56 virtual void Print()
G4ThreeVector GetMCMomentum()
Gets the initial particle momentum (from particle generator).
void SetEMCalPosition(G4ThreeVector aPosition)
G4double GetHCalResolution()
G4double GetTrackerEfficiency()
void SetHCalPosition(G4ThreeVector aPosition)
G4double fEfficiencyEMCal
void SetEMCalEnergy(G4double aEnergy)
G4ThreeVector GetHCalPosition()
Gets the position of the energy deposit in the hadronic calorimeter.
G4double fResolutionHCal
The resolution of the hadronic calorimeter.
G4ThreeVector GetEMCalPosition()
Gets the position of the energy deposit in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
G4ThreeVector fMomentumMC
A particle initial momentum (from particle generator).
virtual void Print() const
Prints the information about the particle.
void SetEMCalResolution(G4double aResolution)
void SetTrackerEfficiency(G4double aEfficiency)
G4ThreeVector fPositionEMCal
A position of the energy deposited in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
G4double GetHCalEfficiency()
G4ThreeVector fPositionHCal
A position of the energy deposited in the hadronic calorimeter.
G4double fEnergyHCal
An energy deposited in the hadronic calorimeter.
G4double GetEMCalResolution()
G4double fResolutionTracker
A resolution of the tracking detector.
virtual ~Par02PrimaryParticleInformation()
void SetTrackerResolution(G4double aResolution)
void SetHCalEnergy(G4double aEnergy)
void SetHCalResolution(G4double aResolution)
G4int fPDG
A particle type (PDG code).
G4double fEfficiencyTracker
G4double fResolutionEMCal
The resolution of the electromagnetic calorimeter.
G4double fEnergyEMCal
An energy deposited in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
G4int fPartID
A particle unique ID.
G4ThreeVector GetTrackerMomentum()
Gets the particle momentum at the entrance to the tracker detector.
G4double GetEMCalEfficiency()
G4int GetPDG() const
Gets the standard PDG code. Can be set only in the constructor.
void SetTrackerMomentum(G4ThreeVector aMomentum)
G4double GetTrackerResolution()
void SetMCMomentum(G4ThreeVector aMomentum)
void SetHCalEfficiency(G4double aEfficiency)
G4double GetEMCalEnergy()
Sets the energy deposit in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
void SetEMCalEfficiency(G4double aEfficiency)
G4int GetPartID() const
Gets the particle unique ID (within event). Can be set only in the constructor.
Par02PrimaryParticleInformation(G4int aID, G4int aPDG, G4ThreeVector aMomentum)
G4ThreeVector fMomentumTracker
A particle momentum at the entrance to the tracking detector.
G4double GetHCalEnergy()
Sets the energy deposit in the hadronic calorimeter.