }
else if (particleName ==
"alpha" || particleName ==
"He3") {
194 }
else if (particleName ==
"GenericIon" ) {
209 }
else if (particleName ==
"proton" ||
210 particleName ==
"deuteron" ||
211 particleName ==
"triton") {
void SetStepFunction(G4double v1, G4double v2, G4bool lock=true)
void SetEmModel(G4VEmModel *, G4int index=0)
static constexpr double MeV
void SetHighEnergyLimit(G4double)
void SetLambdaBinning(G4int val)
void SetMaxEnergy(G4double val)
void SetPolarAngleLimit(G4double val)
const G4String & GetParticleName() const
void SetMinEnergy(G4double val)
G4double GetPDGCharge() const
static constexpr double um
static constexpr double TeV
void SetEmModel(G4VEmModel *, G4int index=0)
void SetActivationLowEnergyLimit(G4double)
void SetMaxEnergyForScattering(G4double energy)
set the upper energy beyond which this process has no cross section
static constexpr double eV
void SetPhysicsType(G4int)
G4bool RegisterProcess(G4VProcess *process, G4ParticleDefinition *particle)
void SetDEDXBinning(G4int val)
static G4PhysicsListHelper * GetPhysicsListHelper()
Definition of the PhysListEmStandardNR class.
void SetEmModel(G4VMscModel *, size_t index=0)
virtual void ConstructProcess()
std::vector< G4InuclElementaryParticle >::iterator particleIterator
static G4LossTableManager * Instance()
void SetAtomDeexcitation(G4VAtomDeexcitation *)
G4ParticleTable::G4PTblDicIterator * GetParticleIterator() const
G4bool IsShortLived() const
A process which handles screened Coulomb collisions between nuclei.
Definition of the G4ScreenedNuclearRecoil class.
const XML_Char XML_Content * model
static constexpr double GeV
PhysListEmStandardNR(const G4String &name="standardNR")