Geant4  v4-10.4-release
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1 //
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4 // * *
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27 // ------------------------------------------------------------
28 // GEANT 4 class header file
29 //
30 // History: New Implementation
31 //
32 // ---------- G4QAOLowEnergyLoss physics process -------
33 // by Stephane Chauvie, 21 May 2000
34 //
35 // Modified:
36 // 16/09/2000 S. Chauvie Oscillator for all materials
37 // 23/05/2000 MGP Made compliant to design
38 // 01/06/2001 V.Ivanchenko replace names by Z
39 //
40 // Class description:
41 // Quantal Harmonic Oscillator Model for energy loss of low energy antiprotons
42 // Further documentation available from
44 // ------------------------------------------------------------
47 #ifndef G4QAOLowEnergyLoss_hh
48 #define G4QAOLowEnergyLoss_hh 1
50 #include "G4VLowEnergyModel.hh"
51 #include "globals.hh"
54 {
55 public:
62  const G4Material* material) const;
63  // returns the higher limit for model validity
66  const G4Material* material) const;
67  // returns the lower limit for model validity
69  G4double HighEnergyLimit(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle) const;
70  // returns the higher limit for model validity
72  G4double LowEnergyLimit(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle) const;
73  // returns the lower limit for model validity
75  G4bool IsInCharge(const G4DynamicParticle* particle,
76  const G4Material* material) const;
77  // returns true if the model is applicable at that energy for
78  // that particle for that material
80  G4bool IsInCharge(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle,
81  const G4Material* material) const;
82  // returns true if the model is applicable at that energy for
83  // that particle for that material
85  G4double TheValue(const G4DynamicParticle* particle,
86  const G4Material* material);
87  // returns the energy loss via the quantal harmonic oscillator model
89  G4double TheValue(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle,
90  const G4Material* material,
92  // returns the energy loss via the quantal harmonic oscillator model
94 private:
96  G4double EnergyLoss(const G4Material* material,
97  G4double kineticEnergy,
98  G4double zParticle) const;
99  // returns the energy loss via the quantal harmonic oscillator model
101  // get number of shell, energy and oscillator strenghts for material
102  G4int GetNumberOfShell(const G4Material* material) const;
104  G4double GetShellEnergy(const G4Material* material,G4int nbOfTheShell) const;
105  G4double GetOscillatorEnergy(const G4Material* material,G4int nbOfTheShell) const;
106  G4double GetShellStrength(const G4Material* material,G4int nbOfTheShell) const;
107  G4double GetOccupationNumber(G4int Z, G4int ShellNb) const;
109  // calculate stopping number for L's term
110  G4double GetL0(G4double normEnergy) const;
111  // terms in Z^2
112  G4double GetL1(G4double normEnergy) const;
113  // terms in Z^3
114  G4double GetL2(G4double normEnergy) const;
115  // terms in Z^4
117  // Z of element at now avaliable for the model
118  static const G4int materialAvailable[6];
120  // number, energy and oscillator strenghts
121  // for an harmonic oscillator model of material
122  static const G4int nbofShellForMaterial[6];
123  static const G4double alShellEnergy[3];
124  static const G4double alShellStrength[3];
125  static const G4double siShellEnergy[3];
126  static const G4double siShellStrength[3];
127  static const G4double cuShellEnergy[4];
128  static const G4double cuShellStrength[4];
129  static const G4double taShellEnergy[6];
130  static const G4double taShellStrength[6];
131  static const G4double auShellEnergy[6];
132  static const G4double auShellStrength[6];
133  static const G4double ptShellEnergy[6];
134  static const G4double ptShellStrength[6];
138  // variable for calculation of stopping number of L's term
139  static const G4double L0[67][2];
140  static const G4double L1[22][2];
141  static const G4double L2[14][2];
142  static const G4int nbOfElectronPerSubShell[1540];
143  static const G4int fNumberOfShells[101];
149 };
151 #endif
const XML_Char * name
Definition: expat.h:151
static const G4double taShellEnergy[6]
static const G4double auShellEnergy[6]
static const G4double ptShellEnergy[6]
static const G4int fNumberOfShells[101]
G4double GetL1(G4double normEnergy) const
static const G4double L2[14][2]
G4double HighEnergyLimit(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, const G4Material *material) const
static const G4double alShellEnergy[3]
static const G4int materialAvailable[6]
Float_t Z
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
G4double GetL2(G4double normEnergy) const
G4int GetNumberOfShell(const G4Material *material) const
G4double GetL0(G4double normEnergy) const
G4double GetShellEnergy(const G4Material *material, G4int nbOfTheShell) const
G4double GetShellStrength(const G4Material *material, G4int nbOfTheShell) const
G4double LowEnergyLimit(const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, const G4Material *material) const
G4QAOLowEnergyLoss(const G4String &name)
static const G4double cuShellEnergy[4]
static const G4double cuShellStrength[4]
static const G4double taShellStrength[6]
static const G4double alShellStrength[3]
G4double GetOscillatorEnergy(const G4Material *material, G4int nbOfTheShell) const
static const G4double L1[22][2]
G4double TheValue(const G4DynamicParticle *particle, const G4Material *material)
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
static const G4double siShellStrength[3]
G4double EnergyLoss(const G4Material *material, G4double kineticEnergy, G4double zParticle) const
static const G4double siShellEnergy[3]
static const G4int nbofShellForMaterial[6]
static const G4double L0[67][2]
G4double GetOccupationNumber(G4int Z, G4int ShellNb) const
static const G4int nbOfElectronPerSubShell[1540]
static const G4double ptShellStrength[6]
static const G4double auShellStrength[6]
G4bool IsInCharge(const G4DynamicParticle *particle, const G4Material *material) const